Minutes of the meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~

Thursday 13th December 2007

At Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall at 7.30pm




Members Present:                      Councillor A Glass – Chairman       

                                                Councillor G Davies

                                                Councillor A Oliver

Councillor J Bowen

Councillor G Roberts


90/07               Apologies for Absence.


Cllrs T Methuen Campbell,  I Williams,  Brian Richards and M Barnett


91/07               Declarations of Interest.


Cllr A Oliver declared a personal interest in an Item - Planning  Application no:  2007/2675.


92/07               To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th November 07.


Amendment: Item 86/07  Greenways Caravan Park 

Cllr B Richards advised that there was a condition on the caravan licence that he had

 that proved ‘ultra virus’ in law and he had taken to the high court to remove. 

Insert: Cllr A Oliver felt that in his opinion, Cllr B Richards had a conflict of interest

in this item.


The minutes with the amendment were a true and accurate record,

Proposed : Cllr A Oliver                                 seconded:  Cllr J Bowen.


Mr Courtney Cox had been pleased to receive a letter of thanks.


93/07               Matters arising from the minutes.




94/07               County Councillor R. Lewis.





95/07               Community Councils.


  • Community/Town Councils Forum – meeting 15th January 08                                :noted
  • One Voice Wales – National Salary award 2007-2008                                        : noted
  • One Voice Wales  - AGM Update Cllr J Bowen to read.                                                JB


96/07               Correspondence.


  1. Jan Ellis – A letter had been received from Jan Ellis, regarding her request to discuss the land outside her property Shore Cottage, Horton currently in the ownership of the PCC that she


possibly wished to purchase.  A discussion on how to deal with this request followed.  Cllr G

Davies was concerned that the Council does not enter into any action that is not laid down and was concerned with meeting to view the land prior to the initial discussion.   The Clerk advised that in order to discuss this item, then Members needed to be fully aware of the land that is to be discussed, but advised that during this viewing no discussion should be carried out with other Members of Council or Jan Ellis.    Council decided to meet with Jan Ellis 12th January 08 at 11am to view the land and then to agenda this item for discussion at the end of the next meeting.  This initially was to be held in camera due to the personal nature of the topic.             ALL CLLRS


  1. Horton Village Hall – Financial request for the Children’s Christmas party – Council had provided £150 in the budget for Children’s Christmas parties, therefore decided to pay £75 to Horton Hall and £75 to Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall for each  party.   Unanimous.                                                                                                                 
  2. The City and County of Swansea – Consultation on the Draft Regional Technical Statement for Aggregates – copy could be downloaded from www.swrawp-wales.org  Cllr G Roberts to view and report back if necessary.                                                                                            GR


  1. Blue Damon – Supplier of Hanging Baskets-                                                           noted


  1. Urdd Gobiath Cymru – Financial request                                                             noted


  1. SLCC – membership renewal   £113  propose to pay: Cllr G Roberts, seconded:  Cllr G Davies


  1. The City and County of Swansea - Oxwich Leisure Park – The Minister for Sustainability and Rural Development will hold a hearing 15th January 08 to consider the appeal made by Ms Catherine Frasier.                                                                                                 noted.


  1. The City and County of Swansea – Planning Applications no’s

2007/2256  Bank Farm  - Caravan Rally  -                                                           Approve

2007/2148  Oxwich Bay Hotel  - replacement roof/ pitched roof –               Approve

2007/1515   The Brackens, Horton – two storey side extension –                  Approve


  1. The City and County of Swansea  - Ambition is critical Community Plan update – Cllr G Davies to read.                                                                                                                                          GD


  1. The City and County of Swansea carol service – Cllr A Glass would try to attend.       AG



97/07               Financial.


Details                                                              chq no              amount             VAT      Total


Clerks pay and expenses             326                        (information protected under the Data

Protection Act)

Mazars (External Audit)                                        327                  158.62             23.62     158.62

Horton Village Hall Childrens Xmas party    328                    75.00                               75.00

Oxwich & Penrice Youth Hall                  329                    75.00                             75.00

                                  Childrens Xmas party

SLCC Membership                                         330                  113.00                           113.00



Balance as @ 30th November  2007

Cash @ bank                                   10057.62                opening balance                  4826.27      

Less Cheques not presented             811.38                 add receipts                       17650.49                 

                                                        9246.24                                                                      22476.76

                                                                                            less payments           13230.52                        

                                                      £ 9246.24                                                             £   9246.24          



  • Precept 2008/2009


Council had previously set a three year budget that was valid until 2010.  Council considered this current years budget each item at a time.  Expenditure to date was considered and compared to the next financial year with expected increases in certain costs.  During the discussions certain items were raised:-


Notice boards – Council agreed that the notice boards were an important item for the community due to the rural location. The Horton Notice board had deteriorated and had been damaged , losing the outer door on one side.  Cllr G Roberts was to contact Port Eynon CC to see who their notice board was bought from.  Notice boards to be an agenda item next meeting.                                                    GR


The maintenance of the green - this was undertaken very kindly by Phil and the Council acknowledged his contribution with a vote of thanks.  Clerk to write a letter for this valued effort.                       SC


Council decided that the Clerk to write a letter to the CCS to clear the drains and gullies prior to heavy rains and if ice is forecast the to grit the roads beforehand.                                                                  SC


Following this detailed examination of the budget and expenditure Council decided to keep the budget at £9000 per annum.  Clerk to advise CCS.                                                                                     SC


Jan Ellis from the floor, requested that the green be planted with bulbs next year.  Council will consider buying these in the summer, June was suggested.


Jan Ellis from the floor also requested that the Council purchase – Local Council Administration. Council decided not to buy this at the moment.


98/07                           Planning.


Council considered the following planning applications:-


2007/2675 :  Bettys Meadow, Slade  - Barn conversion into 1 holiday let 

Cllr A Oliver had declared a personal interest in this item and did not speak or vote.

Council decided  - no objection


2007/2573 :Bank Farm, Horton - Caravan Rally, 14th – 16th March 2008  -Council decided- no objection


2007/2574 : Bank Farm, Horton   Caravan Rally, 20th  - 22nd June 2008  - Council decided -no objection.


2007/2678 : Bank Farm, Horton – demolition of existing cellar, workshop and outbuildings to redevelop into new workshop/storage, cellar, reception area and apartment over.

Council felt that due to the lateness that this was received, there was a lack of time to properly consider this application.  Council would like the time to consult local opinion.  Also Members raised concerns that the bulk of the building would have an impact on the sky line.                                                            SC


99/07                           Greenways Caravan Park.


The letter that the Clerk had sent and the response letter from the City and County of Swansea was read to the meeting.  The Clerk had been advised that the Planning Department had photographs dating back to the 1970’s showing caravans on the site.

Following the residents meeting, a positive response had been received from John Hague. The PCC wish to work with the residents group.  Cllr A Glass offered to speak to Malcolm Ridge of the Gower Society – invite the Gower Society to the next meeting about expanding caravan sites in general.                        AG

Clerk to try and have copies of the aerial photographs.  Agenda next meeting                         SC

Council decided that the Clerk to write to Mr Mead re stop sign at the entrance due to a number of near misses between cars.                                                                                                                           SC


100/07                         Rubbish Bins.


Cllr G Roberts raised the issue of additional bins in Horton.  He will report suggestions to the next meeting.                                                                                                                                     GR

Cllr A Glass will review bins in Oxwich.                                                                                AG

101/07                         Update on Parkmill Bus Issue.


Reported by Cllr A Glass that he had spoken to Frances Owen-John, Chairman of Ilston C C  who have discussed the matter and felt there is little option to the existing arrangements.  A letter of response had been received from the City and County of Swansea and Veolia Transport and was read to the meeting, setting out a procedure involving buses parking behind each other to avoid the need for passengers to cross the road.  Concern was expressed that this would not happen in practice. 

Following a discussion Council agreed that this could be achieved , probably involving moving the transfer location, say to the airport.  Cllr G Davies was to arrange a site meeting with The City and County of Swansea and Veolia Transport to see if a safe solution could be achieved.                 GD


102/07                         A suggestion for a fresh approach to local planning applications.


Council decided to defer until the next meeting.


103/07                         Matters Outstanding.


Leaflet –Cllr G Roberts to outsource the printing.  GR


Green Meadow Holiday Park – The hedgerow has been removed.  This topic had been raised previously.  Cllr G Davies had when previously discussed, spoken with the owner and will again speak to Andrew Richards.                                                                                                                                  GD


Cllr A Oliver – requested that a letter be sent to the City and County of Swansea regarding the flooding problems requesting to renew the grills.  Council decided to agenda next meeting.                        SC


104/07                         Date of next meeting.


14th January 08


Meeting ended 10pm