Minutes of the meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~

Wednesday 15th July  09   at Horton Village Hall   7.30pm


Members Present:                    Councillor G Roberts – Chairman                                                

Councillor J Bowen

                                                Councillor B Richards 

                                                Councillor A Glass

                                                Councillor M Barnett

                                                Councillor A Oliver


Approx. five members of the public were also present.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

49/09                            Apologies for Absence.


Cllr T Methuen-Campbell


50/09                            Declarations of Interest.


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in two items to be discussed under Planning relating to Bank Farm due to being the owner of Bank Farm.


The Chairman proposed to suspend Standing Orders and bring forward the presentation of Mr B Fenwick, Group Leader of Highway Maintenance, CCS.  Unanimous.


51/09                            Mr Bob Fenwick, Group Leader, Highway Maintenance, The City and County

of Swansea Council to discuss the roads in the area.


Mr Fenwick gave an explanation on how the Highways Department operate and why they do the work that they do.  The CCS draft  5 year plan for 2010 – 2014  has been finalized and now has to be agreed by Cabinet and following this will be made public.


1          Various safety inspections of the roads have been carried out, bus routes and other link and access roads to communities will have priority,  A large list of problem areas has been built up to be rectified in the next 5 years.


2          Penrice is in the 5 year programme.  Schemes will be grouped together so that similar jobs will be completed at the same time.


3          The Highways system is very good and everything that is logged will have a history.  Any problems with performance then advise the Highways Dept. 


4          The difference between category 1, 2 and 3 was discussed and explained.  Increased levels of heavy sudden rain has caused more problems than normal.


5          A question from the floor : Blowing Ashphelt – Is this a good idea?  When the sudden heavy rain falls then this is washed away.


6          Mr Fenwick:  Very difficult to find an alternative that is a better short term solution.  If the area holds initially, then is more likely to remain longer.  The jet machine is very good at filling the sidings.


7          Problems at Slade were raised and also the various categories that the CCS rate the urgency of repair – 1,2 + 3 .  Over 50mm of depth of a pot hole would require urgent repair.


8          £900,000 from WAG for strengthening of the roads the CCS are dependant on.


9          Question from the floor : How does the community request speed bumps?


10         Other traffic calming schemes can be considered that have the same effect.


11         The various machines that repair the road were discussed and explained.


12         Agreed that the roads seemed to be getting worse in the last few years.  Mr Fenwick hoped that WAG would continue to support the CCS financially in the future and that much needed maintenance could be carried out.


51/09                            Mr Bob Fenwick, Group Leader, Highway Maintenance, The City and County

of Swansea Council to discuss the roads in the area cont…..


13         Insurance claims have lessened in the last few years due to the defence under Section 58 of the Highways Act.


The Council thanked Mr Fenwick for attending the meeting and for his explanation of how the Highways Department of the CCS operates.


52/09                            To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17th June 09.


Item 35/09  (item 23/09)

Omit no 4 and replace with ….Cllr B Richards used ‘The Tors’ as an example of the work that you would have to do if you had to prove that the lounge, which was built after the original bungalow.


With the above amendment the minutes were a true and accurate record, proposed Cllr J Bowen, seconded Cllr M Barnett, carried unanimously.


53/09                            Matters arising from the minutes.


Item 35/09  ( Item 17/09)

The Rural Development Plan Folder had been given to either Cllrs B Richards / A Lewis.  Cllr B Richards to try and track down if he still has the folder and the Clerk to ring Cllr A Lewis.                                                            BR /SC


Item 17/09  (183/09)

Dwr Cymru – A response letter had been received and Cllr A Glass gave a verbal report on the situation.

Await further letter due in approx 14 days and Clerk to send to Cllr A Glass in order to progress if necessary prior to the next meeting.                                                                                                                                   SC/ AG


Item 20/09  No 3

Cllr M Barnett felt that a letter should be sent when the dredging should have started on 1/8//09.  Decided: letter to be sent following this date.                                                                                                                        MB / SC


Item 35/09  (Item 23/09)

Carreg Lwyd – The Chairman gave an overview of the situation to date.  A letter had been sent to the Planning Inspectorate advising that the PCC would possibly wish to make comment regarding the Appeal lodged by the Carreg Lwyd camp site prior to and/or at the appeal hearing and would do so in conjunction with the Port Eynon Community Council, thus allowing the PCC the opportunity to comment if so decided.


Agreed:  Agenda September meeting to discuss and decide if any comment to be submitted.                      SC



54/09                            County Councillor R. Lewis.  




55/09                            Community Councils.


1                     One Voice Wales – Green Issues meeting – noted

2                     One Voice Wales – notice of Training – noted

3                     Information for ombudsman – noted



56/09                            Correspondence.


1                     CCS – Letter advising that the one way system in Horton is an informal arrangement and therefore no signs are required.                                                                                                       Noted

2                     CCS – Rural Development News -                                                                                          Noted

3                     Town Councils Forum – Community Liaison Committee information                                          Noted

4                     CCS  - Letter advising of decision to planning application no 2008/1561 The Hayes, Horton    Refuse

5                     CCS – Shoreline Management information – previously sent to members.                                 Noted

6                     Royal Air Force information.                                                                                                  Noted





57/09                            Financial.

Clerk Salary and expenses                                 chq no 388  Information protected by the Data Protection Act.

Clerk salary and expenses ( post dated cheque for Aug as no meeting)

                                                                        Chq no 389 Information protected by the Data Protection Act.

Proposed to pay: Cllr B Richards      seconded:  Cllr A Glass    carried unanimously.


Cash @ bank 30th June 09   £12 078.10


58/09                            Planning


A                      Application no :2008/0184

Applicant : Mr & Mrs Mead

Address : Ashcroft, Oxwich

Proposal : Two Storey side extension, single storey and two storey rear extension associated works and incorporation of land into residential cartilage (Amended information and description)


Council decided that more information was needed to properly consider the application.                   SC


B                      Application no :2009/0953

Applicant : The Caravan Club

Address: Bank Farm, Horton

Proposal : Caravan Rally approx 30 units 5th Aug 2010 – 23rd Aug 2010


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in both items B and C and withdrew from the meeting during these items.


C                      Application no: 2009/0918

Applicant : The Caravan Club

Address: Bank Farm, Horton

Proposal : Caravan Rally approx 60 units 28th May to 6th June 2010


Council considered both items B and C and decided that the response would be as previously made to the CCS.



59/09                            Memorial Bench and Tree (Paul Walters) (Cllr GR)


A letter had been received from the CCS advising that planning permission was not required if under Class A of part 12 of Schedule 2, of Article 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and that the bench is installed as part of the Statutory Function of the PCC.

The Chairman advised that a further meeting was to be held with Mr Walters.                                              GR


60/09                            Benches update ( Cllr AG/JB/GR)


Cllrs A Glass, J Bowen and the Chairman has visited the benches in the ward and a report had been circulated with recommendations on work needed and timescale.


Council decided that to offer it to tender for the work as a one off job.  Clerk to advertise.                              SC

Cllr A Glass to speak to Emrys to have a look at the work and price.                                                          AG


Cllr J Bowen reported that the bus stop in Oxwich Green was in very poor condition.  Letter to Cath Swain copy to Director of the Environment.                                                                                                                       SC


The grass around the benches also needs to be cut and to add into the tender.                                           SC


Does any of this land belong to the Penrice Estate?


61/09                            Notice boards.


The Chairman had received a quote from a local carpenter for two boards for £2700.


Agreed that this is too expensive. More quotes needed.  Cllr J Bowen offered to research.                            JB


Agenda next meeting.


62/09                            Matters Outstanding.


1          The Gower Website – Clerk reported that this is still causing problems and that Selina had offered to come out and rectify the problem but would carry a charge.  The Clerk felt that enough money had been paid to the website to have technical support that would only have to be enough to iron out problems that were only due to the instructions being so new and un tested.


The Clerk thanked Jan Ellis who had helped with this problem and managed to get info onto the website.


2          Shore Cottage was still ongoing and awaiting a response from Ms Ellis’s solicitor.


63/09                            Public Questions relating to the agenda.  (limited to 10 minutes)


None .


64/09                            Date and venue of next meeting.


16th September 2009 at Horton Village Hall.