Minutes of the Meeting of Penrice Community Council held on Tuesday 13th February 2007 at Horton Village Hall.





Present:        Mr. A. Glass – Chairman                         Mrs E. Wakeford

                      Mr. G. Evans                                            Mr. I. Williams

                      Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell


                      Ms. E. John – Clerk



07/279:    Apologies for absence     

Mr. G. Davies

Mr. A. Oliver




07/280 :    Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.



07/281:    Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th January 2007

The Minutes were agreed to be a true record.


Proposed:       Mrs E. Wakeford               Seconded:    Mr. G. Evans



07/282:    Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Thursday 21st December 2006

The Minutes were agreed to be a true record.


Proposed:        Mr. G. Evans                     Seconded:      Mrs E. Wakeford



07/283:    Matters Arising

a)  An E: Mail was received from a member of the public suggesting that the Clerk could be available with papers such as Planning Applications, Audit Information etc. prior to the meetings.

Community Councillors pointed out that planning applications could be inspected by the public at the Planning Office.  The plans received by the Clerk are particularly for the Community Council’s views.

The Clerk explained that the Audit/ Accounts had specific dates in which they could be inspected.  These are rulings set by the Wales Audit Office.


b)  New Clerk 

Mr. A. Glass reported that two applicants had been interviewed for the post of Clerk to Penrice Community Council.  Mrs Sam Caswell and Mr. Gary Gregor.

Mrs. E. Wakeford, Mr. A. Glass, Mr. G. Evans and Mr. A. Oliver conducted the interviews.


Mr. Glass explained that both were strong applicants, but Mrs Sam Caswell was recommended for her experience as Clerk to Dunvant Community Council.

The Clerk was instructed to write a formal letter of appointment.                EJ


c)   Computer Equipment

Ms. E. John enquired about buying the computer equipment.  It was agreed that providing the new Clerk did not want the equipment Ms. John would buy it for the sum of £250.00.  The Community Council to arrange with Mrs Caswell the requirements, if she uses her own equipment.                                                 PCC


d)   Community Council Poster

This item deferred to next meeting as Mr. G. Davies was not present at the meeting.


e)   Energy

Mr. A. Glass reported that a suggestion had been made about setting up a forum to discuss the use of energy.  Mrs. E. Wakeford mentioned a web-site called ‘Boiler Juice’ which allows people to buy oil in bulk giving considerable savings.



07/284:    County Councillor R. Lewis

No Report.



07/285:    Community Councils

Noted from the following:


  • One Voice Wales – Membership Renewal fee £82.00.  Penrice Community Council agreed to renew membership.                                                      EJ
  • One Voice Wales – Details of the Swansea Area Committee Meeting to be held on Thursday February 8th 2007 in the Guildhall, Swansea.
  • The Voice – Newsletter for January 2007.




07/286:    Financial
a)  Accounts for payment @ 13th February 2007


Details                                      Chq No:           Amount:           VAT:                Total:


E. John –Clerk (P&E)                301               255.37               -                   255.37

One Voice Wales membership 302                 82.00                 -                     82.00

Horton Village Hall grant from

County Hall – AONB               303                  375.00              -                    375.00 

Oxwich/Penrice Youth Hall

Grant from County Hall AONB304                375.00               -                    375.00






b)  Balance as @ 13th February 2007      

Cash @ Bank                   9041.94          opening balance          4826.27

Less not presented                                    add receipts              11313.36

Cheque 284                       100.00                                              16139.63

                                                                Less payments              7197.69
                          Balance   8941.94                                               8941.94


This balance includes payment of grant from City and County of Swansea for AONB Celebrations of £750.00.

The sum of £6.12 is owed from the grant to the Community Council.


c)  Precept Payments

Noted from City and County of Swansea details of Precept Payments 2007/2008



d)  Section 137
 Noted from TheWelsh Assembly Government the‘Appropriate Sum’ under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972.  The amount is increased to £5.64 per elector.

Details of borrowing for Town / Community Councils.  This does not apply to Penrice Community Council.



07/287:   Correspondence

Noted correspondence from the following:

*  City and County of Swansea – Observations concerning signage in Oxwich.

    The Community Council suggested writing again to arrange a meeting.            EJ

*  National Assembly for Wales – Details of a Public Meeting of the South West

    Regional Committee at North Cornelly Community Centre, Bridgend.

    Welsh Assembly Government – Making the Connections/Delivering Beyond the


*  Welsh Assembly Government – Fire and Rescue National Framework (Wales)

.    2005 (Revisions) Order 2007 and Intervention Protocol.

*   Environment Agency Wales – The Tawe, Loughor and Gower Catchment

     Abstraction  Management Strategy – Consultation Document.                      AG

 *  Longfields Association  - Donation.

 *  Western Power Distribution – Quality and Supply Report 2006.



07/288:   Planning


a)    Planning Application:   2007/0107 – The Bungalow, Eynons Ford Lane,        


Proposal:                       Retention of use of building as a separate domestic residence

                                      (Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness).


Penrice Community Council has no objection to this application.  However, the

Community Council wish to know the difference between a ‘Certificate of Lawfulness’ and ‘Established Use’.



b)   Planning Application No:  2006/2636 – Greenways Holiday Park, Oxwich.


Penrice Community Council requested a meeting with Mr. B. Graham, Head of Planning Services, to discuss the issues arising from this planning application. (Minutes January 2007).

Correspondence was received from the City and County of Swansea Planning Department stating that the letter was receiving attention.

Penrice Community Council is unhappy with this situation.  Mrs E. Wakeford to contact Mr. Graham.                                                                                          EW


Mr. I. Williams suggested that dialogue should take place with the owners of the caravan park.



07/289:   To discuss disbursement of funds raised at AONB 50 year Celebrations


The sum of £750.00 has been received in the form of a grant from the City and County of Swansea.  Councillor John Hague attended the evening.

Committee members of Horton Village Hall, present at the meeting explained that they hoped the money would be distributed evenly between the two village halls, Horton and Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall.

The Community Council agreed providing that the money is spent on a lasting tribute, primarily to benefit the children. The Community Council voted to contribute £6.12, so that the profit from the event was £750.00.


Proposed:     Mrs. E. Wakeford              Seconded:    Mr. G. Evans


Two cheques were distributed for the sum of £375.00.



Notice Board at Horton.

It was pointed out that the notice board behind the wall of Horton Village Hall had been destroyed in a gale. The Community Council were asked to replace it.  Mr. A. Glass pointed out that he was not sure whether precept money should be used for a notice board that is not always used by the public.  It was agreed to investigate whether the Council’s Insurance policy would cover the replacement of the notice board. The Community Council has effectively relinquished ownership, but they would consider making a contribution towards the cost of replacing it for a more suitable board (easier to access and read).  The Hall Committee were asked to obtain quotations.



07/290:  St. Illtyd’s Church – To discuss the issue of access and flooding.

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell reported that he had met Councillor John Hague before Christmas who has agreed that work will take place to rid the road of the flooding.

The County Council has agreed to install a new highway drain that will discharge the water off the road more discreetly, at the end of the beach.

The Clerk to write to Mr. Carl Humphreys, Head of Highways, for clarification.  EJ



07/291:   To discuss the issue of Broadband/telephone – availability /problems.

Mr. A. Glass had requested that this item should be put on the agenda because of the inadequacy of BT.  Mr. Glass was in ‘Cyber darkness’ for 7 months.  Mr. Glass is finally on Broadband.

The Clerk to write to Edwina Hart, with copies to Andrew Davies AM, Martyn Cayton MP, Off Com and IT Minister, regarding the widespread disquiet of Residents of Oxwich with BT.  Residents who have computers are not connecting them because of the problems.                                                                                                       EJ

Mrs J. Ellis suggested that the Community Council could consider supporting access to IT within the Community.  Mr. A. Glass explained that most people who want computers have them, and there is no obvious location for a publicly accessible computer.



07/292:   Matters Outstanding

a)  Mr. J. Bowen of Oxwich Green, reported that ‘STOP’ lines had been put on the road, outside Greenways Holiday Park,  but he had witnessed a van pulling out without stopping and Mr. Bowen had to brake sharply to avoid a collision.  Mr. A. Glass to telephone the owner about warning drivers to stop before driving out of the park.                                                                                                                        AJ


b)  Bench at Oxwich Location

No Report.


c)   The Clerk reminded Community Councillors to complete and return their Declaration of Interest Forms.



The Meeting ended at 10pm.