Councillors have been sharing information and seeking feedback about the proposed merger of local Community Councils.



This new page is being developed to share information on local infrastructure.

Problems with the Oxwich sewer are now being tackled but there is disruption locally whilst works are being carried out.

Potholes are an ongoing problem which the Community Council reports to the Highways Authority on a regular basis.

Oxwich Sewer


DCWW should complete the first phase of the sewer works by Tuesday 19th April and the situation will then be monitored for a period of time to see whether all related problems have been resolved. A separate issue with the capacity of the remaining gullies and drains for surface water run-off in the vicinity of the bus stop has recently been raised.


Dwr Cymru Welsh Water have completed the planned works on the Oxwich Sewer. Some additional relining, repairs and man hole rehabilitation will be carried out after the Easter break over the two weeks commencing Monday 4th April 2016. There will still be some disruption to traffic until this is complete. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water will also be monitoring how the sewerage system is functioning with this upgrade to discover whether any additional works will be required.

26.02.2016 Update :

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Oxwich Update for planned works into early March 2016.

11.02.2016 Update:

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Oxwich Update for planned works to 25th February 2016.

09.02.2016 Temporary Update:

Due to the exceptionally wet weather and resultant high water-table, the contractors have not been able to progress the work as fast as planned. Night work is likely to continue until at least 12th February, and probably longer. For the rest of February, there should be half the road open with work being undertaken in the day, near the bus-stop. After 18th February, if the water-table has dropped a little, there will be short-term ( a few hours) blockages during the day of the lane through Oxwich village, to allow work to individual manholes.

When work is underway at night or to the manholes during the day, diversions may be necessary using The Pennyhitch via Penrice, or using Rocks Lane (Greenways to Badgers End).

17.12.2015 Original Notice:

There are planned works which will affect the roads in the village on the following dates.
Please see the full details in this Oxwich Sewer Road Schedule at 17.12.2015.

Messages: Please send all messages for Council or the website directly to the Clerk at rather than using the Contact Us Form.

File availability: The Chrome browser is refusing to display files in certain conditions. If you have any problem accessing a file please let us know.

Coronavirus: For information relating to Penrice Community Council and to the Community during the COVID-19 outbreak see this page.

Coronavirus: For information published by Swansea Council relating to the COVID-19 outbreak see Coronavirus Help.

Most Recent Meeting: For decisions and draft minutes see Related Documents for the following meeting at Council Meetings.

Next Scheduled Meeting: The next ordinary meeting is will be at 7:30pm on 30th June 2022. Meetings are open to local residents at Horton Village Hall and remotely through zoom. Zoom is available as a back-up if the meeting cannot be held at the hall.

Audit 2020-2021: The Audit has been completed without any qualification.

Audit 2021-2022: The Annual Return will be completed at the PCC meeting of the 30th June 2022. The following has been issued and posted on this website:
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2022

Local Events Now:The local elections and community council elections took place on Thursday 5th May 2022. The Penrice Wards were not contested and the persons elected for Horton Ward, Oxwich Ward and Penrice Ward were confirmed wc 11.04.2022. The resultant vacancy will be filled by cooption. See Notice of Cooption.