Councillors have been sharing information and seeking feedback about the proposed merger of local Community Councils.
Councillors have been sharing information and seeking feedback about the proposed merger of local Community Councils.
Penrice Community Council can address a wide range of topics - some are ongoing or regular, others are one-off or historical issues.
The PCC has an ongoing budget and can allocate funds to selected activities. It currently has funds for community projects.
This page provides local information and links to external information on some of the topics covered and on implemented and potential projects.
One Voice Wales
Defibrillators are now being provided in Horton, Oxwich and Oxwich Green with funding from the PCC and the Big Lottery. These are in addition to defibrillators already held at holiday sites.
The defibrillators will be accessible to everyone and can be used without training but we encourage all local people to take up the training which is currently being provided. Contact us to confirm your interest.
Defibrillators are used in cases of suspected heart attack to monitor heart rhythms and where appropriate to deliver a shock.
Penrice Community Council has co-ordinated this exercise in response to community requests and with the support of Rona Morgan from Horton Village Hall, the committee of Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall and Adrian Hughes of Reynoldston Fire Station who is providing advice and public training.
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for Year Ending 31st March 2022 and Requisite Information
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-2022 posted 09.12.2023
Annual Return 2021-2022 with Wales Audit Opinion posted 16.11.2023
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2023
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2023
posted 29.06.2023
Certification and approval of annual accounts for 2022-2023
Penrice Community Council gives notice that there will be a delay in the certification and approval of the statement of accounts for the financial year ending 31 March 2023 because a supporting document is outstanding.
Regulation 15(1) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires the Responsible Financial Officer to sign and date the statement of accounts and certify that it properly presents the Council’s receipts and payments for the year. The Regulations required that this be completed by 30 June 2023. This has not been possible without all supporting documents. The Responsible Financial Officer will sign and certify the statement of accounts by 20 July 2023.
Regulation 15(2) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires that following the certification by the Responsible Financial Officer referred to above, the Council must approve the accounts. The Regulations require that this be completed by 30 June 2023. This has not been possible without the above certification. The Council will consider the accounts for final approval and submission to the Welsh Audit Office on 20 July 2023.
Signed & Dated 29 June 2023
posted 29.06.2023
Notice of Delay in Certification & Approval of Annual Accounts for 2022-2023
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2023
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2023
posted 18.06.2023 cancelled 29.06.2023
Notice of Allowances Paid to Councillors 2022-2023
PCC Published Allowances 2022-2023
Posted & Submitted to IRP by 30th September 2023.
Notice of Allowances Paid to Councillors 2021-2022
PCC Published Allowances 2021-2022
Posted & Submitted to IRP by 30th September 2022.
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2022
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2022
posted 20.06.2022
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for Year Ending 31st March 2021 and Requisite Information
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020-2021
Annual Return 2020-2021 with Wales Audit Opinion (no Issues Arising)
both posted 07.06.2022
PCC Vacancy
See Notice of Cooption for Vacancy on PCC posted 26.05.2022.
May 2022 Elections
The Penrice Wards were not contested and the persons elected for Horton Ward, Oxwich Ward and Penrice Ward were confirmed wc 11.04.2022.
Notice of Allowances Paid to Councillors 2020-2021
Nil Return to CSS April 2021
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2021
Posted on Oxwich noticeboard by 17th July 2021. Posted on website (here and in header) by 31st July 2021.
Notice giving Progress of 2019-2020 Audit transferred from Website Header 06.07.2021
The 2019-2020 audit process was affected by Covid-19. See Council Notices for all Notices and Related Documents, including Notice of Delay in Audit 2019-2020 (posted here 20.06.2020), Notice of Electors' Rights 2019-2020 (posted here 16.08.2020), Annual Return Year Ending 31st March 2020 and Notice confirming this has been published before the completion of the relevant audit and Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Requisite Information (posted 30.11.2020).
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for Year Ending 31st March 2020 and Requisite Information
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019-2020
Annual Return 2019-2020 completed by Auditors
Issues Arising from Audit 2019-2020
Notice of Allowances Paid to Councillors 2019-2020
Return Posted and Submitted to IRP by 30th September 2020
Notice that PCC Annual Return for Year Ending 31st March 2020 has been published before the conclusion of the relevant audit
Penrice Community Council has published its accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2020 in the form of an annual return on its website as required by Regulation 15(5) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended). However, the Council gives notice that, because of the impact of COVID-19, the Auditor General has not yet issued an audit opinion and the annual return has been published before the conclusion of the audit. Any certificate, opinion or report made by the Auditor General will be published on its receipt by Council. A further notice will be posted if the audit has not been completed by the 30 November 2020.
PCC Annual Return for Year Ending 31st March 2020
The Annual Return was finalised and approved at the meeting of the 26th August 2020.
Notice of Electors' Rights re PCC Audit for Year Ending 31st March 2020
Electors' Rights to view accounts between 1st and 28th September 2020 and to make representations to Auditor General.
PCC Notice of Delay in Approving Accounting Statements and in Progressing Audit for Year Ending 31st March 2020
Penrice Community Council advises that there will be a delay in its audit for the financial year ending 31 March 2020 because of issues caused by COVID-19. The Council hereby gives notice that it will be unable to approve accounting statements for submission to the Auditor General for Wales by 30 June 2020 in accordance with the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014. The Welsh Audit Office also advises that there are likely to be significant delays in the overall audit process and that it will set new dates for the exercise of electors' rights. Further information will be posted as it becomes available. This Notice was posted here on the 26.06.2020.
PCC Notice of Audit Conclusion for Year Ending 31st March 2019
The PCC Audit was successfully concluded to the required timetable in September 2019.
See Notice
Notice of Electors' Rights re PCC Audit for Year Ending 31st March 2019
Electors' Rights to review accounts between 1st and 26th July 2019 and to make representations to Auditor General.
Declaration of Result of Poll for Horton Ward 2017
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to accept the appointment at a Community Council meeting within the next two weeks.
Full Size Notice - Apologies original is at right-angles.
Candidate List for Horton Ward Election 2017
Public Notice Confirming Adoption of Code of Conduct 2017
Public Notice of 2017 Election for Penrice Community Council
Public Notice of 2017 Election for City & County of Swansea including
Gower Ward
Full Size Notice
Share Feedback on Community Projects
Protecting People: Identifying Vulnerable & Providing Support; Reviewing Accidents, Identifying & Addressing Safety Issues; Supporting First Responders.
Supporting People: Encouraging Children & Youth Clubs; Encouraging Daytime & Evening Clubs; Supporting Halls & Associations; Encouraging Health & Fitness; Sharing Benefits of Technology.
Living Locally: Encouraging Local Living; Encouraging Local Initiatives; Addressing Local Issues.
Supporting Nature: Providing Wildflower Strips; Providing Homes for Wildlife; Providing Food for Wildlife.
Remembering & Celebrating: Photographing our Community, Local Countryside & Local Wildlife; Establishing Online History Archive; Commemorating Events; Partying.
Monitoring Built Environment: Monitor & Report Potholes; Encourage Good Positioning of Signs; Respond to Planning Consultations.
Communicating: Provide & Use Noticeboards, Website, Emails.
Open Spaces: Maintain Open Spaces owned by the PCC; Monitor other Open Spaces.
If you have information or images to share please use the Contact Us form to reach the website developers.
Full Size Postcard 100 year old Council Cartoon
Full Size Photograph Oxwich
Messages: Please send all messages for Council or the website directly to the Clerk at rather than using the Contact Us Form.
File availability: The Chrome browser is refusing to display files in certain conditions. If you have any problem accessing a file please let us know.
Coronavirus: For information relating to Penrice Community Council and to the Community during the COVID-19 outbreak see this page.
Coronavirus: For information published by Swansea Council relating to the COVID-19 outbreak see Coronavirus Help.
Most Recent Meeting: For decisions and draft minutes see Related Documents for the following meeting at Council Meetings.
Next Scheduled Meeting: The next ordinary meeting is will be at 7:30pm on 30th June 2022. Meetings are open to local residents at Horton Village Hall and remotely through zoom. Zoom is available as a back-up if the meeting cannot be held at the hall.
Audit 2020-2021: The Audit has been completed without any qualification.
Audit 2021-2022: The Annual Return will be completed at the PCC meeting of the 30th June 2022. The following has been issued and posted on this website:
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2022
Local Events Now:The local elections and community council elections took place on Thursday 5th May 2022. The Penrice Wards were not contested and the persons elected for Horton Ward, Oxwich Ward and Penrice Ward were confirmed wc 11.04.2022. The resultant vacancy will be filled by cooption. See Notice of Cooption.