Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 16th March 2011

at the Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall at 7.30pm

Members Present�����
����������� Councillor G Roberts (Chair)

Councillor J Bowen
Councillor B Richards

Councillor M Barnett

Councillor M Williams

Councillor A Lewis

Councillor A Glass


Three members of the public were also present.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������ Action

137/11 ������������������������ Apologies for Absence.


Cllr T Methuen-Campbell


138/11 ������������������������ Declarations of Interest




139/11 ������������������������ To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held 16th February 2011.


The minutes were a true and accurate record of events, proposed M Williams, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


140/11 ������������������������ Matters Arising from the Minutes.


Item 127/11��

Sub item 120/11��� The pot holes along the Penny Hitch have been repaired and the CCS have also repaired the broken water pipe which should now prevent any further problems in this location.


Item 128/11

Tony Colburn from Mumbles Community Council will send details of training available when they have been finalized.


Item 135/11 no 3

Cllr J Bowen had attended the Pact meeting and reported:

The Police had advised that quad bikes, gates, cattle grids and residential oil had been stolen from all over Gower.Reports that a white van had been used in these thefts was currently being investigated.


141/11 ������������������������ Community Councils.


1��������������������� One Voice Wales � Policy Consultation Responders � Cllrs had been invited to participate in policy

consultations which are initiated by the Welsh Assembly Government.The Areas included Culture and Sport, Education and Skills etc.Full details had been circulated prior to the meeting.�������������������������� Noted.


2��������������������� One Voice Wales training programme � A list of full details and locations.���������������������������������� ����������� Noted.


142/11 ������������������������ Correspondence.


1                     Public Path Diversion Order PR7, PR8, PE28, PE3, PE4 and PE8 Communities of Penrice and Port Eynon �

Public Path Creation Order, PE31, in the Community of Port Eynon.

Council has discussed and considered the diversion of these paths in previous meetings therefore this item was noted.


2                     Notification that local people were invited to share their views regarding the Heritage Lottery Fund grants and projects.The Council noted the contents and passed the information to the Broadband Project now being developed in Gower.

142/11 ������������������������ Correspondence cont�..


3                     Horton Hall had requested permission to use Horton Green for a village celebration of the Royal Wedding.Mr E Morgan, on behalf of the Hall Committee advised that the event would be covered by the Village Hall insurance and the date planned would be 29th April 2011.The event would be open to all residents of Horton.


Council considered the details and implications and decided to advise the Hall Committee that Horton Green could be used for this purpose.Clerk to check to ensure that the Hall insurance covers events at other locations away from the Hall and is adequate for the celebration.���������������������������������������������������������������� SC


Time 19:40 hrs Cllr A Lewis and B Richards joined the meeting.


4                     Notification of a Quiz to be held at Oxwich and Penrice Community Hall 2nd April 2011.To include food tickets �7.50pp.All welcome.��� Cllrs J Bowen, M Williams, G Roberts and M Barnett expressed interest in attending.


5                     CCS Planning Department � Bysouth Farm Application no 2010/0746 has been refused permission.


6                     Gower Newsletter.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Noted.


143/11 ������������������������ Financial.

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chq no������������������������ Amt

One Voice Wales Annual Membership��������������������������������������������������� 462������������������������������ 91.00

Cllr M Williams proposed to pay, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


Clerk salary and expenses�������������������������������������������������������������������� 463 information protected under the Data

Protection Act

Cllr A Lewis proposed to pay, seconded Cllr M Barnett, carried unanimously.


Cash at bank 9th February 2011 �7,102.38.


Cllr M Williams and the Clerk had attended a financial training course hosted by One Voice Wales and reported:

The course was primarily aimed at Cllrs, but was very useful and highlighted the need for the Council to be satisfied with the person chosen to be the internal auditor for the Council to be suitably qualified or experienced to carry out the role.The Clerk reminded Councilors that they are accountable for the Council�s accounts.�� The Clerk will update the financial regulations and distribute to members.


144/11 ������������������������ Planning.


A��������������������������������� Application No 2011/0319E Richards & Company (Bank Farm, Horton) Ltd

Camping for 28days between 14th May and 31st August 2011


Application for temporary change of use of land for which permitted development rights under class b part 4 of schedule 2 of the GPDO 1995 have been removed by the Gower Area Article 4 Direction.


Cllr B Richards declared a prejudicial interest in this item due to being the applicant and owner of Bank Farm.


Cllr Richards explained the facts of the application to the Council;

The Application is for 28days and was on a field that has been used before, however had been turned down for permission once before.This application is for tents.


Cllr B Richards then withdrew from the meeting.

Cllr A Lewis declared a prejudicial interest due to being a family friend of Cllr B Richards and also withdrew from the meeting.


Council considered the fact that a landowner in an AONB is allowed to use a field for 28days for the purpose of camping and if this is refused by the CCS then under the Article 4 Direction the applicant has to be compensated.


The location of the field in question was considered and it was generally felt that this would not impact on any residents.

Decided:If this is granted by the CCS would the 28 day limit be monitored?

144/11 ������������������������ Planning cont�.


B��������������������������������� Application no: 2011/0231������ International Caravanning Fellowship of Rotarians, Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan Rally 8th June to 13th June 2011 of no more than 30 units.


Council decided to provide the normal response to the CCS.


Cllr B Richards and A Lewis returned to the meeting.


C��������������������������������� Application no: 2011/0128��������� Mr and Mrs Surman,��������� Cliff Views, Penrice, Oxwich

Replace and extend existing stables complete with new hedge.


Cllr M Barnett had received objections from local residents to this application.

Cllr Barnett advised that the existing field shelter structure was unsightly, due to the drastic cutting of the hedge.He felt that the planned increased height would add to this unsatisfactory situation.


Following further discussion a vote was taken.Four voted to object to the application and two abstained from the vote.Council decided to object to the application due to the height of the proposal and the visual impact due to the drastic cutting of the hedge.


D��������������������������������� Application no: 2009/1679��� Mr R Higgins,Craig Y Don, Horton

Amended plans: Part two storey, part single storey side extension, part two storey, part single storey rear extension incorporating garage, single storey side extension, front canopy, fenestration alterations.

E��������������������������������� Application no: 2011/0313Mr R Higgins, Craig Y Don, Horton

Conversion and extension of existing outhouse to provide detached ancillary accommodation to the main dwelling.


Points raised:

1��������� Concern was expressed if the outbuilding was going to be used as a holiday accommodation.

2��������� Concern was also expressed on the poor condition of the byway and the upkeep of it.Works vehicles would make

�� this situation worse, but it was agreed that this would be a short term problem.The ownership of the end of the byway

�� was discussed.

3��������� A public footpath was extremely close to the outbuilding.

4��������� The condition of the house is very poor and this will be improved with the planned work.

5��������� The plot is very large so is adequate for the proposed development, however the scale of the house is large.

6��������� The development would not adversely affect any other residents.


Council decided to support both of the applications.


145/11������������������������� Matters Outstanding


1��������� Keys for the notice boards.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ GR


2         Cllr A Glass reported:The Broadband project was now gathering momentum.Six public meetings were planned at Horton, Oxwich, Rhossilli, Reynoldston, Port Eynon and Llanrhidian.Notices with full details were currently being printed and will be delivered.


3         Cllr J Bowen reported that good comments had been received from the public about the Slade Cross bench.


146/11������������������������� Public Questions relating to the agenda.(limited to 10 minutes)


Mrs S Mumby queried if the diversions of the footpaths included all footpaths in Gower or just the coastal paths?

It seemed to be all paths, however the CCS had started with coastal paths due to the linking of the Gower coastal path directive.


147/11������������������������� Date and venue of next meeting.

20th April 2011 Horton Village Hall

