Councillors have been sharing information and seeking feedback about the proposed merger of local Community Councils.


The Council

Penrice Community Council consists of nine unpaid volunteers and a Clerk to the Council/Responsible Finance Officer who works for the Council on a part-time basis.

The Council and individual Councillors are governed by legislation and codes - see below and also see Resources.

The Clerk advises Council on legislation and procedure and carries out the administration of the Council.

Much of the work of the Council is carried out through Council Meetings. The topics covered are included in the Minutes of Council Meetings and within Community Matters. See also Annual Reports.

The management and finances of the Council are audited annually. Details are covered in Council Meetings and related documents are also available.

Notice will be given when local residents can seek appointment to the Council. This is usually once every four years for elections or when there is a vacancy. Councillors represent one of three local Wards: Horton, Oxwich or Penrice.

Details of the current members of Penrice Community Council are shown on the left.

Councillor Roles

The Chair of Penrice Community Council is Cllr Gavin Roberts
The Vice-Chair of Penrice Community Council is Cllr Rob Newman
Councillors overseeing defibrillators are Cllr Gavin Roberts and Cllr Rob Newman
The Councillor responsible for the Website & related Mailing is Cllr Jan Ellis
The Councillor responsible for liaising with the Clerk/RFO over Governance & Regulations is Cllr Jan Ellis
The PCC One Voice Wales Representatives are Cllr Hugh Trick & Cllr Rob Newman

Councillor Conduct, Declarations, Allowances, Training

The Welsh Assembly Government issued a revised Code of Conduct for all Councillors in Wales in April 2016. The City & County of Swansea and Penrice Community Council have adopted this code without modification.

It is a requirement of this code that Councillors record interests which might affect activities related to the Council. See Declarations of Interest.

It is a requirement that Councils cover the basic costs of being a Councillor. See Councillor Allowances.

It is a requirement that Councils and Councillors identify the need for Councillor Training. See Training Plans.

Freedom of Information

Any Freedom of Information requests should be made to the Clerk of the Council.

Messages: Please send all messages for Council or the website directly to the Clerk at rather than using the Contact Us Form.

File availability: The Chrome browser is refusing to display files in certain conditions. If you have any problem accessing a file please let us know.

Coronavirus: For information relating to Penrice Community Council and to the Community during the COVID-19 outbreak see this page.

Coronavirus: For information published by Swansea Council relating to the COVID-19 outbreak see Coronavirus Help.

Most Recent Meeting: For decisions and draft minutes see Related Documents for the following meeting at Council Meetings.

Next Scheduled Meeting: The next ordinary meeting is will be at 7:30pm on 30th June 2022. Meetings are open to local residents at Horton Village Hall and remotely through zoom. Zoom is available as a back-up if the meeting cannot be held at the hall.

Audit 2020-2021: The Audit has been completed without any qualification.

Audit 2021-2022: The Annual Return will be completed at the PCC meeting of the 30th June 2022. The following has been issued and posted on this website:
Notice of Appointment of the Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights 2022

Local Events Now:The local elections and community council elections took place on Thursday 5th May 2022. The Penrice Wards were not contested and the persons elected for Horton Ward, Oxwich Ward and Penrice Ward were confirmed wc 11.04.2022. The resultant vacancy will be filled by cooption. See Notice of Cooption.