Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 18th April 2012at the
Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall at 7.30pm

Members Present:                    Councillor  G Roberts

Councillor M Williams

Councillor A Glass

Councillor J Bowen

Councillor M Barnett

Councillor T Methuen-Campbell


One Member of the public was present                                                                                              Action

142/12                          Apologies for Absence.


Cllrs R Lewis and B Richards.


143/12                          Declarations of Interest


Cllr T Methuen-Campbell declared a personal interest in an Item to be discussed under Planning

Application no:  2012/0366 Mr C Davies of Ocean Heights, Horton.  Proposal New Dwelling.  Cllr Methuen-Campbell owned the verge in front of this proposed property.


144/12                          To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held  21st  March 2012


Cllr A Glass proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record of events, seconded Cllr M Barnett, carried unanimously.


145/12                          Matters Arising from the Minutes.


Item 139/12

The Chairman advised that the words for the warning sign at Oxwich were to be agreed and then this would be made up and erected.                                                                                                                                                            GR


Item 137/12

The Beacon to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee, was still to be progressed.                                                           GR


Item 139/12

Cllr M Barnett reported: he had e mailed Cllr R Lewis and the e mail had been forwarded to Mr Graham Thomas.  However there has been no further movement on sorting out this dangerous area following numerous attempts by the PCC to alert the CCS.  Clerk to send e mail, copy in John Hague.                                                                                    SC



The Greenways sign is still on the gate.  Clerk to send another e mail to enforcement dept.                                              SC


146/12                          Community Councils.


Cllr  J Bowen reported:  Chief Superintendant Mark Mathias came and spoke to the committee.  He advised that huge losses of police officers had been implemented.   He has opposed the plan to use the Fire Station and is pushing for the police to have a dedicated building.


The Area 2 Planning Committee were asked if the Community Councils comments were read – ans yes.


147/12                          Correspondence.


1             UDP Public Consultation on new planning guidance.                                        Noted.

2             Welsh Assembly Survey on planning.  Cllr M Barnett agreed to undertake and send.  Noted.

3             Gower Society Newsletter.                                                                              MW





148/12                          Financial.

                                                                                    Chq no                                                 Amount                        

A                      Clerks salary and expenses                   Information protected under the Data Protection Act



Cllr M Barnett proposed to pay , seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


Cash at bank  £ 8649.87



149/12                          Planning.


A                      Application no2012/0451The Camping and Caravanning Club  Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan Rally for approx 60 units 25th -31st Oct 2013


B         Application no 2012/0440  The Camping and Caravanning Club     Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan Rally for approx60 units 29th March-7th April 2013.


C         Application no 2012/0447  The Camping and Caravanning Club  Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan Rally for approx 160 units 24th May – 2nd June 2013.


D         Application no 2012/0442  The Camping and Caravanning Club   Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan Rally for approx 160 units 2nd -27th August 2013.


Councillors queried that they are considering applications for rallies at Bank Farm and they do not know what Bank Farm actually has planning for.  Concern was expressed about the number of caravans on the Gower Roads at any one time, as some of these rallies are for very large numbers.  Council decided to keep a register of the number of caravans in the area.  Cllr M Barnett was assigned to undertake this task for all caravan parks in the area.


Council decided to make the usual comment, but to add that the Council are concerned with the number of caravans on the roads at any one time, and the volume of traffic moving around on Gower Roads.



E         Application no 2012/0366   Mr Colin Davies  Ocean Heights, Horton

New Dwelling.


Councillor T Methuen-Campbell declared a personal interest in this item and withdrew from the meeting.


Following careful consideration and discussion Council decided to object to the application for the following points;

1              Overdevelopment on a single track lane.

2              Visually intrusive

3              Query if the land is development land.

4              Option 2/3 insufficient details on the application.

5              Add … If the development is passed the PCC would prefer if the property would be as far away from the road as possible.


150/12                          Matters Outstanding.


J Ellis from the floor gave a verbal update on the progress being made on the Gower Broadband Project. Things are progressing and the Council offered best wishes to the team.


151/12                          Public Questions relating to the Agenda.


J Ellis from the floor had attended the CCS Area 2 Planning meeting and both Emmanuel House and Robins Rest were both considered.  Cllr R Lewis spoke in favour of the Emmanuel House application.  They were both approved.


152/12                          The Date and Venue of the Next Meeting.


16th May 2012  Horton Village Hall  AGM at 7pm followed by the Ordinary meeting 7.30pm

