Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 12th December Horton Village Hall at 7.30pm



Members Present                  Councillor M Barnett  (Chairman)

Councillor  G Roberts

Councillor M Williams

Councillor A Glass

Councillor J Bowen

Councillor T Methuen-Campbell

Councillor J Ellis

Councillor B Richards

84/12                            Apologies for Absence.


Cllr A Glass may not make the meeting of if he is able, he will be late.


85/12                            Declarations of Interest


Cllr G Roberts declared an interest in the Lifeboat pre-planning letter, due to being a member of the Lifeboat crew.

Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in the item relating to Bank Farm to be discussed under planning due to being the owner of Bank Farm.

Cllr R Lewis declared an interest in any item to be discussed under Planning due to being on the CCS Area 2 Planning Committee.


86/12                            To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held 21st November 2012.


Cllr G Roberts proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record of events, seconded Cllr M Williams, carried unanimously.


87/12                            Matters arising from the minutes.


Item 68/12

Horton Fireworks – no update of any shortfall at the moment, but Cllr Roberts will let the Council know if this becomes apparent.


Item 70/12

Pot Holes – 2/3 days after the last meeting the Council were out repairing the pot holes.  However the one on the Marsh Road is quite dangerous.  Cllr R Lewis offered to mention this to the Highways Department and particularly Carl Humphries.                                                                                                                                          RL


88/12                            Community Councils.




89/12                            Correspondence.


1                      Steve Parry – email re: Broadwalk replacement – the update was read to the meeting, the route was being sent to the legal department and would hopefully be made legal next year.  Mr Parry invited any comments from the Council regarding the proposed improvements.  Various options were considered including cockle shells, which Councillors’ felt worked well in Oxwich.  Cllr M Barnett to liaise with Mr Parry.                                                       MB


2                      CCS – Planning Application no 2012/0696  - notification of approval.                                           Noted

3                      CCS – Planning Application no 2012/0681 – notification of approval                                            Noted

4                      CCS – Planning Application no 2012/1360 – notification of approval                                            Noted


5                      National Assembly – Consultation on the Local Government (Democracy) Wales bill – Consultation

Document.                                                                                                                             Noted


6                      CCS – Carol Service.


90/12                           Financial.


1.    To set the Budget for the Financial Year 2013 -2014

Council had been sent a budget review prior to the meeting.  Council discussed each individual item and estimated future expenditure item by item.  


During the discussions, Council resolved that the Clerk was to send a letter to the churches and both Village Halls to request that the donations were to be spent on the upkeep of the buildings and for each recipient to advise the Council exactly what the donations were being spent on.                                         SC


It was agreed that the money that was received from the sale of land adjoining Shore Cottage was to be used for a community project.  The project was briefly discussed and one suggestion was a wireless hub in the Halls for internet access.  All agreed that this would be put to the public for suggestions prior to the decision.


Cllr A Glass joined the meeting 7.46pm


Cllr R Lewis advised that the CCS was not increasing their Council Tax.


Following detailed discussion Council set the budget for the Financial Year 2013 – 2014.


2          Following an the in depth consideration of the budget, Cllr G Roberts proposed that the precept was

to be set £10,000, seconded Cllr M Williams, carried unanimously. This was the same amount as the current financial year.




3                     Clerk Salary and expenses         Information protected under the Data Protection Act

4                      SLCC Membership                                                                                £100.00

5                      Horton Methodist Church                                                                       £300.00

6                      Horton Village Hall                                                                                 £300.00

7                      Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall                                                       £300.00

8                      Horton Village Hall children’s Christmas parties                                       £ 75.00

9                      Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall children’s Christmas parties             £ 75.00

10         St Andrews Church                                                                                £300.00

11         St Illtyds Church                                                                                    £300.00


Cllr J Bowen proposed to pay, seconded Cllr R Lewis, carried unanimously.                                                      


91/12                           Planning.


Cllrs R Lewis and B Richards declared interests and withdrew from the meeting during the planning item.  Cllr Lewis for the duration of Planning and Cllr Richards for Items A and B.


A         Application no 2011/1484

Land adjacent to Coastlands, Oxwich

Detached dwelling with integral garage.


Following a discussion, Council made a comment that there was no integral garage shown on the drawings.  Council had no objection to the application. Council hoped that there was to be adequate provision for drainage  in this area as in heavy rain this floods.


B          Application no 2012/1482

The Caravan Club,

Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan rally 50 caravans 2nd April -7th April 2013


Council resolved to submit their normal comment.

91/12                           Planning…….



C          Application no  2012/1361

Spectrum Ltd

Already discussed at the last meeting of the Council so just for information.


                        Discussed at the previous meeting.


D          RNLI – pre planning expression of interest plans


                        Cllr G Roberts declared an interest and withdrew from the meeting due to being a member of the Lifeboat



The Council considered the amended plans and noted that there had been some alterations.  The pitch had been altered on the roof.  The flat roof which was unacceptable had been replaced with a pitched roof which was much more aesthetic and improves the profile of the building.  Cllr B Richards confirmed that this is planned to be built on Community Council land. 


The emergency exit had a concrete path leading from it around the building.  It was queried if this was necessary and appropriate?


The Clerk to query the path and advise that it would be preferred if it was not there.                                 SC


E          Letter of complaint had been received from Mr Harford regarding the lighting around the ménage at Cliffs

View.  A letter had also been sent to the CCS Enforcement Department  from Mr Harford.    Council

considered the photos that were submitted to show the problem.    Council felt that what was now in place

was over and above what was considered on the original application, which was low level access lighting. 

Application no 2011/0600 .  Council resolved for the Clerk to send a letter to the Enforcement Department.                                                                                                                                                                                SC


92/12    Councillors’ reports/questions.


Cllr A Glass gave a verbal update on the Broadband Project.  Horton and Rhosilli cabinet was planned for before Christmas, but more likely to be in the New Year now.


93/12                           Public Questions relating to the agenda.  (limited to 10 minutes)




94/12                           Date and venue of next meeting.


Date of next meeting 16th January 2013 Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall.




Date _________________Chairman_____________________