Minutes of the meeting of the Penrice Community Council held on ~

Tuesday 16th October 2007

At Horton Village Hall at 7.30pm




Members Present:                      Councillor A Glass – Chairman       

                                                Councillor G Davies

                                                Councillor M Barnett

                                                Councillor A Oliver

Councillor G Roberts

Councillor J Bowen


59/07               Apologies for Absence.


Councillors I. Williams, B. Richards and T. Methuen-Campbell


 60/07              Declarations of Interest.


Declarations of interest would be stated if and when they arose.


61/07               To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17thSeptember 07.


Some amendments were made to the presented minutes, the relevant corrections were made then the minutes were deemed to be a true and accurate record. 


Proposed: Cllr G. Roberts                               Seconded: Cllr G Davies


Council decided that it would be better practice to receive the minutes shortly after the meeting as opposed to a week before the next meeting.


62/07               Mr Chris Dale


Council suspended standing orders for Mr Chris Dale, Countryside Access Team Leader, The City and County of Swansea gave a presentation to the meeting.


  • An overview on how rights of way were established over many years.
  • The City and County budget for rights of way was good at the moment.
  • Also income was gained from the Countryside Council for Wales.
  • The City and County were responsible for the ‘way’ signs, the surface, legal issues and partially responsible for the styles and gates.
  • A grant is available from the Welsh Assembly for the Gower Coastal Path.  The plan is to link all the coastline of Wales with one continuous coastal path.
  • The City and County of Swansea are proposing to create a footpath (part of the coastal path) from Oxwich village to Three Cliffs.  A map to explain this was shown.


  • Slade and the erosion of the footpath was raised. 


Cllr A Oliver declared a personal interest in this item.


  • All footpaths are placed down in a specific place and if erosion occurs then either a legal process will be required to move the path further inland or an engineering solution such as a


62/07               Mr Chris Dale cont…….


bridge would be considered.  Depending on the most cost effective solution would determine the decision of which of these to use.

  • The Welsh Assembly Government directive is that the coastal path is to be as close to the coast as practicably possible.
  • Also the access to the coast is to be improved as well as bridleways.


The council had received three items of correspondence;

    1. Proposed dedication of footpath from Oxwich Village to footpath N16 in the communities of Penrice and Pennard.
    2. Proposed diversion of footpath no 22 Community of Penrice.
    3. Proposed extinguishment of  footpath no 2 and 6

following consideration and discussion of the maps provided the Council decided to support all the proposed changes.


Councillors and members of the public thanked Mr Chris Dale for attending the meeting and answering all questions.


63/07               Matters arising from the minutes.


50/07 - Council had agreed to pay in principle £250 -£300 to St Andrews Church as per budget.  Clerk advised members that the budget stated £400 for the Church.  Cllr M Burnett declared a personal interest in this item and did not speak or vote.

Cllr G Roberts proposed that £400 to be donated to the Church, seconded Cllr G Davies. Apart from Cllr Burnett, all Cllrs in favour of payment.


57/07 – Council decided that the leaflet be distributed by Cllr G Roberts to all Councillors for distribution in their local area.


58/07 – Broadband - Cllr A Glass advised that he had received a positive response to his letter to the Welsh Assembly Government and that his comments had been taken on board.

Cllr G Roberts had set up a page on the Gower Website inviting comments form the public in order to build details of the full extent of the problem. An advert was planned for the Evening Post directing people to the Gower Website.  Cllr Roberts is hoping that a representative from BT will attend next months meeting.

Also details posted on the leaflet.


Mr J Bowen, from the floor,  applauded the Council for taking these actions and stated that this must be a collective effort.


64/07               County Councillor R. Lewis.


No report.  Council recognised the effort of Cllr R Lewis in arranging a meeting with the City and County of Swansea to discuss Greenways Holiday Park.


65/07               Community Councils.







66/07               Correspondence.


Two e mails had been received from Ian Davies, Enforcement Department, The City and County of Swansea.                                                                                  Deferred until later in the meeting

The City and County of Swansea – Lord Mayor Fashion Extravaganza  18th Oct 07            Noted

The City and County of Swansea -  Rural Development Plan – to be circulated to all Councillors

Welsh Assembly - West Glamorgan Fire Authority                                                                      Noted

Swansea Community Health Council – Annual Report -                                                           Noted

Defra – Notification of the restrictions of transporting horses to Jersey                           Noted

Gower Society newsletter                                                                                                         Noted

Macmillan Trust Financial request                                                                                     Noted


67/07               Financial.


Details                                                              chq no              amount             VAT            Total


Clerks pay and expenses             320            (information protected under the Data

Protection Act)

St Andrews Church section 137 donation            321                  400.00                         400.00

(previously decided to pay in principle)


Proposed to pay Cllr Jill Bowen             Seconded Cllr M Barnett

Carried unanimously


Balance as @ 28th September 2007

Cash @ bank                           11134.36                    opening balance    4826.27        

Less Cheques not presented       0                      receipts                17630.83                 


                                                                        less payments              11322.74          

                                                 11134.36            balance     11134.36          


Balance as @ 28th September 07 £11134.36 


68/07               Planning.




69/07               SLCC Model Contract for Clerks.


Cllr T Methuen-Campbell had viewed the model contract and thought that all was in order.  Some elements do not apply and will be removed.  Council decided that the Clerk to send to The Chair and Cllr T Methuen-Campbell for final overview to be signed next meeting.               


70/07               Greenways Caravan Park.


The Chair advised that a very useful meeting with John Hague, Thomas Gronow, John Lock, Ian Davies and one legal representative of the City and County of Swansea had gone ahead.  Cllr Glass gave a verbal account of the meeting.  Cllr A Oliver felt that the meeting had not been productive.


It was felt that if PCC can establish a relationship with key personnel from the City and County of Swansea, will be of assistance in obtaining the information relating to Greenways.


The chair advised that Mr Mead had supplied photographic evidence to state that he has established use for the touring caravans.  The City and County of Swansea had requested that if there is any

70/07               Greenways Caravan Park.cont..

evidence to the contrary then they will re-investigate, but are at present working on this basis of established use.


The question as to why the City and county of Swansea had not taken action before this time was raised.


Mrs Osborne, from the floor,  stated that in 1988 he did not have established use at this time for touring caravans. The site owner had to remove the sign at this time.  This has been challenged in the past and a number of letters have been sent over the years.


The question of the exact meaning of established use was raised.  Does it have to be uninterrupted?


In the last few years there have been 60-70 touring caravans, but in the past there have only been a dozen or so.  Do the quantities have to be the same to have established use?


Permission is from the 1st April – 30th September and  there were two caravans in the field after September of this year, one of which was occupied. Clerk to advise Enforcement.                            SC


Council decided to agenda next meeting and requested that the public search for any evidence to assist this case especially photographic. Council decided that the Clerk to write a letter to ascertain exactly what is the definition and what are the parameters of established use.      To include the question of un-interrupted use, density and for how long?                                                                     SC


Legal advice was considered, One Voice Wales, The City and County of Swansea legal department, The Gower Society uses Mr E Harris, on Commons issues at least.  The question of funds available for this purpose was discussed.  Welsh Assembly and old aerial photographs was also discussed.            SC


71/07               Horton Fireworks Display and Bonfire


The Council decided to set up a sub-committee for the purpose of holding the Horton Bonfire and Fireworks display.  Council decided that Cllr G Roberts to Chair this committee, Cllr M Barnett and other Councillors as required would form the rest of the sub-committee. The date would be the weekend of the 5th November 07, but depending on the weather could alter to suit the display.

The Clerk advised that a risk assessment would need to be carried out and queried whether the insurance company was to be notified.  Cllr G Roberts to liase with the Clerk.                     GR/SC


72/07               Rubbish Bins


Following a discussion the Council decided that Cllr G Roberts to assess exactly the situation and agenda next meeting.                                                                                                                               GR


73/07               Transferring passengers from one bus to another at Shepherds, Parkmill.


Cllr G Davies had received notification, from a resident of Slade that the transference of bus passengers at Shepherds, Parkmill was extremely dangerous.  Cllr Davies had investigated and agreed. Following a discussion, Council decided that the Clerk to write to The City and County of Swansea and Veolia (Bus Co.) to advise of this hazardous situation.


74/07               Matters Outstanding.



Meeting ended 9.50pm