Minutes of the Meeting of Penrice Community Council held on Wednesday
8th November 2006





 Present:   Mr. A. Glass – Chairman                  Mr. B. Richards

                 Dr. J. Hilliard                                    Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell

                 Mr. G. Davies                                   Mr. I. Williams

                 Ms. E. John – Clerk                          



06/240   Apologies for absence

Mr. G. Evans



06/241   Declarations of Interest

Mr. I. Williams and Mr. B. Richards Declared an Interest in Planning Applications

2006/2255 Bank Farm, Horton and 2006 /2136 Bank Farm, Horton.



06/242   Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 10th October 2006

The Minutes were agreed to be a true record.


Proposed by:   Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell          seconded by:   Mr. G. Davies.




06/243   Matters Arising

Mr. I. Williams pointed out that his neighbour and wife had been walking in Oxwich when she suddenly disappeared.  He found her in a pothole. Alan Glass to report this to the relevant Authority.                                                                                           AG




06/244   Presentation by Lyndsey Hill on Recycling and Waste Management.


Ms. Hill, Project Officer (Communities) gave a very interesting presentation, she explained that The Environment Centre in Swansea is a charitable organisation funded by European Union Objective One Monies. 

The first bottle banks were opened in 1977, 26 million tons of waste is produced in Wales per year,Swansea waste is currently being put into a land fill site in Merthyr Tydfil.  The concern is that the country is running out of places to dump waste and the objective is to recycle as much waste as possible.  Plastic is a particular problem as it takes 500 years to break down.

At present the target of 25% of products to be recycled has been reached and the target for 2009/10 is 40%.

Mr. A. Glass thanked Ms. Hill for her informative talk.





06/245   Presentation by Countryside Council for Wales – Oxwich Marshes


Mr. David Painter, Senior Reserve Manager for the Countryside Council for Wales gave a presentation on the Management of the Marshes.


He explained that contractors will be moving in to remove silt and undergrowth from the lakes, something that has not taken place for 20 years.

Also grazing will be introduced on the marshes – possibly Highland Cattle or Welsh Blacks as they are used to wet conditions.

There will be new fencing around the salt marsh and they will increase the number of ponies on the salt marsh to keep the grass down. Scrub will also be cleared in this area.

The Bird Hide will be replaced, and a Mobile Phone Trail is being pioneered (ie.when you reach a post on the trail you will telephone a number and you will be given a history of the area and details of wild life). If this takes place, Oxwich will be the first National Nature Reserve to have this facility.

Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, a National Nature Reserve in France, has

contacted the CCW with a view to twinning.  There are almost identical species living there as in Oxwich.

There are proposals to replace the ‘Watchtower’, as it is made of scaffolding and needs frequent checks.

There were concerns from members of the public about water levels. Mr. Painter assured them the tides would be monitored and the sluices would be replaced.

The CCW hopes that the changes will benefit wildlife such as Grebes and Teal and other wild duck.

For anyone wishing to contact the CCW the number is 01792 371320.

Mr. A. Glass thanked Mr. Painter for his very interesting and informative presentation.



06/246   County Councillor R. Lewis

Reported that the roads in Horton had been repaired.




06/247   Community Councils

a)   The Clerk reported that a Training evening has been arranged on Tuesday 21st November at 6pm in County Hall.  Organised by One Voice Wales and the Gower Community Council’s Website Committee, for all Members and Clerks.  Mr. A. Glass and Ms. E.John agreed to attend.                                                                    EJ/AG


b)   Received from One Voice Wales – Swansea Area Committee Bulletin and details of the Presentation to the Open Swansea Group on 21st September 2006.








06/248   Financial
a)   Accounts approved for payment @ 8th November 2006
Details                        Chq No:      Amount            VAT                 Total
Commercial Marquee    286           1130.00           102.00            1232.00
Hannah Davies               287             233.90                -                   233.90
Simone Robbins              288             50.00                 -                      50.00
E. John Clerk pay&Ex  289              255.68                -                   255.68


Mr. Ian Williams pointed out that payment to Commercial Marquee Company should have been within 7 days of the Gower AONB event; Penrice Community Council were not informed of this.


b)   Balance as @ 8th November 2006
Cash @ Bank             9503.54                       opening balance         4826.27
Chqs not presented      nil                              additional receipts    7542.28
                                                                    Less payments to date  2865.01
                                    9503.54          Balances                                 9503.54


Balance as @ 8th November 2006 £9,503.54


£1,509.78 of the above balance is monies collected at the Gower AONB event. This leaves a balance of £7,993.76 of Community Council money.

A total of £1515.90 has currently been paid out for the event leaving a debit of (£6.12). We are awaiting a grant from Swansea City Council; the proceeds less £6.12 will be donated.



06/249   Correspondence

Noted from the following:-

  • Welsh Assembly Government – Draft Guidance on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 – Consultation Document.
  • Details of Consultation on Proposed Minerals Dredging Regulations.
  • City and County of Swansea – Moving Forward – Improvement Plan 2006/07
  • Community Councils Buffet Evening – Invitation to  Chairman
  • Lady Mayoress – Fashion Show – Tuesday 14th November
  • Reply to letter about gritting in Oxwich, Penrice and Horton. Councillor

R. Lewis to take this up on behalf of the Community Council.  Clerk to send documentation.                                                                                           EJ

  • Reference line markings outside Greenways Holiday Park, Oxwich Green.
  • Leaflets – Life Begins at 50+ @ Brangwyn Hall on 15th November.
  • Commons Commissioner – Details of Hearings.  Not Penrice area.
  • McMillan Cancer Support – Asking for Donation
  • Clerks & Councils Direct – Newsletter November 2006   








06/250   Planning

a)   The following New Planning Applications were discussed:


Application No:   2006/2255  

Location:              Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea.

Proposal:              Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 60 units from

                             21st July to 4th August 2007 (inclusive).

Applicant:            The Caravan Club.


Penrice Community Council supports the application.



Application No:   2006/2136

Location:              Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea.

Proposal:              Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 80 units from 24th       

                             May to 4th June 2007 (inclusive).

Applicant:            The Caravan Club


Penrice Community Council supports this application.



b)   Decisions made by the Local Planning Authority.

Application No:    2006/1796

Location:              Oxwich Leisure Park, Oxwich, Swansea

Proposal:              Demolition of part of existing clubhouse and construction of a

                             block of 4 storey holiday units with front balconies.

Decision:             Refused


Application No:   2006/2000

Location:              Y Banc, Oxwich, Swansea

Proposal:              Single storey side extension

Decision:              Approved


c)    Details of Forthcoming Appeal

Location:              Sea Breeze, Horton, Swansea.

Proposal:              Erection of balcony on the front elevation

Appeal Start date:    13th October 2006



06/251   Affordable Housing on Gower

Mrs E. Wakeford was not present at the meeting and so the decision was made not to

carry this forward to the next meeting.







06/252   Budget Spending

The Clerk reported that money allocated for planting trees and bulbs in Horton and Oxwich had not yet been spent on these items.  Further discussions will take place at the meeting in December.

Members of Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall Committee had attended the Community Council Meeting in October asking if the Community Council would help with the cost of bringing the hall up to legal legislative requirements regarding Disabled access.  The Community Council agreed to consider the matter, but the amount of help that the Community Council could give would be small in comparison to the financial requirements to undertake the work needed.  County Councillor R. Lewis recommended that the Hall Committee look further into the possibility of obtaining grants.


The Clerk will present the Budget for 2007/2008 at the December Meeting.         EJ



06/253   Report on the Review of Policy Documents


Deferred to December



06/254   Matters Outstanding


a)  Land at Horton ( CL107)


The Community Council agreed that nothing could be done about registering the land as a Village Green until after the Hearing to determine whether or not the land is Common land.  The Hearing Date has not been decided.


b)  Notice Board at Penrice


Mr. G. Evans had reported to the Clerk that there was still a problem with the lock on the notice board at Penrice.

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell agreed to address the problem.                                TM-C


c)   Bench at Oxwich


Mr. A. Glass enquired as to whether there was any progress about the placing of the bench.   Mr. Methuen-Campbell reported that no progress had been made.


The Meeting ended at 9.50pm.