Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 19th January 2011

at the Oxwich Community Hall at 7.30pm

Members Present�����
����������� Councillor G Roberts (Chair)

Councillor J Bowen
Councillor B Richards

Councillor M Barnett

Councillor M Williams

Councillor T Methuen-Campbell

Councillor A Lewis

Councillor A Glass



1 member of the public was also present.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������ Action

112/11 Apologies for Absence.




113/11 Declarations of Interest


G Roberts RNLI Correspondence


114/11 To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held 15thDecember 2010.



Item 107/10 no 3 to read :�. hedges that had been planted would have to be removed�..


Item 108/10 to read : �. the inaccurate mapping by the Land Registry in the 1984 conveyance.


Item 107/10 Insert:no 19 Cllr T Methuen-Campbell queried the fact that there had not been a marquee at this site for the full 19 years.


The minutes with the above amendments were a true and accurate record of events proposed J Bowen, seconded

Cllr M Williams, carried unanimously.


115/11 Matters Arising from the Minutes.


Item 107/10 No 19

Cllrs queried the duration that a marquee had been at the Oxwich Bay Hotel.Cllrs agreed that Mr. I Williams bought the site 19 years ago and ftes had been held at this location following this purchase.�� Cllrs agreed that a marquee had not been on the current location for 19 years and that the then temporary marquee had been taken down during every winter apart from last winter.Concern was raised regarding the planning laws for the length of time a structure had been in existence, Cllrs agreed that the then temporary marquee had been taken down every winter.


116/11 Community Councils.


1                     CCS � Notice of Forum Meeting 8th March � Noted.

2                     One Voice Wales Area Committee minutes of the meeting 14th October 2010 � Noted.


117/11 Correspondence.


1��������������������� OVW � Training details��� - Noted

2��������������������� Notice of a PACT meeting � 21st February 2011, at Reynoldston Hall.

3��������������������� CCS Planning notification � Greenways Leisure Park Application no: 2008/0061 � Notice of approval.

4��������������������� South Wales Police Authority � Notice of Public Meetings 27th January, County Hall.��� Noted

5��������������������� Buckingham Palace Garden Party � Invitation for the Chairperson to attend � Noted


117/11 Correspondence cont�


6                     Wales Observatory Survey � Cllr J Bowen to read.

7                     Gower Newsletter and AONB Forum � Noted

8                     Royal British Legion � Information regarding running Poppy Parties � Noted

9                     Martin Caton and Edwina Hart � Details of the surgeries being held in the area � Cllrs to put on notice boards.

10                 CCS Swansea Rural Development News � Noted


118/11 Financial.

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chq no������������������������ Amt

The Ink Store ��������������������������������������������������������������� 451������������������������������ 20.54

Clerk Salary����������������������������������������������������������������� 452Information protected under the Data Protection Act

Mazars(External Audit fee)������������������������������������������ 453������������������������������ 158.62


Cllr B Richards proposed to pay, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


Cash @bank 23rd December 2010 �9,218.62


119/11 Planning.


Cllr G Roberts declared a prejudicial interest in the item relating to the RNLI due to being a life boat crew member.


The facts were outlined;

This is not yet an application, but is a proposed application.The RNLI have made a request to the Penrice Community Council to donate or sell the land that it owns to the RNLI in order that an extension can be built on to the boat house.

The land was originally given to the RNLI by the Penrice Estate in order to build the Boat House as it is today. The station is running out of space because of additional lifting equipment required and the area for the crew to change is cramped or surrounding the Tractor which in an emergency could put the crew at risk.The proposed extension will offer a workshop area and also a changing space. The original plan was to have a pitched roof on the extension, however there has been an objection to this and this has now been revised to being a flat roof.


Cllrs questioned how much land was required?

Approximately 40ft long by approx 10-12ft wide at the moment.


Cllr G Roberts withdrew from the meeting at this point.


Council discussed the issue of giving the land for this purpose and in principle there were no objections.It was raised that there should be some public consultation on the matter in case of any objections and also to ascertain wider views.


Council decided to send an e mail to Mr. L Grove to request more accurate plans and advising of the Councils discussions.��

Council also decided to place notices on the notice boards to advise members of the public of the request that the Council has received in order to invite comments, opinions or objections.����������� ����������������������������������������������������������� SC


120/11 The Boundaries of the land adjacent to Shore Cottage.


Report from Cllrs G Roberts and M Barnett following meeting 7th January 2011


The Chairman reported:A meeting had been held at the site between Cllr G Roberts, Cllr M Barnett, J Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Mumby.An agreement on the boundaries had been reached between all parties at this meeting.Reference points on the ground were identified to ensure in the future the boundaries would be known.A map had been signed by all parties to show this agreement.Following this, the Council can now move forward with the conveyance.


Ms J Ellis offered the fact that the solicitor had offered a contract that had been accepted.


The Clerk queried the boundary relating to the right of way for the owners of Serendipity at the top of the green currently owned by J Ellis and pointed out that the surveyor had remarked that this was still a grey area.


Cllr M Barnett proposed that when the money for this is received then it is put back into the budget to re-instate the cuts made to the donations. This was seconded by Cllr A Glass, carried unanimously.



121/11 Matters Outstanding.


The allen key to open the notice board needed a chain to be welded to it, in order to attach to the notice board for members of the public to have use of the boards. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� GR


The pot holes on the �Penny Hitch� are now urgent.Decided another letter to the CCS.���������������������������������������� SC


122/11 Public Questions relating to the agenda.(limited to 10 minutes)




123/11 Date and venue of next meeting.


16th February 2011 at Horton Village Hall.







Date ____________________Chairman_____________________________