Councillors have been sharing information and seeking feedback about the proposed merger of local Community Councils.



The PCC has the opportunity to assess and make representations to Swansea on all local planning applications. Where possible each application is advertised on the public display boards and online. Applications listed ahead of a meeting are shown with the documents for the meeting on the Meetings page.

It is possible to see a full application online at City & County of Swansea Planning Search or by visiting Swansea Civic Centre. Some items below are linked directly to the Swansea application.

Planning Lists for Meetings in 2013/2016

Wednesday 15th June 2016 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.
Wednesday 25th May 2016 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:00 pm & 7:30 pm.
Wednesday 20th April 2016 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.
Wednesday 16th March 2016 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.
Wednesday 10th February 2016 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.
No planning list.
Wednesday 20th January 2016 at Horton Village Hall commencing 7:30 pm.

No planning list.

Wednesday 16th December 2015 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.
Wednesday 21st October 2015 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.

Wednesday 15th July 2015 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm.

Planning List for PCC Meeting on 15th July 2015

Ms I Tucker
Land next to Honeysuckle Cottage, Oxwich Green, Oxwich
New dwelling house with garage

Ms LJ & CJ Mumby
Channel View, Port Eynon
Alteration to existing vehicular access, proposed new entrance gates together with associated operations/works in connection with siting of 3 caravans (granted under established use certificate 2/1/83/0052/07)

Mrs C Gauci
Oxwich Leisure Park, Oxwich
To increase 8 month residency to 10 months in order to increase the holiday duration period.

Wednesday 17th June 2015 at Horton Village Hall commencing 7:30 pm .

Planning List for PCC Meeting on 17th June 2015

2015/1135 Mr and Mrs P Bassett Little Haven, Oxwich
2 storey building with rebuilt extensions

2015/0990 Mr Alan Glass Woodlands, Oxwich
Demolition of existing two storey garage/living accommodation superstructure, retaining floor slab structure.
Formation of new residential plot.
New two storey (replacement) dwelling rebuilt on existing footprint.

Wednesday 15th April 2015 at Horton Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Mr D Hendricks
The Police Station, Reynoldston.
Change of use from Police Station / residential to residential.
Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension and front porch. Detached garage.

Mr J Legg
Greenways Leisure Park.
Decking around caravan.

West Wales Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Rally, 28th October -30th October 2016 40 units

West Wales Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Rally, 5th August -30th August 2016 , 70 units

West Wales Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Rally, 25th March -3rd April 2016 , 60units

West Wales Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Rally, 27th May – 5th June 2016 , 70 units

Mr I Williams
Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich
Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 2013/0127 in order to extend the temporary period by three years ending on 31st December 2019.
To continue siting a serviced marquee building for use all year as a venue for weddings and other functions and to continue use of the car park extension in association with the hotel business until 31st December 2019 (without compliance with condition 1 of planning permission 2013/0127).

Wednesday 18th March 2015 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Wednesday 18th February 2015 at Horton Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.

The Planning List is posted on local noticeboards and online here a few days ahead of the meeting.

No planning applications were received for this meeting at the time the Agenda was posted.

A pre-application consultation request was received as shown on the Agenda.

Wednesday 21st January 2015 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

No planning applications were received for this meeting at the time the Agenda was posted.

Wednesday 10th December 2014 at Horton Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Mr & Mrs M Reilly
Oxwich Leirsure Park
Non Material Amendment – Construction of 3 No Holiday Chalets.
To remove conditions 6,7,8 from planning permission 2011/1116.

Mr and Mrs D Holmwood
Ash Cottage, Horton
Single storey side extension and first floor extension to rear elevation.

Mr E Mahoney
Honeysuckle Cottage, Oxwich
Non Material Amendment – Application approved for rear dormers, detached garage, porch and single storey side extension.
Removal of porch off approved drawing and change of roof design and size of single storey side extension. The existing front door to become a window to match others in elevation.

The Caravan Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally 40units 8th to 22nd August 2015.

The Caravan Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally 30 units 27th December 2015 – 2nd January 2016.

The Caravan Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally 40 units 1st to 6th September 2015.

Wednesday 19th November 2014 at Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Mrs S Jones
Oxwich Leisure Park, Oxwich
Variation of Condition of Planning permission to allow holiday accommodation for 10months.

Mrs V Baber
Oxwich Leisure Park
Variation of Condition of Planning permission to allow holiday accommodation for 10months.

Mr C Davies
Ocean Heights, Horton
New Dwelling

Wednesday 15th October 2014 at Horton Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.

No planning applications had been notified at the time the agenda was prepared.

Any applications received before the meeting date were considered at the meeting.

Wednesday 17th September 2014 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

No planning applications had been notified at the time the agenda was prepared.

Any applications received before the meeting date were considered at the meeting.

Wednesday 16th July 2014 at Horton Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

No planning applications had been notified at the time the agenda was prepared.

Any applications received before the meeting date were considered at the meeting.

Wednesday 18th June 2014 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Derelict Quarry Site, Horton Hill, Horton
Construction of 5 no. holiday lets with undercroft garages, storage and laundry facility.

Mr Eddie Mahony
Honeysuckle Cottage, Oxwich
Single storey side extension, front porch and garage.

The Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally for 160 units 24th Oct – 1st Nov 2015

The Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally for 160 units 3rd – 12th April 2015

The Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally for 20 units 10th -12th July 2015

The Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm Horton
Caravan Rally for 160 units 22nd-31st May 2015

The Camping and Caravanning Club
Bank Farm Horton
Caravan Rally for 160 units 24th July – 16th August 2015

Mrs J Lewis
Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich
Caravan Decking

Wednesday 16th April 2014 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Mr Russell
Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich
Caravan Decking

Mr P Vyvyan-Robinson
The Manse, Horton
Loft conversion with additional dormer windows front and back

Wednesday 19th March 2014 at Horton Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.

The Caravan Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally for approx 80 units 23rd May 14 - 1st June 14

Wednesday 18th September 2013 at Horton Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

The Caravan Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan rally 80 caravans 25th May 14- 1st June 14

Dr A Fowkes,
Driftwood, Oxwich
Two storey extension and minor alterations to existing site.

P Jenkins
Greenways Leisure Park
Caravan decking

Mr T Jones
70 Oxwich Leisure Park
Increase the occupancy of the chalet from 8 months to 10 months

Mr Dale Hall, Mayals
‘Hill Top’ Oxwich Green
New dwelling - Amended plans

Wednesday 16th October 2013 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

Wednesday 20th November 2013 at Horton Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

Wednesday 11th December 2013 at Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

Mrs S Mumby
‘The Old Tennis Courts’ Land adjacent to The Haven Horton
Amended plans to the proposal for three new detached dwellings and associated works.

Wednesday 19th February 2014 at Oxwich & Penrice Community Hall commencing 7.30pm.

The Caravan Club
Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan Rally for approx 80 units 23rd May 14 - 1st June 14

Planning - Earlier Online Notices

2013/0894 P Jenkins location Greenways Leisure Park 18/09/2013
Caravan Decking

2013/0491 ‘Hill Top’ Oxwich Green 18/09/2013
New dwelling

2013/0928 Ridgeway, Horton 18/09/2013
First Floor rear extension, enlarge side porch and remove roof windows.

2013/0911 Cliff Cottage, Slade 18/09/2013
2 storey side extension, 1.5 storey rear extension

2013/0129 Greenways Leisure Park 19/03/2013
Caravan Decking.

2013/0107 Ocean Heights, Horton 19/03/2013
New Dwelling

2013/0079 Oxwich Leisure Park 19/03/2013
Variation of planning permission to allow occupancy of the chalet for 10months.

2013/0116 Bank Farm, Horton 19/03/2013
caravan rally 24th July 13 to 13th Aug 2013

2013/0055 Oxwich Leisure Park 19/03/2013
To increase the occupancy of chalet 61 from 8months to 10 months

2013/0055 Oxwich Leisure Park 19/03/2013
To increase the occupancy of chalet 61 from 8months to 10 months

Application no 2013/0127 The Oxwich Bay Hotel 19/03/2013
To continue siting a serviced marquee building for use all year as a venue for weddings and other function; continue use of car park extension in association with the hotel business construction of a footpath and landscape planning

Application no 2008/0061 Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich 17/01/2011
Retention of caravan decking and access ramps and the siting, resiting and removal of static caravans and
associated works (amendment to planning application no 2002/0578)

Application no 2008/0061 Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich 17/01/2011

Application no: 2010/1769 Mr D Richards, Westernside, Horton 17/01/2011
Extension & alterations to Westernside cottage

Application no: 2010/1101 Mr I Williams Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich 17/01/2011
Location of temporary marquee and associated overspill car park for three years from November 1st 2010 –
March 31st 2011, November 1st 2011 – March 31st 2012, November 1st 2012 – March 31st 2013

Application no: 2010/1102 Mr I Williams, Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich 17/01/2011
Retrospective planning permission to retain the location of existing temporary marquee and overspill car
parking on site until 31st Oct 2010 and from 1st April 2011 to 31st Oct 2011 and also renewal of permission for
the dates 1st April 2012 – 31st Oct 2012, 1st April 2013 – 31st Oct 2013 and 1st April 2014 – 31st Oct 2014

Application no: 2010/1705 The Caravan Club, Bank Farm, Horton 17/01/2011
Caravan Rally 1st -3rd July 2011 approx 80 caravans

Application no 2008/0061 Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich 17/01/2011
Retention of caravan decking and access ramps and the siting, resiting and removal of static caravans and
associated works (amendment to planning application no 2002/0578)

Application no 2010/1540 Caravan Rally 20th July -10th Aug 2011 , Bank Farm, Horton 17/01/2011

Application no 2010/1605, Emmanuel House, Horton 17/01/2011
Application for conservation area consent for demolition in a conservation area.

Application no 2010/1375 Emmanuel House, Horton 17/01/2011
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of four new dwellings

2010/1376 Mr L Grove, The Hayes Horton 11/11/2010
Existing store/garage extended to form a self contained granny annex and undertaking car parking provision
approved 25/10/06 no 2005/2453.

2010/1402 Mr Brinley Quaintways, Horton 11/11/2010
Proposed demolition of existing single storey rear extension, replacement two storey extension and refurbishment of existing property.

2010/0691 The Caravan Club Bank Farm, Horton 11/11/2010
Caravan rally 27th May – 5th June 2011  80 caravans

2010/1254 Greenways Leisure Park 11/11/2010
Low level decking to side and end of static caravan with maximum height of the underside of the caravan

2010/1378 The Croft, horton 11/11/2010
New single storey dwelling house

2009/0355 Driftwood, Oxwich 10/03/2009
Applicant: Mr A Fowkes
Proposal: 2 storey extension and minor alterations to existing house

2008/1803 Mr & Mrs MeadGreenways Leisure Park, Oxwich 16/02/2009
1. Change of use from siting touring units to siting timber log holiday lodges with landscape planting on OS2626 and 4020(pt);
2. Change of use from camping to amenity land (retaining the existing playground) with woodland and planting on OS 3443(pt), 4031(pt) and 4020(pt) ;
Section 106 agreement or unilateral undertaking to cease siting all touring units for human habitation at Greenways Leisure Park

2008/1721 The Caravan & Camping Club Field no 7700 Bank Farm, Horton 16/02/2009
Caravan rally 80 units 22/5/09-31/5/09

2008/1576 Greenstar Developments Ltd, Castle Hill Cottage, Horton 16/02/2009
Demolition including outbuildings
Application for Conservation Area Consent

2008/1548 Greenstar Developments Ltd, Castle Hill Cottage, Horton
Replacement detached dwelling

2008/1561 Mr GroveHayes, Horton 16/02/2009
Conversion of existing garage/store to holiday accommodation.

2008/1481Mr & Mrs Littlejohns 1, Underhill Lane, Horton 16/02/2009
Single storey rear extension

2008/1682 Mr & Mrs RichardsThe Old Post Office, Oxwich 16/02/2009
Two storey rear extension

2008/ 1731 Bank Farm Horton 16/02/2009
Field no 8600, Bank Farm, Horton
Caravan rally 30 units 27/8/09-6/9/09

2008/1725 Rock Cottage, Horton 16/02/2009
New pitched roof and repairs to existing walls to detached garage.

2008/0720 The Brackens, Horton 16/02/2009
Replacement detached dwelling
with detached garage

2008/1364 Cliff Cottage Slade 16/02/2009
Demolition of existing extensions and
construction of new single storey/double storey 
2008/1317 CCW - Oxwich Nature Reserve 16/02/2009
Retrospective application in respect of
an automatic weather station

2008/1189 The Pines, Slade, Oxwich 16/02/2009
Two storey extension over existing garage

2008/1232 Bank Farm Horton 16/02/2009
Caravan Rally  160 units
22nd May-31st May 09

2008/1227 Bank Farm Horton 16/02/2009
Caravan Rally  160 units
21st July-16th Aug 09

2008/0147 Bank Farm, Horton+ 05/06/2008
Applicant: Caravan Club
Proposal: caravan rally 30 units 1st - 15th Aug 08

2008/0111 Alma Cottage, Oxwich 05/06/2008
Applicant:  Mrs J Parker and Mrs L Thomas
Proposal: Construction of a new house

2008/0064 Oxwich Bay Hotel 05/06/2008
Applicant: MR I Williams
Proposal: Renewal of temporary planning permission for temporary marquee site and overspill car park to run from April - Sept and December 08

2008/0077 Bank Farm, Horton 05/06/2008
Applicant: Neville Golding Hann
Proposal: Caravan rally 50 units no date given

2007/2795 1 Glenville, Horton 05/06/2008
Applicant: S Williams
Proposal: Proposed location of new domestic heating oil tank

2007/2728 Bank Farm, Horton 05/06/2008
Applicant: Mr B Richards
Proposal: Application for Conservation Area Consent -complete demolition of building as per previous application 2007/2678

2007/2678 Bank Farm, Horton 05/06/2008
Applicant: Mr B Richards
Proposal: demolition of existing cellar, workshop and outbuildings to redevelop into new workshop/storage cellar, reception
area and apartment over.

2007/2574 Bank Farm, Horton 05/06/2008
Applicant: Caravan Club
Proposal: Caravan Rally 20th -22nd June 08

2007/2573 Bank Farm, Horton 05/06/2008
Applicant:  Caravan Club
Proposal:  Caravan Rally 14th -16th March 08

2007/2675 Bettys Meadow, Slade 05/06/2008
Applicant:  Martin Howell
Proposal:  Barn conversion to holiday let

2007/2483 Bank Farm, Horton 08/01/2008
Applicant: The Caravan Club
Proposal:  caravan rally 60 caravans 26/08/08 - 31/08/08

2007/2498 Bank Farm, Horton 08/01/2008
Applicant:  The Caravan and Camping CLub
Proposal: Caravan Rally  50 caravans  13/06/08 - 15/06/08 

2007/2256 Bank Farm, Horton 08/01/2008
Applicant: Mr Ronald Carter
Proposal: camping and caravan rally 50 units 18/7/08-03/08/08

2007/2148 The Oxwich Bay Hotel 08/01/2008
Applicant: Mr I Williams
Proposal: Replacement of fabric canopies to hotel and wedding garden entrance

2007/2434 Rose Cottage, Slade 08/01/2008
Applicant: D J Jarvis
Proposal: Building to accomodate exercise pool (amended plan)
Agent: A Parker, Gowerton, Three Crosses 

2007/1989 Ocean Heights, Rossmore, Horton 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mr C Davies
Proposal: Errection of new dwelling house on site of existing house

2007/2006 Land adjacent to Hilltop, Oxwich Green, Oxwich 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Hall
Proposal: New detached dwelling

2007/1747 The Hollies, Burrows Road, Horton 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mr N Francis
Proposal: Modifications to existing garage and extension over garage

2007/1922 Robins Rest, Horton 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mrs A Taylor
Proposal: Variation of condition of original approval 2004/2041

2007/1897 Ash Cottage, Horton 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Holmwood
Proposal: Provision of new pitched roof over kitchen and a single story rear extension

2007/1633 The Pines, Slade 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Wilson
Proposal: Two story extension over existing garage

2007/1515 The Brackens, The Close, Horton 17/10/2007
Applicant: Mr & MRs P Mason,
Proposal: Two story side extension

2007/1118 Rose Cottage, Slade 17/10/2007
Applicant: D Jarvis
Proposal: Building to accomodate pool

2007/1383 Bank Farm, Horton 17/10/2007
Applicant : The Caravan Club
Proposal: Caravan Rally for approx 40 units 19th -21st October 07

2007/1311 Oxwich Leisure Park, Oxwich 17/10/2007
Applicant :  Ms C Frasier

2007/1202 Bank Farm, Horton 09/07/2007
Applicant:     The Caravan Club
Proposal:  Caravan rally for approx 80 units 23rd  May to 1 June 08.

2007/1206 Bank Farm, Horton 09/07/2007
Applicant:       The Caravan Club
Proposal:  Caravan rally for approx 160 units 25th July to 17th August 08.

2007/1121 Bank Farm, Horton 09/07/2007
Applicant:                                           Ronald Carter
Proposal:                    Caravan rally for approx 50 units 16th  May to 1 June 08.

2007/1071 The Manor House, Horton 09/07/2007
 Applicant:                                           Mrs A Austin
Proposal:            Erection of ground and first floor extension, extension to living accommodation and rebuilding garage.

2007/0950 Bank Farm, Horton 25/05/2007
Applicant:  The Caravan Club
Proposal:  Caravan Rally for approx 80 units 22nd Mayto 1st June 07
Agent: D M Small 

2007/0956 1, Underhill Lane, Horton 25/05/2007
Applicant :    Mr & Mrs Littlejohns
Proposal:  Two storey side extension

2007/0514 Hayeswood Cottage, Reynoldston 17/04/2007
Applicant    Mr & Mrs Luperini
Proposal    Form a new garden courtyard with subterranean garden room & single story home study extension to main house linked by covered walkway.
Agent        Hyde  &  Hyde Architects,  Sketty,  Swansea 

2007/0645 Field no. 7700, Bank Farm, Horton 17/04/2007
Applicant      Neville Golding-Hann,  3  Station Street, Bargoed
Proposal      Caravan Rally, approx. 50 units

2007/0412 Bank Farm Leisure Park and Caravan Site, Horton 17/04/2007
Applicant    E  Richards, Bank Farm, Horton
Proposal Tarmac Tennis Court enclosed by plastic covered chain link fencing 2.75m high.
Agent   Harry Jenkins,  The Croft, Horton 

2007/0292 - Field 0818. Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 27/02/2007
Proposal:   Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 25 units from 27th August to 30th August 2007 (inclusive).
Applicant:   Ford Bridgend Caravan & Camping Club.
Agent:       P J Harper

2007/0292 - Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 27/02/2007
Proposal:   Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 25 units from 27th August ro 30th August 2007 (inclusive).
Applicant:  Bridgend Ford Caravan & Camping Club.
Agent:      P J Harper

2007/0107 - The Bungalow, Eynons Ford Lane, Reynoldston, SWANSEA. 27/01/2007
Proposal:  Retention of use of building as a seperate domestic residence (application for a Certificate of Lawfulness)
Applicant:  Mr. A.C.W. Logan
Agent:       Mr. P.J. Williams

2006/2781 Land at Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich, Swansea. 05/01/2007
Proposal:  siting of temporary marquee from April to September inclusive and December, associated overspill car park and retention of lighting and hedge.
Applicant:   Mr. I. Williams
Agent:        Mr. C. F. Jenkins

2005/2650 Field 0318, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea 09/12/2006
Proposal:  Use of land for caravan rally from 4th May to 7th May 2007 (inclusive) for a maximum of 25 units.
Applicant:  Auto Camping Club

2006/2663 - Coastlands, Oxwich, Swansea. 09/12/2006
Proposal:  Two detached dwellings
Applicant:  Mr. M. Owen
Agent Co:  CDN Planning

2006/2636 - Part of field 3443, Greenways Holiday Park, Oxwich, Swansea 09/12/2006
Proposal:  Demolition of toilet/shower block and change of use from touring units to 7 No: holiday static caravans with landscaping.
Applicant:  Mr & Mrs M & S Mead
Agent Co:  PJA Chartered Surveyors

2005/0355 - Amended Plans - West Winds, Oxwich, Swansea. 30/11/2006
Increase in ridge height by 1.4m to provide first floor accommodation with balcony and two storey side extension (amended description).

2006/2124 Amended Plans Norton Farm, Oxwich, Swansea. 30/11/2006
Replacement of existing 17.1 metre high mast with new 17.5 metre high mast and its resiting within existing compound, relocation of existing dishes and antenae onto new mast and addition of one no: 0.3 metre diameter dish and three no: antennas, relocation of existing equipment cabinets within compound, addition of two no: equipment cabinets and two no: cable trays.

Application No: 2006/2136 Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton. 11/11/2006
Proposal:  Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 80 units from 24th May ro 4 th June 2007 (inclusive).
Applicant:  The Caravan Club

2006/2255 Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton 11/11/2006
Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 60 units from 21st July to 4th August 2007(inclusive)
Applicant:  The Caravan Club.

Application No: 2006/2167 Penrice Home Farmhouse Buildings, Reynoldston 25/10/2006
Proposal:       Conversion of existing outbuildings into a single dwelling for holiday let.
Applicant:       Penrice Castle Estate,  Reynoldston

Application No: 2006/2220 The Cove, Horton, Swansea. 25/10/2006
Proposal:   Addition of Pitched roof to existing single storey side extension
Applicant:  Mr. & Mrs S Gronnow

Application No: 2006/2255 Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 25/10/2006
Proposal:   Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 60 units from 21st July to 4th August 2007
Applicant:  The Caravan Club

Planning Application No: 2006/2136 Field 0818 Bank farm, Horton, Swansea. 30/09/2006
Proposal:        use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 80 units from 25th May to 3rd June 2007 (inclusive)
Applicant:       Caravan Club
Agent:            Mr. R.M. Small

Application No: 2006/2136 Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 30/09/2006

Application No: 2006/2124 Norton Farm, Oxwich, Gower. 30/09/2006
Proposal:    Addition of one 0.3 metre and one 0.6 metre diameter transmission dishes to existing mast and two additional equipment cabinets.
Applicant: T-Mobile UK Ltd
Agent:     Mr. E. Graves

2006/2000 Y Banc, Oxwich, Swansea. SA3 1LS 16/09/2006
Proposal:    Single storey rear extension.

2006/1924 The Manor House, Horton, Swansea. 16/09/2006
proposal:   Two storey side extension to form granny annexe, part two storey part single storey rear extension, side conservatory and detached garage.

2006/1796 Oxwich Leisure Park, Oxwich, Swansea. 02/09/2006
Proposal:   Demolition of part of existing clubhouse and construction of a block of 4 two storey holiday units with front balconies.
Applicant:   Mrs P Arnold
Agent Company:  A S A Architects

2006/1808 Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 02/09/2006
Proposal:    Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 60 units from 25th May to 3rd June 2007 (inclusive)
Applicant:   Mr. R. Carter

2006/1597 Windyridge, Oxwich, Swansea. 02/09/2006
Proposal:   Erection of white PVCu conservatory to rear of property.
Applicant:   Mr. J. Berty

2006/1496 2, Glenville, Horton, Swansea 02/09/2006
Proposal:  New roof to existing side wing, two storey rear extension and two single storey rear extensions.
Applicant:  Mr and Mrs S Williams
Agent:      H. Landers

2006/1278 Sealands Farm, Oxwich, Swansea, SA3 1LU 23/06/2006
Proposal:    Two storey rear extension
Applicant:   Mr & Mrs L. Bennett
Agent:       H. Landers

Application No: 2006/1239 Greenways Holiday Park, Oxwich, Swansea. 10/06/2006
Proposal:   Carry out development without compliance with condition 2 of planning permission 2002/0578 granted on 15th March 2005 to allow holiday occupation of the caravans at any time of the year.
Applicant:  Mr & Mrs Mead
Agent Co:  PJA Chartered Surveyors

2006/0881 - The Old Post office, Oxwich, Swansea. 06/05/2006
Proposal:  Two storey rear extension
Applicant:  Mr. & Mrs. L. Richards

2006/0925 - The Brackens, Horton, Swansea. SA3 1LB 06/05/2006
Proposal:  Two storey side extension, front/porch and rear canopy
Applicant:  Mrs. R. Mason 

2006/0794 - Blythswood, Horton, Swansea. SA3 1LB 06/05/2006
First floor side extension
Applicant:  Mr. & Mrs. P. Davies

2006/2635 Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich, Swansea. SA3 1LS 02/04/2006
Submission of details for conditions 3 and 5 of planning permission 2004/1741 granted on 11th April 2005 to show new hedge overspill car park.
and background lighting for the marquee and

2006/0495 Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 02/04/2006
proposal:   Use of land for caravan rally for 30 units from Friday 5th May 2006 to Sunday 7th May 2006.
Applicant:   Caravan Club.
Agent:       D.M. Small 

2006/0389 - Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 02/03/2006
Proposal:   Use of land for a caravan rally for approximately 25 units from 25th to 28th August 2006 (inclusive).
Applicant:   Mr. P. J. Harper

2006/0352 - Part of field 8600, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 02/03/2006
Proposal:   Reinstatement of permitted development rights under schedule 2 of the General Permitted Development Order 1995 for 28 day camping (Class B Part 4)
Applicant:   E. Richards & Co.

2006/0261 - Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 02/03/2006
Proposal:   Use of land for a caravan rally for approximately 50 units from 24th August to 3rd September 2006 (inclusive)
Applicant:  Mr. R. Carter

2006/0244 - Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea. 02/03/2006
Proposal:   Use of land for a caravan rally for approximately 80 units from 16th May until 4th June 2006 (inclusive)
Applicant:   Caravan Club
Agent :      Mr. R.M. Small

2006/0216 - Sea Breeze, Horton, Swansea. SA3 1LQ 02/03/2006
Proposal:  Retention of front balcony
Applicant:  M.M. Stratton

2005/2635 Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich, Swansea. 24/01/2006
Submission of details for conditions 3 and 5 of planning permission 2004/1741 granted on 11th April 2005 to show new hedge and background lighting for the marquee and overspill car park.
Applicant:  Mr. Ian Williams.

2005/2571 - amended plan - 15th December 2005 - Badgers Hole, Oxwich, Swansea. 03/01/2006
Proposal:  Conversion of outbuilding to seperate unit of residential accommodation, increase in ridge height of roof by 2.6cm, two storey side/rear extension and addition of three dormers on front and side elevations.

2005/2571 - 9thDecember 2005 - Badgers Hole, Oxwich,Swansea. 03/01/2006
Proposal:  Addition of first floor over existing annexe,  two storey side/rear extension to provide two storey detached dwelling.
Applicant:  Mrs.J.Piercey

2005/2453 09/12/2005
The Hayes, Horton, Swansea.
Proposal:  Construction of Highway access.
Applicant:  L.J. Grove.

2005/2410 Woodside Guest House, Oxwich, Swansea. 27/11/2005
Proposal:       Detached Cottage (outline)
Applicant:      Mr. & Mrs. D. Workman
Agent:          Mr. C.F. Jenkins

2005/2406 Coastlands, Oxwich, Gower 27/11/2005
Proposal:  Demolition of existing dwelling house
Applicant: Mr. M. Owen
Agent Company:  Osborne & Shellard

2005/2275 Field 0818 Bank Farm, Horton. 21/11/2005
 Proposal:   Use of land for caravan rally for approx., 25 units from 14th to 17th April 2006 (inclusive)

2005/2221 Land at rear of 8 Great House Court, Horton, Swansea. 21/11/2005
Proposal:  Retention of four agricultural buildings
Applicant:  Mr. M. McDonald

2005/2102 2 The Cross, Reynoldston, Swansea, SA3 1AQ 18/10/2005
Date registered:  4th October 2005
Proposal:  Two storey side extension attached garage and rear conservatory

2005/2082 The Hayes - Horton, Swansea, SA3 1LB 18/10/2005
Date Registered:  3rd October 2005
Proposal:  New Vehicular acces

Messages: Please send all messages for Council or the website directly to the Clerk at rather than using the Contact Us Form.

File availability: The Chrome browser is refusing to display files in certain conditions. If you have any problem accessing a file please let us know.

Coronavirus: For information relating to Penrice Community Council and to the Community during the COVID-19 outbreak see this page.

Coronavirus: For information published by Swansea Council relating to the COVID-19 outbreak see Coronavirus Help.

Most Recent Meeting: For decisions and draft minutes see Related Documents for the following meeting at Council Meetings.

Next Scheduled Meeting: The next ordinary meeting is will be at 7:30pm on 30th June 2022. Meetings are open to local residents at Horton Village Hall and remotely through zoom. Zoom is available as a back-up if the meeting cannot be held at the hall.

Audit 2020-2021: The Audit has been completed without any qualification.

Audit 2021-2022: The Annual Return will be completed at the PCC meeting of the 30th June 2022. The following has been issued and posted on this website:
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2022

Local Events Now:The local elections and community council elections took place on Thursday 5th May 2022. The Penrice Wards were not contested and the persons elected for Horton Ward, Oxwich Ward and Penrice Ward were confirmed wc 11.04.2022. The resultant vacancy will be filled by cooption. See Notice of Cooption.