Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 20th October 2010

at the Horton Village Hall at 7.30pm

Members Present                  Councillor G Roberts (Chair)

Councillor J Bowen
             Councillor B Richards

Councillor M Barnett

Councillor M Williams

Councillor A Glass

Councillor T Methuen-Campbell

Councillor A Lewis



3 members of the public were also present.                                                                                                   Action

70/10                            Apologies for Absence.


Cllr R Lewis offered his apologies due to commitments with Mayoral duties.


a.                     The Clerk requested that apologies to be put in writing to the Clerk along with the reason for absence.

b.                     Also the Clerk introduced an attendance book, which Cllrs could sign at meetings.


71/10                            Declarations of Interest


Cllr B Richards declared an interest in an item to be discussed in Planning relating to Bank Farm due to being the owner of Bank Farm.

Cllr G Roberts declared an interest in an item to be discussed in Planning relating to the Hayes, Horton due to being a direct neighbour.


Cllr G Roberts proposed to alter the order of business in order that the position of Councillor could be decided at the start of the meeting. Unanimous.


72/10                               To fill the Casual Vacancy for the Office of Councillor by co-option– Oxwich Ward


Mr M Williams had been interviewed previously for the position.  Cllr G Roberts proposed that the Council co-opt Mr Williams with immediate effect, seconded Cllr A Glass, carried unanimously. 


A copy of the Code of Conduct and the PCC Standing orders were given to Mr Williams and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form was signed by Mr Williams and the Proper Officer.


The Council welcomed Cllr Williams to the Council.


Cllr G Roberts proposed to alter the order of business to allow Mr D Harvey to address the Council regarding the proposed improvement of Broadband in the area of Penrice. Unanimous.


73/10                            Broadband Upgrading  (Cllr AG)


Mr D Harvey gave a verbal update to the Council.  Some of the points raised ;


1                      He had received a huge amount of enthusiasm from other areas.

2                      A grant was being applied for from the Sustainable Development Fund for the feasibility study.

3                      How much capital will be needed for the project is as yet unknown.

4                      The capital cost will be the biggest issue, there is more work on the financial side of the project than the

project itself.

5                      Most of the effort is going to be put into Horton, Oxwich and Penrice areas.


The Council thanked Mr Harvey and would support any public meeting that may be held in the future.


74/10                            To Confirm the Minutes of the ;


a.         Ordinary Meeting held on 28th July 2010

Cllr J Bowen proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record, seconded Cllr M Barnett, carried unanimously.


b.         The Extra – Ordinary Meeting held 28th July 2010

Cllr A Glass proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


c.         The Extra Ordinary Meeting held 1st September 2010.

Cllr J Bowen proposed that the minutes were a true and accurate record, seconded Cllr A Glass, carried unanimously.


75/10                            Matters arising from the minutes.


a.         Ordinary Meeting held on 28th July 2010

Item 53/10  (34/10) Risk assessment to be sent to Cllr Williams.                                                              GR


An attachment for the key for the notice board at Oxwich Cross.                                                             GR


Item 56/10 No 3  The CCS Unitary Development Plan   - Councillors to check who has the UDP and bring to next meeting.                                                                                                                                                            ALL


Item 60/10  Cllr J Bowen reported : The bench at Slade Cross have now been repaired.


76/10                            County Councillor R. Lewis


a.         The Mayor’s Duties

Cllr G Roberts gave an overview of the situation.


Cllrs’ B Richards and A Lewis declared an interest and withdrew from the meeting due to the fact that Cllr B Richards is a close friend of Cllr R Lewis and Cllr A Lewis is his son.


Points highlighted:

1                      The Community council should support the office of Lord Mayor regardless of the personalities involved, the

feeling from the community was that Cllr Lewis should be supported and the council should take due regard of this .

2                      Cllr Lewis should not have put the PCC in this position.

3                      Cllr Lewis has advised that he did not want to stand down from his position of Cllr of the PCC so the Council

should support his decision.

4              The PCC can authorize long term (more than 6 meetings/months) absence for valid reasons.


Following the discussion, Council felt that it was not in the best interest of the PCC or the local community to not support Cllr R Lewis in his Mayoral duties.  Cllr G Roberts proposed to allow Cllr R Lewis to be absent from the PCC meetings until the end of his term of office as the Mayor of Swansea, seconded Cllr A Glass.  Resolved.


77/10                            Community Councils.


1.                     One Voice Wales minutes.                                                                                                         Noted

2.                     Cllr J Bowen reported from a recent meeting of OVW Area Committee – One Voice Wales had a new Chief

Executive.  He was aiming to encourage training in the Code of Conduct and funding was being sought from



78/10                            Correspondence.


1              CCS – Code of Conduct Training for Cllrs 2nd Nov at the Council Chamber 5.30pm start All Cllrs available to attend.


2              CCS Letter from Matthew Painton, Rights of Way Officer confirmation of agreed actions and plans following a meeting held with Cllr M Barnett to improve the access for walkers etc along Horton Burrows.

Cllr M Barnett also gave a verbal explanation on the agreed plans for the improvements.



78/10                            Correspondence cont.....

2          cont….The letter also contained information on the alteration of footpaths PR7 and 8 and PE28 for which the

Council had no objection.


3              CCS  - notification of proposed diversion of footpaths as discussed in item no 2.  Already decided.


4              Gower Society Newsletter and programme of events.                                                      Noted


5              West Glamorgan Council for Alcohol and drug abuse – Financial request.                        Noted


6              Local Government Boundary Commission – Review of Electoral Arrangements.               Noted


7              Edwina Hart – Letter regarding the recent communication on sand dredging off the Helwick Bank

Cllr M ~Barnett gave an overview of the situation to date.  He explained that another year had been given to Llanelli Sand Dredging Co. , until July 2011 and that negotiations were underway to allow dredging from the Nobel Bank providing that no further dredging from the Helwick Bank occurs.


Cllrs reported that there seemed to be more sand on Horton Beach than 6 months ago and there seemed to be more sand on Oxwich Beach also.

Cllrs acknowledged that sand moved a great deal due to prevailing winds and literal drifting and cannot say if dredging affects the amount of sand on the beaches, but all agreed that if the dredging stops then it will hopefully allow the sand to remain on the beaches.  All agreed that this is good news for the area.


8              CCS – Letter of response to advise that outline planning applications are considered in Gower an AONB and each one is considered on its individual merits


Concern was raised that amendment details are not sent to the PCC, Craig – y –Don is an example. Decided: Clerk to send another letter requesting that full details be sent.                                                 SC


9                      CCS Planning letters advising of recent Council planning decisions.


9.1        Application no 2010/0796       Castle Hill Cottage  - Approve

9.2        Application no 2010/1041       Rocklea, Oxwich    - Approve

9.3        Application no 2010/1094       The Dingle, Horton – Approve

9.4        Application no 2010/0542       High Kiln Bank, Oxwich  - Approve

9.5        Application no 2010/1275        Frogs Hop, Oxwich    - Approve

9.6        Application no 2008/0061        Greenways Holiday Park, Oxwich Green, Oxwich  - Notification that

amended plans had been received, however no details had been sent by the CCS so the Council was

unable to consider this application.  The Clerk to write to CCS to request the information.           SC


10         District Valuer Services – Services available to Community Councils.                                           Noted


11         Community Councils – Draft Licensing Policy.                                                                            Noted


12         The Urdd – Finance request.                                                                                                      Noted.


79/10                            Financial.


                                                                                    Chq no                         amt

Clerk Salary and expenses                                 Information protected under the Data Protection Act

Proposed to pay Cllr A Lewis, seconded Cllr A Glass, carried unanimously


Bonfire and Firework Display Horton                                                      £ 300.00     

Proposed to pay Cllr M Barnett, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously


Oxwich Community Hall letter advising the Council that the rent for meetings at the Hall would increase to £100 per annum                                                                                                                                                            Noted.




79/10                            Financial cont….


Oxwich Community Hall had previously advised the PCC that there was a shortfall following the recent renovations to the Hall.  The PCC had requested to be provided with the Hall Committee’s plans to raise the amount.  Council considered the information provided and points highlighted were;


With the facilities that are now in place, it should be easy to raise this amount.

The PCC donation of £400 is not shown in the figures, also the rent that will be paid £100 is also not accounted for.


The PCC originally agreed to donate £3740 which was the quotation supplied for the electrical work undertaken at the Hall.  The final bill came to £3572.  Council felt that the original amount should therefore be donated which is a difference of £168. Cllr M Barnett proposed to pay the difference, seconded Cllr B Richards. Decided to pay the donation of £168 to the Oxwich Community Hall.


Cash @ bank 27th Sept 2010  £8469.18


Horton Notice board is beyond repair.  Decided to agenda next meeting and the Clerk to check the financial situation with a view to replacing it.                                                                                                                               SC




80/10                            Planning.


A                      Application no:  2010/1378     Mrs T Jenkins       The Croft , Horton

New single storey dwelling house


Council had no comment or objection to this application.


B                      Application no:  2010/1254     Ms P Pryce      Greenways Leisure Park

Low level decking to side and end of static caravan with maximum height of the underside of the caravan.


Council had no comment or objection to this application.


C                      Application no: 2010/0691     The Caravan Club     Bank Farm, Horton

Caravan rally 27th May – 5th June 2011  80 caravans


Cllrs A Lewis and B Richards declared an interest in this item and withdrew from the meeting.


Council resolved to make the comment that there is no objection to this application providing the CCS are monitoring the number of caravans in the Gower area at any one time and that the figure is not detrimental to the area.


D                      Application no: 2010/1402      Mr Brinley Hurford        Quaintways, Horton

Proposed demolition of existing single storey rear extension, replacement two storey extension and

refurbishment of existing property.


Council were advised that there had initially been an objection from the direct neighbour of this property, however this has been resolved with a signed agreement.  Therefore the Council had no objection to this application.


E                      Application no:  2010/1376  Mr L Grove, The Hayes   Horton

                        Existing store/garage extended to form a self contained granny annex and undertaking car parking provision

approved 25/10/06 no 2005/2453.


Cllr G Roberts declared an interest in this item and withdrew from the meeting.  Cllr J Bowen took the Chair for this part of the meeting.


Council decided that there was no objection to this application.





81/10                The Boundaries of the land adjacent to Shore Cottage –  Surveyor’s report update.


Cllr G Roberts reported on meetings held with J Elllis and Mr and Mrs Mumby, which had been held to explain the report written by the Surveyor.


Mrs Mumby had requested acetate sheets of the maps produced in the report, and had managed to achieve this herself.


J Ellis had a few more issues to raise with some information contained in the report.


Mrs and Mrs Mumby were satisfied with the findings produced in the report.


82/10                            Code of Conduct. (Cllr JB)


Defer until a future meeting.


83/10                            Matters Outstanding.


Cllr M Barnett reported that during the recent inclement weather the flooding problem at Scurlage was evident and that the ditches may need clearing again.  An excavator had been seen in this location and Cllr A Lewis advised that this area had been included in a programme of work that had been ongoing all summer.


The pot holes have reappeared on the Penny Hitch again as all infill has once again been washed away.          SC

Mostly at the top of the Penny Hitch and also outside the cottage known as ‘The Kittles’.  Also on Horton Hill opposite the Hayes.


84/10                            Public Questions relating to the agenda.  (limited to 10 minutes)


J Ellis asked that if Cllr R Lewis is not present at the meetings, due to his Mayoral Duties, would that possibly affect the Council in attaining a quorum at Council meetings.   


J Ellis also advised Cllr M Barnett that to retrieve planning details from the CCS Website he should try and save the file first and then open.


85/10                            Date and venue of next meeting.


Next meeting of PCC 17th November 2010 at Oxwich Community Hall.



