Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~  Wednesday 11th June 2008

At the Horton Village Hall



Members Present:               Councillor G Roberts - Chairman

                                       Councillor J Bowen

                                       Councillor R Lewis

Councillor A Lewis

Councillor B Richards


27/08                        Apologies for Absence


Cllrs T Methuen-Campbell and M Barnett.


28/08                        Declarations of Interest.


Cllr B Richards declared an interest in Items under planning relating to Bank Farm due to being the owner.


The Clerk had been advised that when Members stated that they had an interest in a subject, they must also declare what that interest is.  The City and County of Swansea was due to hold a training session on this due to the new Code of Conduct as adopted.


29/09                        To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19th May 2008.


Amendment: Item 23/08 Add: Cllr A Lewis declared a personal interest in this item and did not speak or vote.


Amendment: Item 23/08 The First sentence to read…Cllr R Lewis declared a personal interest in Item A-F and did not speak or vote.


Cllr R Lewis proposed that with the above amendments the minutes were a true and accurate record, seconded Cllr J Bowen. Carried unanimously.


30/09                        Matters arising from the minutes.


Item 18/08  (Item 154/08

Notice board – For insurance purposes Council decided that a local contractor be sought to mount the new notice board.  Cllr G Roberts to source.                         GR


Item 161/08 

The Chairman had spoken to Grayson, Manager of the camping site at Green Lane, who had advised that the caravan owners had been asked to remove the decking and if this request is not complied with there will be a charge levied to them for removal by Green meadow Caravan site.  Cllr Bowen will speak to Martin Appleby.              JB


31/08                        County Councillor R. Lewis.


Councillor R Lewis reported:

150,000 people have visited Swansea Leisure Centre, which is way ahead of target.

Concerns over the entry cost have been allayed due to the high visitor numbers.

Buses of visitors from all over the country have driven here to use this facility.  There have been very few complaints.


31/08                        County Councillor R. Lewis cont…

A four year plan for improving Gower Roads have been released, with a budget of 10 million pounds.


How is this plan to be prioritized?


Cllr Lewis advised that the Head of the Highways Department will tour the area and in conjunction with Council Officers will identify areas of immediate need.


If a problem area is known, is it worth lobbying to have it rectified?


Cllr R Lewis felt that the area would be thoroughly assessed and decisions would then be made depending on current condition of each road.


32/08                        Community Councils.


One Voice Wales Conference. –   Decided - no delegates to attend.


One Voice Wales – National Eisteddfod volunteers requested to assist – noted.


One Voice Wales – Notification of the Annual Meeting and Ordinary meeting had been changed.  Notification of the change had been received very near to the new date.  Cllr J Bowen would see if available to attend.                                                                                                      JB


33/08                        Correspondence.


  1. 2 x letters –P J Atherton (Surveying) Limited – A request for specific minutes and letters relating to Greenways Leisure Park under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  To be decided later in the meeting under the Greenways item.
  2. The City and County of Swansea – Standards Committee Vacancy – noted.
  3. Swansea Metropolitan University – Name change celebration invitation – noted
  4. Childline – Financial request – noted – Agenda payments to charities next meeting.          SC
  5. The City and county of Swansea – Planning Department – the Clerk raised the fact that approx 6 letters had been sent to advise that the PCC comments had been received relating to planning applications.  The comments had been made via e mail.  Cllr R Lewis offered to look into this.                                                                                                        RL
  6. South Wales Police authority – Offering membership.           Noted
  7. CCW – Booklets -  Cllrs J Bowen and G Roberts took to read.
  8. The Ombudsman Annual Report-                                                   Noted.


34/08                        Financial.



  1. Annual Statement of Accounts /Year end figures 2007-08 – deferred until next meeting.
  2. Introduction of  “Quicken Software” for the Councils accounts – Cllr R Lewis move that this be approved, seconded Cllr B Richards, carried unanimously. Clerk to action.           SC
  3. Internal Auditor  - Cllr G Roberts had sourced an Internal Auditor - Emma Jones.
  4. Mr P Davies request for up to £150 for a replacement mower due to the handle having rusted off the existing one. ( Oxwich Green Maintenance) – Cllr R Lewis moved that accept this proposal, seconded Cllr A Lewis, carried unanimously. Payment to be made when invoice received.





34/08                        Financial cont….



Payments                                   chq no                     Amount

Gower website                              346                          30.00

Clerk salary and expenses           347          information protected under the Data Protection Act

Horton Village Hall                         348                          50.00

Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall     349                          50.00

Notice board                                350                         558.13


The Clerk advised that notification had been received that the rent of Horton Village Hall for Council meetings was to increase next year to £70 per yr.


Cllr J Bowen proposed to pay all payments as presented, seconded Cllr A Lewis, carried unanimously.


35/08                        Planning.


To consider a response to the post inquiry modifications to the City and County Unitary Development Plan.


Cllr J Bowen had read the document and prepared a report that was recommended for the Council to adopt.


Council considered and debated the report raising the following points:-


a)     The New policies will allow new caravan sites to be given planning permission in Gower.

b)     Cllr R Lewis felt that this would not be the case as one had already been put before the planning committee and been turned down.  He also felt that the ‘Tourism Partners’ had not overly influenced the Unitary Development Plan. The City and County of Swansea will be looking at growth in the more expensive holidays rather than the cheaper value holidays.

c)      Static caravans are getting bigger.

d)     If higher end would result in more permanent accommodation, there would be objections.

e)     Park Holiday Homes have a maximum size.


Council decided to adopt the statement and send to the City and County of Swansea Council. Unanimous.                                                                                         


Council considered the following applications:-


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in Item A and B, due to being the owner of Bank Farm.  Cllr Richards withdrew from the meeting during Item A and did not speak or vote on Item B or C.

Cllr A Lewis declared a personal interest in Item A, due to being a friend of the family.


A          2008/0957  Mr B Richards,  Bank Farm, Horton

          Application for conservation area consent-Demolition of building.


The meeting was not then quorate, so no comment could be made on this application.


B          2008/1159     Mrs A Austin, The Manor House, Horton

          Erection of two storey side extension to provide additional living and bedroom –        revised scheme to scheme approved 14/8/07.


35/08                        Planning cont…

C          2008/1061    Mr & Mrs T Maggs, Holmlea, Underhill Lane Horton

          First floor extension at rear of house.


Council decided that there were no objections to applications B and C.


36/08            Possible sale of land adjoining Shore Cottage, Horton – update.


The District Valuer Mr G Walters had visited the site to take measurements and view.  The Chairman Cllr G Roberts, The Clerk and Jan Ellis were present. Mr Walters advised that in his opinion a restrictive covenant would be the best course of action for the Council in order to protect the land from any building in the future.


Cllr G Roberts proposed that the Council decide to place a restrictive covenant on the land that is to be sold, seconded Cllr J Bowen, carried unanimously.


37/08                        Vacancy for the Office of Councillor in the Oxwich Ward


Notification that an election has been called by 10 local electors from the CCS Elections Office.  The date set was the 24th July 08. Nominations will open 19th June 08 and close on 27th June 08.


38/08                        Camping on the Dunes.


The Chairman reported that illegal camping was witnessed on Horton Burrows recently.


Cllr R Lewis advised that the Cabinet Member responsible for Car Parks had been informed and a person would be locking the gate in the evenings. The new Gower Ranger’s terms of employment were also being considered in order to rectify this problem.


What is the course of action for residents to report this?


It was agreed that a weekend presence was needed.


How do residents contact the new Gower Ranger?


Decided to await the response from the Cabinet Member, Cllr R Lewis to chase.                     RL


39/08                        Greenways.


A letter and an e mail had been received from Mr P Atherton, acting for Mr M Mead, Greenways Leisure Park requesting specific information relating to the appeal to the enforcement notice that had been lodged by Greenways Leisure Park.


Minutes and letters received and sent could be provided as these were public documents.


The Clerk asked for clarification of the details of the Residents Group meetings that were held 2007.


One of the meetings that was held, had in attendance Councillor John Hague, Mr Brian Graham, Head of Planning CCS, Thomas Gronow, Planning Officer CCS and others, minutes of this meeting was taken by Janine Townsley, Solicitor CCS. 


Residents of Oxwich, who were also Councillors were invited to attend in their capacity as residents and not Councillors.


39/08                        Greenways cont…

Councillors were not aware of any photographs held within the Councils papers of the Greenways site. 


Mr M Mead from the floor was invited to make a comment at this part of the meeting.


Mr Mead stated that his family were disappointed not to be invited to the Residents Group meetings, as they were also residents of Oxwich.  The PCC had offered Mr Mead to attend its meetings and be able to ask questions and speak.  Mr Mead was satisfied that the questions raised by Mr Atherton’s letter relating to the Residents Group meetings had been answered and that the PCC had not been involved with the meetings.


The Chairman advised that the PCC had tried to represent the interest of both parties, in an even-handed manner.  If the residents of Oxwich Green wish to have a meeting, then there is nothing to stop this.

Mr Jeremy Bowen from the floor stated that the Residents Group were a non-elected body and that the group could therefore invite anyone to the meetings.


40/08                        Matters Outstanding.


Members of the public were invited to ask questions.


Illegal camping can sometimes be a problem on the Horton Village Green.  Cllr R Lewis to advise the Gower Ranger.                                                                                               RL


Contractors are working in the area – The Electricity Board are currently cutting a lot of trees down.

Cllr R Lewis advised that sometimes have to notify the Highways Department.


Greenways had experienced excess tree cutting work, by the Electricity Board.  This is done so that the job lasts 10 years.


The Gower Society’s Constitution was requested.  Clerk to obtain a copy.                             SC


Saturday prior to the meeting, there were no lifeguards on the beach.

Cllr R Lewis advised that they should be there all summer.


41/08                        Date of next meeting.


Horton Hall  9th July 08  

Agenda meeting dates




Meeting ended 8.45pm