Minutes of the Extra - Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 28th July 2010

at the Horton Village Hall at 7.00pm

Members Present                  Councillor G Roberts (Chair)

Councillor J Bowen
             Councillor B Richards

Councillor A Lewis

Councillor M Barnett

Councillor A Glass



2 members of the public were also present.


45/10                                        Apologies for Absence.


Cllr A Lewis handed a letter to the Chairman from Cllr R Lewis explaining that he was attending two functions and was unable to attend the meeting.  The letter stated that he would like to nominate or vote for Cllr I Williams to be co-opted onto the Penrice Community Council.

The Clerk pointed out that it was not correct to accept votes by proxy, and Cllr A Lewis explained that Cllr R Lewis had checked this with the legal department at the CCS.  The Clerk also pointed out that this was the sixth month that Cllr R Lewis had been absent from the PCC meetings, which may result in disqualification from the Council.  Cllr A Lewis agreed to speak with Cllr R Lewis and the Clerk would check the position.                                                                         SC


46/10                                        Declarations of Interest


Cllr B Richards declared an interest due to being the second cousin of one of the applicants Mr I Williams.


47/10                                           To interview candidates in order to fill the vacancy for the position of Councillor in the Oxwich Ward of Penrice Community Council.


Both candidates were welcomed and explained that they would be asked the same three questions.


Cllr B Richards withdrew from the meeting due to his interest registered earlier in the meeting.


48/10                                        To decide which candidate to co-opt to the Council.


Following the short interviews the Council considered each of the candidates responses to the questions and what each would bring to the Council. It was agreed that the quality of both candidates was so high that it made choosing between them difficult.   Following a discussion voted, 4 in favour of Mr I Williams to fill the vacancy. 

Decided : Mr I Williams co-opted to the Council with immediate effect.



49/10                                        To sign the declaration of acceptance of Office by the successful candidate.


Mr I Williams signed the declaration of acceptance of Office and was given the Council Standing Orders.






Date :  _____________________Chair____________________________