Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 15th February 2012at the
Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall at 7.30pm

Members Present                  Councillor M Williams

Councillor A Glass

Councillor  A Lewis

Councillor J Bowen

Councillor R Lewis

Councillor B Richards

Councillor Thomas Methuen-Campbell


One Member of the public was present                                                                                              Action

In the absence of the Chairman Cllr M Williams the Vice Chairman took the Chair for this meeting.


119/12                          Apologies for Absence.


Cllrs M Barnett and G Roberts.


Cllr M Williams proposed that Standing Orders were suspended to alter the order of business and move the presentation to this point of the meeting, seconded Cllr J Bowen. Carried unanimously.


120/12                          Presentation by Mr Philip McDonnell and a Project Officer from the Environment

Agency– The Stop Waste in Our Landscape Project that aims to promote responsible waste disposal in Gower.


Mr Philip McDonnell, from PMDevelopments explained to members that the project wanted to raise awareness in Gower.


A brief overview; In essence, the project aims to encourage sensitive waste management practices in order to safeguard some of Gower’s valuable assets.

The project is not so much focused on fly tipping or littering but on waste materials such as building materials and unwanted soil being brought onto Gower, or moved around Gower, to be deposited or put to use in some way. There is concern and anecdotal evidence that this may be increasing.


The project has produced a simple information leaflet which includes details on who to contact to get advice about waste regulations, and about archaeological sites and biodiversity.

Over the next few months visits are being held with community councils and other bodies within communities across Gower to seek support for the project and ask them to help raise awareness within their communities - perhaps by making the leaflet available.   Full details of the presentation can be obtained from the Clerk.


Members queried if this was really a problem at the moment?

This project was to raise awareness before it really became a problem.  An example was given that if builder’s rubble was brought from Swansea containing Japanese Knot Weed then this would get a foothold in Gower, which would be detrimental to the landscape and the area.  This was to be avoided at all costs. 


Members also raised a point that the Environment Agency Website was difficult to navigate and understand.  Maybe the information regarding the permissions needed, could be made easier and clearer so that more people would apply for the permission that would protect the area. 

The Environment Agency is working on this at present but just urged that awareness is raised in the communities so that any detrimental waste product that is brought into the area is clean and does not contain any unsuitable substances.


121/12                          Declarations of Interest

Cllr B Richards declared an interest in an Item to be discussed under Planning relating to Bank Farm due to being the owner of Bank Farm.

Cllr A Lewis declared an interest in an Item to be discussed under Planning relating to Bank Farm due to being a family friend of the owner.

Cllr R Lewis declared an interest in all items to be discussed under Planning due to sitting on the City and County of Swansea Area Two Planning Committee and would withdraw for the whole of this item.


122/12                          To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held  18th January 2012


Amendment ; Item 99/11 no 4  insert 

Add 2nd paragraph  of the situation….regarding the marquee in the Oxwich Bay Hotel.


With the above amendment Cllr A Glass proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record of events, seconded Cllr R Lewis.  Carried unanimously.


123/12                          Mattes Arising from the Minutes.


Item 109/12 sub item 99/11 no 4

The Clerk reported that the letter had been sent to the CCS querying why the Council was not informed of the situation regarding the Oxwich Bay Hotel planning application.


Cllr R Lewis reported that the procedures currently adopted by the Planning Department would be changing.


Item 116/12

Cllr R Lewis reported that Chris Gibbons had advised there was to be road closures one overnight at Pitt Farm during the summer and also at Underhill on 27/2/12 for one to two days.


Cllr J Bowen reported; that the CCS would be spraying the entrance to the Oxwich Beach Car Park.


Item 115/12

The Clerk reported that the cheque for the sale of land adjacent to Shore Cottage, had been received.  The sale was now complete.


124/12                          Community Councils.


1.                       Minutes of the One Voice Wales Area Committee meeting held 15th December 2011.     Noted.


2.                  Cllr J Bowen reported that the Ombudsman and the procedures used in the investigation of cases reported

were discussed at this meeting and it was highlighted that Gorseinon Community Council had 12 cases that the Ombudsman was currently dealing with.


Also the procedures had been changed following the unsatisfactory way that the case brought against her was dealt with.


125/12                          Correspondence.


1             CCW              Notification of the review of the maps of open access to mountain moor, heath, down land and registered common land in Wales.                                                                                           Noted.





126/12                          Financial.

                                                                                    Chq no                                                 Amount                        

Cllr J Bowen travelling Expenses                                    494                                                       £ 52.00

Clerk Salary and expenses                                 Information protected under the Data Protection Act


Cllr R Lewis proposed to pay, seconded Cllr T Methuen-Campbell, carried unanimously.


Funding for the Queens Diamond Jubilee for Oxwich Hall had been deferred from the January Meeting.

Council considered the request and felt that Horton had been given money for the firework display so could donate £250 for this proposed community celebration.  Cllr R Lewis proposed £250, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.

Cheque number for this payment is 496.







127/12                          Planning.


Cllr B Richards declared an interest in the Items relating to Bank Farm due to being the owner, and withdrew for this part of the meeting.

Cllr A Lewis declared an interest in the Items relating to Bank Farm due to being a family friend of the owner and withdrew from this part of the meeting.

Cllr R Lewis declared an interest in all the Items to be discussed under Planning due to sitting on the CCS Area 2 Planning Committee and withdrew for all of this Item.


A          Application nos: 2012/0154 and 2012/0039

                        Proposed Caravan Rallies at Bank Farm, Horton.


Council decided to submit the usual comment.


B                      Application no:  2012/0183

Proposed renewal of temporary permission to site 5 touring caravans from 1st April to 31st October 2012/2013 seasons at Moor Corner Farm, Port Eynon.


Council decided to submit no comment.


C          Application no:2012/0056

Proposed to replace existing corrugated tin garage with masonary structure on same footprint at The Haven, Horton.


D          Application no: 2012/0142

Proposed demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side/rear extension and single storey front extension.


Council decided to support both C and D applications.


128/12              Replacement Notice Board at Oxwich Green


Village and Urban had provided a quotation for a smaller notice board, £ 630 + £ 80 plus VAT.


Council decided to order the smaller board proposed Cllr J Bowen, seconded Cllr R Lewis, carried unanimously.


129/12                          Matters Outstanding.


Cllr A Glass gave a verbal update on the progress of the Gower Broadband Project. Forms to be back in by the end of March.  When the grant is received the Scheme must be up and running within 6 months.  Two contractors have been shortlisted and about 250 people interested and eligible for grants.


130/12                          Public Questions relating to the Agenda.




118/12                          The Date and Venue of the Next Meeting.


21st March 12 to be held at Horton Village Hall.



