Minutes of the meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~

Monday 14th January 2008

At Horton Village Hall at 7.30pm




Members Present:                 Councillor A Glass – Chairman       

                                                Councillor G Davies

                                                Councillor A Oliver

Councillor B Richards

Councillor G Roberts

Councillor T Methuen-Campbell



105/08             Apologies for Absence.


Cllr I Williams, J Bowen and M Barnett


106/08             Declarations of Interest.


Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in a planning application no 2007/2728.


107/08             To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th December 07.


Amendment :  92/07     Mr. Courtney Grove


The minutes were a true and accurate record.


Proposed: Cllr G Roberts                     Seconded: Cllr G Davies


107/08             Matters arising from the minutes.


96/07 (3)    Cllr G Roberts reported that it was difficult to get the full information as the reports had to be paid for in order to access.  Cllr G Roberts will endeavour to investigate further.                                                                                                                                                      GR


96/07 (10)  Cllr A Glass reported that he had attended the CCS Carol Service.


97/07         Notice boards – Cllr G Roberts had located a firm that supplied aluminium notice boards.  Estimated cost would be approximately £500  -£600 each for a free standing unit.  If the notice board was to be wall mounted then would be slightly cheaper.  Cllr G Roberts to get costs for a replacement notice board for the Horton Hall location.                             GR


99/07         Greenways – Malcolm Ridge of the Gower Society was unavailable for this meeting.  It was agreed following a discussion that the Gower Society’s primary purpose was to maintain the Gower peninsula and preserve it for future generations.  Councillors would like to know how much common ground there is between the Society and the PCC, and would also like to work with this organization.  Council decided to invite Malcolm Ridge to the next meeting.                                                                                                          AG

103/07       Green Meadow - Cllr G Davies reported that there was currently a planning programme underway which included hedge re-planting.


103/07       Leaflet – Council decided that the cost estimated between £40 and £70 to print -  the Clerk to get 200 copies of the leaflet printed.  Unanimous.                                            SC




108/08             County Councillor R. Lewis.




109/08             Community Councils.


One Voice Wales – Training Seminar for community and town Councillors in February 08 cost £25      Cllr G Davies to attend. Clerk to send payment proposed Cllr A Oliver, seconded Cllr T Methuen Campbell. Clerk to check if other places available.                                                                                  SC


One Voice Wales – Training seminar –Delivering a Successful Youth Council    noted


One Voice Wales – Training “ How to Chair a meeting”   No cost Cllrs G Roberts and A Glass to attend.   Clerk to advise.                                                                                                           SC/GR/AG


The City and County of Swansea – Community/ Town Councils Forum  meeting 15th January 08 County Hall.   Cllr A Oliver to attend.                                                                                                AO



110/08             Correspondence.


  1. The City and County of Swansea -  reply e mail from Kim Flanders, Planning Policy and Appeals Manager  -  advising that due to Article 4 Direction removing permitted development rights within the AONB, the Town and Country Planning Acts allow for a right of compensation in certain instances.  However this is not a material consideration for the determination of planning applications.
  2. The City and County of Swansea – handed to the Chair at the meeting – letter advising of re-surfacing of the footpath 9 - Oxwich Green.                                                                         Noted
  3. St Illtyds Church – Financial request –                          previously donated
  4. Health Challenge Swansea – Health Social Care and Well Being Strategy 2008 – 2011.  Cllr T Methuen-Campbell to read.                                                                                                         TMC
  5. Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales – Local Government Act 1972 –Review of the Community Boundaries in the City and County of Swansea.  Comments due by 14th March 08.  Following a discussion on how the areas could be better represented.  Suggested that Little Reynodston could become part of Reynoldston. Council decided that the Clerk to post on the Gower website and defer until the next meeting. Notices supplied put on all notice boards.                                                                                                                           SC
  6. The City and County of Swansea – Planning Application 2007/2434 –                  Approve
  7. Horton Village Hall – Thank you for donation                                                           noted
  8. Horton Methodist Church – Thank you for donation                                                             noted
  9. The City and County of Swansea – Lord Mayors Charity Ball                                         noted
  10. Martin Caton – Notice of Surgeries –                                 Put up in Horton notice Board
  11. The City and County of Swansea – Proposed diversion of footpath no 22 Penrice Community,                                                                                                        No objection
  12. The City and County of Swansea  - Planning Applications 2007/2483 and 2007/2498  Bank Farm caravan rally.                                                                                                            Approved

Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in this item and did not speak.

  1. The National Trust Newsletter – Cllr G Roberts to read and to pass to A Glass.
  2. The City and County of Swansea – Lord Mayor buffet evening 22/1/08  Cllr A Glass to attend.
  3. SCRAP – Waste Management Forum Meeting Further information on www.environmentcentre.org.uk/scrap/index.htm                                                            noted
  4. The City and County of Swansea  - Community Council Elections 1st May 08 –letter notifying PCC of costs of an election £1000 – most costs ie Presiding Officer/Poll Clerk / Counting Assistants/Staff involved with issuing and opening of postal votes will be halved with Local Government Elections (if so contested), however the PCC will be billed for 100% costs of proofing and supplying of ballot papers.  Nomination period opens on 27th March and closes on 4th April 08.
  5. Ombudsman – Complaints Handling Seminar – 21st Feb 08                                           noted


111/08             Financial.


Details                                                                        chq no             amount            VAT    Total

Clerks pay and expenses                                              331 (information protected under the Data

Protection Act)

One Voice Wales –Planning Training                 332                  25.00               0          25.00


Balances as @ 31st December 2007

Cash @ bank                           11,934.20                                           opening balance  4826.27

Less cheques not presented          433.00                                             add receipts       20666.39

                                                   11501.20                                                                     25492.66

                                                                                                            less payments      13991.46

                                                £ 11501.20                                                                  £ 11501.20


112/08             Planning.  


Council considered planning applications:


Application no: 2007/2795  Steven Williams, 1 Glenville, Horton

Proposed location of new domestic heating oil tank.  Council decided to support this application.


Application no:  2007/2728  Mr B Richards, Bank Farm, Horton

Application for Conservation Area Consent – complete demolition of building as per previous application no 2007/2678.

Cllr B Richards declared a personal interest in this item and withdrew from the meeting.

Following consideration and a short discussion Council decided that the comments remained the same as the previous application considered at the December meeting no 2007/2678.


113/08             Greenways Caravan Park.


The Clerk had viewed the aerial photographs dated: 1969, 1981 and 1992 showing no touring caravans as had been implied during discussions with Planning Officers.  Some Councillors also had the opinion that photographs dating back to the 1970’s proved that touring caravans were present at the Greenways site. The Clerk had been advised as at Friday 11th January 08, there was not an application for established use for touring caravans, however the Planning Department were expecting one to be submitted.

A discussion followed, The Council decided that the Clerk to write a letter to the Enforcement Department to establish what enforcement action had been taken as the deadline of the end of December had passed.                                                                                                    SC


114/08             Rubbish Bins.


Cllr G Roberts had reviewed the situation and requirements and had identified the old hill, the new hill and the corner as possible suitable locations for additional bins to be placed.  Cllr G Roberts to send exact locations to the Clerk in order that they be passed to the Council.     GR/SC

Cllr A Glass reported that no areas in Oxwich would be suitable.



115/08             Update on Parkmill Bus Issue.


Cllr G Davies had spoken to Mr James Rutter, a driver for Veolia Transport and had been a passenger on the problem route in order to have first hand experience.   The only possible solution that could be offered was Nicholston lay by, which other Members thought to be equally as problematic.  Council decided that Cllr G Davies speak to the General Manager and pass back to the bus company to see if they could rectify the problem.                                                                       GD



116/08             A suggestion for a fresh approach to local planning applications.


Cllr G Davies advised that in France any persons interested in a planning application were able to visit and meet at the site.  Are the PCC able to inform the public that the PCC can inform or assist them in notifying of planning applications? 


The duty to inform is placed on the City and County of Swansea Council.  The weekly lists are posted on the CCS website for members of the public to view.  Council agreed that if a link could be established from the Gower CC website it would help.  The Clerk to speak to Selina Taylor.        SC

Notices are also posted outside the locations although it was agreed that this is not always the case as some notices area long way from the sites.


The City and County of Swansea had sent a City and County of Swansea Householder Design Guide  for assisting members of the public in types of acceptable designs when submitting planning applications for alterations to properties.  To be circulated to all Members for information.                     


117/08             Flooding.


Flooding has become a problem at Oxwich Green and Prospect Cottage, Slade due to rusty grills and drains, which clog with weeds and cause flooding in this extreme weather.  Council decided that the Clerk write a letter to the CCS and give Cllr A Oliver’s details for location of problems.  Also to include a request to check Horton.                                                                                                       SC


118/08             Notice boards.


Dealt with earlier in the meeting.


119/08             J Ellis of Shore Cottage, Horton to discuss the possible purchase of a plot of adjoining land, currently owned by the Penrice Community Council.


Due to the personal nature of this request Council decided to hold this part of the meeting in Camera.

Standing Orders were re-instated.


Council decided that the Clerk to contact One Voice Wales to ascertain the procedure on selling the land.


120/08             Matters Outstanding.




121/08             Date of next meeting.


12th February 08