Minutes of the meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~

Wednesday 15th April  09   at Horton Village Hall   7.30pm


Members Present:                    Councillor G Roberts – Chairman                                                

Councillor J Bowen

                                                Councillor B Richards 

                                                Councillor M Barnett

                                                Councillor A Glass

                                                Councillor A Lewis

                                                Councillor T Methuen-Campbell


Five members of the public were also present.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ACTION

The Clerk thanked J Ellis for taking the minutes at the last meeting in her absence.


169/09                          Apologies for Absence.


Cllrs R Lewis and A Oliver.


170/09                          Declarations of Interest.




171/09                          To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 09.


Cllr A Glass congratulated J Ellis on a superb effort in producing the minutes. He added that useful to have Councillors initials used, but thought that members of the public should have the full names stated.



Item 155/09   para 6 to read Hannah Davies.

Item 161/09 No. 4 AG advised…to replace AO.

Item 161/09 to read …At the end of this discussion RL apologised for his early departure and left the meeting.

Item 167/09    no. 1 Phil Davies to replace PD,   no.2 Jeremy Bowen, No 3 Shirly Osborne and omit the word is, No 4 Brian Richards to replace BR.

Also replace ssc with ccs throughout.


With the above amendments the minutes were a true and accurate record, proposed Cllr J Bowen, seconded Cllr T Methuen-Campbell.


172/09                          Matters arising from the minutes.


Item no 157/09    - (147/09)  The lighting at The Oxwich Bay Hotel had been altered and was much better.

Agreed:  Cllr G Roberts to phone Mr I Williams and thank him for rectifying this.                                          GR


Item 166/09  No 1  The pot holes at Pitt Farm had been filled in.

However there are pot holes between the Sanctuary and turning off to Oxwich and outside Prospect Cottage, Slade the road was collapsing.  CCS are circling in yellow paint the problem areas and rectifying. 

Decided:  The Clerk to write letter to CCS to advise of these areas.                                                            SC


Item 166/09 No 2  Litter problem not yet rectified.                                                                                     SC


173/09                          County Councillor R. Lewis.



174/09                          Community Councils.


1                     One Voice Wales – Minutes of 12th Feb 09 meeting.  Noted.

2                     One Voice Wales meeting 9th April 09 Cllr J Bowen reported:

a.       Swansea and Carmarthen Bay Shoreline Management Plan – Clerks need to register on the website to be included in receiving information on this future project and for the Council to be represented. 

b.      CCS Unitary Development Plan is to be replaced with the Local Development Plan.  CCS has to consult with the Community Councils.  The LDP will be better for the community.

175/09                          Correspondence.


1.         CCS – Local Development Plan ( Delivery Agreement) – Comments due 29th May 09.  Decided Cllrs A Glass and T Methuen-Campbell to read and report back to next meeting with any recommendations. Clerk will try and obtain e mail copy to send to all Cllrs.                                                         AG / TMC /SC


2.         CCS  - Castle Hill Cottage App No. 2008/1576 & 2008/1548 Notice of Appeal hearing 6th May 09 at 10am at the Guildhall.

            Following a discussion Council decided the Clerk to write letter to the Planning Inspector re-iterating the original objections.  GR will try and attend.                                                                             SC / GR


Cllr M Barnett queried that traffic some coming from the Castle Hill were not aware of the one way system and

travelling up the hill, due to the lack of appropriate signage. Decided: Agenda signs next meeting.           SC


3.         CCS  High Kiln Bank – App no. 2008/2262  Notification of Approval.                    Noted.


4.         CCS  Greenways Holiday Park App no 2008/0061 Retention of caravan decking and access ramps -

            Notification that the WAG had refused to consider the Appeal made due to the appeal not include a valid Access Statement.  As a consequence, the local Planning Authority must now reconsider the application.


            Cllr B Richards advised the Council that a licensed caravan site does not require planning permission for this as it is written into the Model Standards for Caravans.                             Noted.


5.         Welsh Assembly Government – Loss of Sand on the Gower Beaches –

Cllr M Barnett surmised the letter – The letter was in response to previous queries raised by the PCC, and advised that the money is paid to the Crown Estates, the amount is confidential.  Dredging will cease at the Nash Bank February 2010.  PCC have written to WAG to ask for further details and to see if the baseline survey has been submitted.  The license starts from the time that dredging commences, which is 1st August 09, and 150,000 tonnes per year will be extracted.


6.         PACT Meeting  - notification of meeting 20th April 09  7.30pm Reynoldston Hall. 


7.         CCS Lord Mayors Inauguration 8th May 09. Acceptances by 17th April 09                            Noted.


8.         Information Commissioners Office – Instructional CD                                                         Noted.


9.         Royal Welsh Agricultural Society – Financial request.                                                       Noted.


10.        The Clerk Magazine -                                                                                                     Noted


11.        The Gower Society Newsletter – Cllr A Glass and T Methuen-Campbell to read.


12.        CADW Heritage Magazine – Cllr A Lewis and M Barnett to read.


176/09                          Financial.


Details                                                                         Chq no                                     Amount

Clerks salary and expenses                                381       information protected under the Data Protection Act


Proposed to pay Cllr J Bowen                 seconded: Cllr B Richards  


Cllr J Bowen expenses                                       382                                           94.78


Proposed to pay Cllr A Glass                  seconded:  Cllr B Richards 


Cash @ bank 31st March 09 £10, 341.51


177/09                          Planning


A          Application no 2009/0355  Driftwood, Oxwich

2 storey extension and minor alterations to existing house.


Decided:  To support the application with no objections.


178/09                          The Rural Development Plan ( Cllr JB)


Cllr J Bowen reported:

There is a lot of money available.  The next two years has been allocated, however ideas are being sought for the years following.  There are 8 separate areas that ideas will be considered from.  A folder is available which Cllr J Bowen will try and locate that identifies and outlines the criteria required.  When folder received Cllr J Bowen will notify the Clerk to agenda next meeting.                                                                                                 JB/SC


179/09                          Letters received from Eastern Slade Farm, Mr And Mrs Beynon dated 23 Feb 09

and 17th March 09.


The Clerk advised that the Council should consider amending Standing Orders so that letters received within 3 days prior to the meeting should be deferred until the following meeting, with a discretionary clause allowing the Chairman to include if he feels necessary.  Decided: agenda this next meeting.                                     SC


a)                   Cllr A Glass thought that Cllr A Oliver should have the right of reply to the letter as the comments were made regarding his comments minuted and actions taken.

b)                   The Clerk advised that two areas were being discussed at the same time and due to her not living in the area was unable to differentiate in the two areas being discussed at the same time, which caused the minutes to read incorrectly.

c)                   Cllr J Bowen advised that the meeting was held in Slade and not on Eastern Slade land and was to discuss the collapsing road and illegal parking.  Eastern Slade land was not discussed.  The Community Council was aware of the meeting and Cllr Bowen was attending in representation of the Community Council and also the community. 

d)                   Council felt that due to the inclement weather that was experienced last summer and winter caused surface water to aggravate erosion on the coastal footpath.

e)                   Cllr J Bowen advised that at the first meeting referred to, she was not a Community Councillor  and this meeting had been arranged by the CCS and that Cllr Hague had invited her to attend.

f)                     Cllr A Glass felt that the tone of the letter was not constructive and this should be included in the reply, even though the Council is apologising for the confusion.

g)                   Cllr J Bowen felt that the comments made ‘maverick and unprofessional’  were untrue and unfair.


Following a discussion on details contained in the minutes, Council was satisfied that Cllr A Oliver had not said or implied that Eastern Slade Farm had changed the water course.


Decided :The Chairman draft a letter apologising for the oversight of the minutes which have proved confusing in this instance.  The Draft to be circulated to all Members, prior to being sent.                                          GR/SC


180/09                          The Exemption of Caravan Rallies from Planning Permission – update


A sub-committee meeting had been arranged for 24th April 09 with Kim Flanders at 2 pm venue tba.


Decided;  Cllrs G Roberts, A Glass and J Bowen to attend. The Clerk to also attend.                           GR/AG/JB/SC


181/09                          The Local Inquiry to consider the Appeal made by Greenways Leisure Park against

the Enforcement Notice issued by the CCS .   - Summary of the Hearing (Cllr JB)


a.         The Report from the Planning Inspector had been received and had been sent to all Members prior to the

meeting.  The CCS Enforcement Notice had been upheld.


b.         The Chairman commended the Local Residents Group and the Gower Society for collecting evidence and representing the community.


c.         Cllr B Richards queried that there could be more traffic problems on the hill if 430 tents were to be allowed onto the site.  However local residents reported that there had not ever been that number of tents on the fields in question at Greenways.


d.         Cllr J Bowen reported that at the hearing the PCC minutes were very important for the appeal and the CCS thought that it was helpful that the PCC had discussed this issue so frequently.


182/09                          Sale of land adjoining Shore Cottage, Horton update.


Some information had been received from the Solicitor which J Ellis had not yet seen so Council decided to defer until the end of the meeting to hold this item in camera.

183/09                          Horton Green  -


1         Cable supporting the telegraph pole in centre of green.


Decided: Cllr G Roberts to speak to Keith Woodruff to see if a post could be sunk deeper in the ground to enable this cable to be removed.                                                                                                     GR


2         Removal of Sycamore Trees.


Following a discussion it was decided that Cllr M Barnett to produce a specification on the removal / thinning of the sycamore trees on the green by the next meeting.  Agenda next meeting.                  MB / SC

Decided:  Council wished to use a local person/s to complete this work to keep the money in the community.


184/09                          Oxwich Green Maintenance.


a.         Peter Fuge had said that he is not interested in the work of cutting the green.


b.         David Llewellyn had submitted an expression of interest. 


c.         Due to the grass now urgently needing cutting, Council decided that Cllr A Glass to contact and instruct him to cut it once with a one off payment and thereafter provide a quotation for the work needed in maintaining the area outlined in the notice.     Proposed Cllr J Bowen, seconded Cllr T Methuen-Campbell.                                                                                                                                         AG


d.         Members discussed the benches in Oxwich, Horton and Slade trying to ascertain which benches the PCC own.  Two are still being queried outside Oxwich Church.  J Ellis from the floor suggested replacing the benches on a rolling programme.  Members thought this was a good idea.  Also suggested was to alter the design and have stone benches that would need minimum upkeep.


185/09                          Matters Outstanding.


Cllr R Lewis had approached the Chairman to advise that he had been contacted by a member of the public to request if a bench could be donated and placed in Horton to commemorate the loss of his daughter in an accident.  A discussion followed and further details would be sought.


Cllr M Barnett made the observation that the bench outside Penrice Church was very good and Shirley Osborne from the floor added that it was owned by the WI and finance was needed to repair.


186/09                          Public Questions relating to the agenda.  (limited to 10 minutes)


1    Shirley Osborne from the floor asked what the PACT Meeting was.  Following a discussion explaining that it was to improve community policing, Council decided to put a notice up advertising the meeting and advising that public are welcome.                                                                                                                 SC


2     Jeremy Bowen from the floor reported that motor homes had been seen over the Easter weekend at Oxwich

       Camping Park.  It was possible that they had been turned away from another campsite and that the Park had    

       merely accommodated distressed tourists.

Following a discussion Council decided that Cllr A Glass to speak in the first instance to Malcolm Cromby.      AG


3          Phil Davies from the floor reported that Sealands had 3 more tourers that they were entitled to site.


187/09                          Date and venue of next meeting.


19th May 09 Tuesday at Horton Village Hall


182/09                          Sale of land adjoining Shore Cottage, Horton update.


This part of the meeting was held in camera and the public were excluded.



Meeting ended 9.20pm