Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held
on Wednesday 17th February 2010

at the Horton Village Hall at 7.30pm

Members Present                  Councillor G Roberts (Chair)

Councillor J Bowen
             Councillor A Glass
             Councillor A Oliver
             Councillor M Barnett

Councillor B Richards

2 members of the public were also present.

161/10                                      Apologies for Absence.


Cllr T Methuen-Camppbell


162/10                                      Declarations of Interest.


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in an item relating to Bank Farm to be discussed under Planning due to being the owner of Bank Farm.


163/10                                      To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2010.



The minutes were a true and accurate record of events; proposed Cllr M Barnett, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


164/10                                      Matters arising from the minutes.


Item 150/10 no 4

Mr P Davies had been advised to contact the Ombudsman if he was aware of any relevant information.


Item 150/10 No 12

Cllr M Barnett provided a draft of letter to be sent as decided at the January meeting.  Cllr M Barnett also reported that having read all the documentation it is apparent that the beaches have been monitored annually since 1993 and have been reported since 1998 by the sand dredging company.  Following a discussion the Council decided to send a letter to Alun Cairns and E Hart request an update and also sight of the surveys.                                                     SC/MB


Item 151/10 

A laptop had been purchased as decided in January, cost £357.


Item 151/10

A notice board had been ordered cost £1000, thanks to Cllr A Glass to allow it to be delivered and stored at his house.


Item 153/10

Barrier at Pembroke Cottage -  The Chair reported that David Watkins had inspected the barrier and suggested that two rows of pipes be placed at the bottom of the barrier to prevent children running through this area and then the barrier to be painted.  Quotation £200 for this work.  Cllr B Richards proposed to accept this quotation, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


Item 156/10

The Chair reported : Benches – Emrys had agreed to begin the repairs mid March and to do on a staged basis.


Item 158/10

The CCS had advised that the pot holes on the Penny Hitch and the Sanctuary were on the list to be repaired.




165/10                                      County Councillor R. Lewis.



Cllr A Glass had wished to request information from Cllr Lewis regarding a Youth Worker that the Council were going to employ for the Gower Area.


166/10                                      Community Councils.


Minutes of the OVW Area Committee meeting 16th Dec 09.   Noted.


167/10                                      Correspondence.


1                      CCS                 Decking                                    Approved

2                      CCS                 Nature Reserve              Approved

3                      CCS                 Greenways extension                 Approved

4                      Welsh Assembly Government                Borrowing by Community Councils guidance.                 Noted

5                      Welsh Assembly Government                Accounts and Audit Regulations            .                                   Noted  

6                      St Andrews Church                                Thank you for donation.                                                 Noted

7                      Welsh Assembly Government                Review of Councillor’s Allowances                                 Noted

8                      Rural Development Plan                        Leaflets.                                                                       Noted


168/10                                      Financial.

                                                                                                            Chq no                         Amount

Laptop (Staples)                                                                                   413                               357.51

Mazars ( External audit)                                                             411                               155.25

Clerk salary and expenses                                                         412information protected under the Data Protection Act

Duplicate cheque          (Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall)             410                                 75.00


Proposed to pay Cllr J Bowen, seconded Cllr A Glass


Cash @ bank   £  13,173.00


169/10                                      Planning.


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in item 2009/1882 and withdrew from the meeting.

Cllr A Glass declared a personal interest in item 2009/1882 and withdrew from the meeting.


A                      Application no: 2009/1882   Bayview,  Oxwich Leisure Park

                        Certificate of Lawfulness (residential)


Council decided to submits comments as previous application.


Cllrs Glass and Richards returned to the meeting.


B                      Application no: 2010/0046      Ashcroft, Oxwich

                        Amendment to planning application no 2008/0184


Following a discussion where the clarity of the map was queried, Council decided that there were no objections to the application.


C                      Application no:2010/0183           Caravan Rally, Bank Farm    20/7/10-10/8/10

                                                                        Approx 50 units


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest and withdrew from the meeting.


Council decided to make the comment of no objection,  if the monitoring processed is being adhered to and Gower is not overcrowded during these dates.


D                      Application no                     Eastern Slade Farm – reported that had been requested for a 2nd site visit 9/2/10.


170/10                                      Barrier Pembroke Cottage  ( Cllr GR)


Discussed earlier in the meeting.


171/10                                      Work on the Marsh Road – Flooding problems (Cllr A G)


Cllr A Glass gave a verbal account of a new problem area that has appeared where the CCW have cleared the Marsh. 

Cllr T Methuen-Campbell had sent an e mail to commend the work that the CCW had been doing on clearing the Marsh, and these comments were considered.

However Cllr Glass advised Members that this is a new problem that occurs following heavy rain and remains for a long time afterwards and with the recent icy weather has made this area quite dangerous.  The CCW have tried to prevent this by banking earth at the edge of the pond, but the problem is still evident.


Highways had commented that the road needs to be built up.  Also considered was that the culvert under the road is not big enough to allow enough water to run through it.


Agreed: The CCW regulate the water on the marsh using the weir and that the removal of the reeds on this pond must have caused this problem as they are now not holding the water back.


Decided:    Letter to CCW to raise concerns and request that they investigate the problem as identified.  Letter to also appreciate the very good work that has been undertaken by them on the marsh.  Copy letter to the CCS Highways Dept.      


Also to implement reflector posts for safety alongside this clearing work.


172/10                                      Land Adjoining Shore Cottage – update


The Chair gave an overview of the situation to date.


The Clerk reported:  The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors had been contacted.  A Surveyor had been recommended and contacted for half hour free advice. The advice given was that all information could be submitted by all parties, including aerial photographs, deeds,  maps old and new and any other relevant information.  The surveyor would then produce a detailed report that would determine the boundaries.  The surveying equipment that was used is extremely accurate and uses very complex precision technology.   The Surveyor would be an independent expert and then all parties would know where the boundaries are.  Boundary markers could be laid above or below the ground for future reference.  The cost of this report would be £500 + VAT.


Council agreed that the key important point is that the report would be independent and produced by an expert.


Cllr A Oliver proposed to instruct the Surveyor to produce the report as advised, seconded Cllr M Barnett, carried unanimously.


Clerk to collect as much information relating to boundaries from all parties to send to surveyor, J Ellis and S Mumby from the floor agreed.


173/10                                      Matters Outstanding




174/10                                      Public Questions relating to the agenda.  (limited to 10 minutes)


J Ellis advised that the aerial photographs are available if required, but there is a charge.  Council advised that have some already.


175/10                                      Date of next meeting.


17th March 2010.  7,30pm Horton Village Hall.



Date :  _____________________Chair____________________________