Minutes of the meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~

Wednesday 17th December 2008

at Horton Village Hall


Members Present:                    Councillor G Roberts – Chairman                                                

Councillor J Bowen

                                                Councillor B Richards 

                                                Councillor A Oliver

                                                Councillor A Glass

                                                Councillor R Lewis

                                                Councillor A Lewis

                                                Councillor M Barnett  


Four members of the public were also present.                                                                                         ACTION


Cllr R Lewis wished to state that the behaviour of Mr Phil Davies at the last meeting was disgraceful.  His comments were out of order and Cllr G Roberts had been an excellent Chairman so far, but he felt that this attack should have been stopped.  Cllr Lewis wished to move a resolution that the Council had every confidence in the Clerk to the Council.  This resolution was seconded by Councillor A Glass and carried unanimously.  Cllr Lewis stated that this personal attack was not helpful to anyone and that the Council should write to Mr Phil Davies to ensure that he apologises to both the Clerk and the Council.

The Chairman had drafted a letter to be sent to Mr Davies which was read to the meeting.

Cllr R Lewis stated that Mr Davies should know better than any member of the public due to the fact that he was the Clerk to the PCC in previous years.  The Chair added that he was defended by the Council when he got into difficulties and received criticism from the public.

Council resolved that the letter be sent. Unanimous.                                                                                             SC


104/08              Apologies for absence                                                                                                


Cllr T Methuen-Campbell


Council resolved to move the order of business for the next item to be Amend Standing Orders.


105/08              Amend Standing Orders.


The Clerk recommended to add to standing orders:-


Public questions.

The Clerk had been advised that this item should be at the start of the meeting, but following a discussion, Cllr R Lewis proposed that an item titled Public Questions, should be added near to the end of the Order of Business in the Standing Orders and all questions must refer to an agenda item listed for the meeting and have a time limit of 10 minutes. Seconded Cllr B Richards, carried unanimously.


Council also resolved that – Date of next meeting also be added at the end of the Order of Business in the Standing Orders.


106/08              Declarations of Interest.


Cllr A Oliver declared a personal interest in item – High Kiln Bank, due to being a neighbour of this property.


Cllr R Lewis declared a personal interest in the whole of the Planning Item, due to being the Chairman of the Area 2 Planning Committee, CCS and would withdraw during this item.


107/08              To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 20th November 08.


The minutes were a true and accurate record, proposed Cllr A Glass, seconded Cllr M Barnett.


108/08              Matters arising from the minutes.


Sycamores on Horton Green

Cllr G Roberts reported that there had been no objection raised by residents that had been advised of the proposal to remove the sycamore trees from the Green.

Cllr M Barnett had outlined the trees to be taken down, which some Cllrs advised that the trees would need poisoning in order to prevent re-growth. The Clerk to send letter to CCS.                                                                                   SC

109/08              County Councillor R. Lewis.


1.       The Leisure Centre at the end of November was £20,000 ahead of target.

  1. The Libraries had been very successful throughout the year.
  2. The final stages of the works for the Metro bus were being completed.


Cllr M Barnett queried that the pot holes on the Penny Hitch had not been repaired – Cllr R Lewis would look into this.


110/08              Community Councils.


  1. Minutes of the One Voice Wales Area Committee meeting 9th October 08.  Cllr J Bowen attended and gave a verbal report.  A new website was being created and the Clerk to complete form for registration.                 SC


111/08              Correspondence.

  1. A email received from Mr D. Jarvis was read to the meeting. 


The Chairman advised that Cllr M Barnett had apologized for his comments at the last meeting and that no action was to be taken and it was felt unnecessary to minute every comment made at meetings.

Mr D Jarvis requested that if Cllrs request an Agenda Item then it should indicate that Cllrs name alongside the Agenda Item, for the benefit of the public.


Following a discussion on previous agenda items and who had raised them, the pro’s and con’s were considered and Cllr R Lewis proposed to add the Cllr’s name alongside an agenda item if they have requested it, seconded

Cllr A Oliver, carried unanimously.


  1. A letter from Cllr T Methuen-Campbell regarding the change of dates was read to the meeting.  The letter apologised for his absence from recent meetings, but was due to the change of dates.                 Noted.
  2. CCS – Letter re Parking issues at Slade – Notification that regular visits are planned for the summer months to enforce the no parking in this area.                                                                                              Noted
  3. CCS Lord Mayors Charity Ball invitation.                                                                                      Noted
  4. Port Eynon bus shelter – notification that a successful art project had produced a mural in the shelter.

A meeting was to be held to consider a similar project at Oxwich Cross.                                        Noted

6.       CCS –proposed extinguishments of a section of public footpath PR36 in the community of Penrice   

      (SS498874)    Council resolved to support this, but to check with Cllr T Methuen-Campbell to ensure that he  

      also is in support.                                                                                                                      SC

7.       Independent Panel on Members Pay and Allowances – notification of review of the financial support provided

for Assembly Members.                                                                                                              Noted.

8.       The decision of the Commons Commissioner relating to the registration of Horton Village Green as common

land, following the hearings held June07 and January 08.

Council decided to copy and circulate.                                                                                         SC

      9.   Alun Cairns – Notification of meeting regarding issues surrounding sand dredging 12th Jan 09.          Most Cllrs

stated they wished to attend.

      10.  CCS – Rock Cottage -  Notification of amendment to the description.  Cllr R Lewis thought that this application

had been approved.  Council felt that the description did not match the plans.  Cllr G Roberts to have a look at this.                                                                                                                                       GR


112/08              Financial.


Budget review.

The Council considered the previous budget yr 2008/09 and discussed each category and set budget headings in view of expected increases during the next financial period.

Decided: Query the external audit amount £141.00                                                                                               SC

Some items increased were Internal Auditor £ 50 and Noticeboards £1000 proposed Cllr R Lewis , seconded Cllr J Bowen.


Projects that were considered which the Council could financially support:-

1.       Disabled toilet facilities in the toilets at Oxwich.

2.   Fireworks display

3.   Clubs

4.   Port Eynon CC offer skips to the community for general waste.

Reported that this was well received in the community.

Some Members felt this was worth considering, but could cause problems with vandalism, eg fires etc


Bench maintenance – agenda next meeting



To set the precept 2008/2009

The new budget was set for the financial period 2009/2010.  Following this procedure the Council resolved to keep the precept the same and therefore set it at £9000.  Clerk to notify the CCS.                                             SC


Council decided to move the order of business Clerk Salary to be discussed in camera at the end of the meeting.


Details                                                                          Chq no              amount

St Andrews Church (section 137 donation)                       367                   400.00

Horton Methodist Church (section 137 donation)               368                   400.00

Horton Village Hall (section 137 donation)                        369                   400.00

Oxwich & Penrice Youth Hall (section 137 donation)         370                   400.00

St Illtyds Church (section 137 donation)                           371                   400.00

The Gower Website maintenance                                    372                   120.00

Clerk Salary & expenses                                                Information protected under the Data Protection Act


Cllr A Glass proposed that all payments as presented be paid, seconded Cllr R Lewis, carried unanimously.


113/08              Planning

Cllr A Oliver declared a personal interest due to being a neighbour and withdrew from the meeting.

Cllr R Lewis declared a personal interest in the whole of the Planning items due to being the Chairman of the CCS Area 2 Planning Committee and withdrew from the meeting.


Application no: 2008/2262 MR S Moss    High Kiln Bank, Slade

Council decided that there was no objection to this item and to support this application.


114/08              Freedom of Information

Model Publication Scheme available from www.ico.gov.uk


The Information Commissioner had produced a new Model Publication Scheme in order that Community Councils could comply with the Freedom of Information Obligations.


Cllr R Lewis moved that the Model Scheme be adopted by the PCC, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously. 


115/08              Recycling


1.   Cllr J Bowen requested that the PCC get more people involved in recycling.

2.       Cllr R Lewis reported that the CCS were spending large sums of money to encourage the public to re-cycle.

3.       Cllr Bowen wished to improve recycling in the Gower area.

4.       Cllr Lewis advised that is quite expensive to action.

5.       Bundles of cardboard are now collected.


Following a discussion Council decided that Cllr R Lewis to speak to the CCS recycling department and enquire if some leaflets could be printed for distribution by the PCC.                                                                                 RL


116/08              Matters Outstanding


Cllr A Glass reported that there was progress being made with the sewer in Oxwich and gave a verbal account of the works planned.  It was felt that this would solve this problem.


Council resolved to send a letter to pressure the CCS to sort the problem outside the Oxwich Bay Hotel.      SC


CCS can put a new drain in the road down to the beach – Agenda next meeting      SC


117/08              Public Questions


Jan Ellis from the floor advised that there is a mail preference service available to assist with recycling.  Also that there is a tel no to ring to stop spam mail and also one for phone calls.


118/08              Date of Next Meeting

20th January 09   Oxwich


119/08              Clerk Salary

Council decided to hold this part of the meeting in camera, therefore the press and public were excluded.