Minutes of the meeting of Penrice Community Council held on Tuesday           10th October 2006



Present:   Mr. A. Glass – Chairman                      

                Mr. G. Evans                                         Mr. G. Davies

                Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell                    Ms. E. John – Clerk



06/225   Apologies for absence

               Mrs E. Wakeford                                   Mr. A. Oliver                

               Dr. J. Hilliard                                         Mr. I. Williams



06/226   Declarations of Interest                                 

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell declared an interest in the following planning applications:

2006/2124 - Norton Farm, Oxwich, and 2206/2167 – Penrice Home Farmhouse, Penrice, Swansea.



06/227   Minutes of the Meeting to appoint a Community Councillor

The Minutes were agreed to be a true record.


Proposed by:      Mr. G. Evans                seconded by:      Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell.



06/228   Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th September 2006

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell noted that in minute No: 06/219 Planning – The name Mr. B. Humphries should be changed to Mr. B. Richards.

The minutes were then agreed to be a true record.


Proposed by:   Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell        seconded by:  Mr. G. Evans.



06/229   Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.



06/230   County Councillor R. Lewis

Mr. A. Glass thanked Councillor R. Lewis for attending the meeting. 

Councillor Lewis reported that more money had been spent on improvements to Gower roads.

There had been problems of illegal camping in Horton, to help alleviate the problem a CCT Camera had been installed and a police presence, also the gates had been locked to stop illegal car parking.  A Caravan/Camping Working Party had been set up.  He explained that to employ a Warden for the summer months would be the answer but would be expensive.  The Clerk to write to Richard Beale – Planning Department, City and County of Swansea, to suggest that they include it in their budget for 2007/2008 and also to highlight other problems being experienced by local residents.


06/231   Community Councils        

Noted from:

a) City and County of Swansea notice of a meeting of Community/Town Councils Forum held on Tuesday 26th September 2006 and notes from the meeting held on 1st August 2006.  


b) One Voice Wales - Questionnaire on Delivering Neighbourhood Services.          EJ

c) One Voice Wales - notice of Swansea Area Committee meeting 14th October 2006, information passed to Mr. A. Oliver, Penrice Community Councils representative.  Minutes of the meeting held on 10th August 2006 and a list of members of One Voice Wales for 2006/2007.



06/232   Financial     
a)  Accounts approved for payment as @ 10th October 2006


Details         cheque no:        purpose             amount     VAT   Total

Clerk                282          Pay & Expenses       £ 257.54       -      257.54

The Ink Store   283          Computer Ink                26.97       -        26.97 

3rd Gower Scout 284       Sports Initiative            100.00      -       100.00

St. Andrews      285        Grant structural work    350.00      -       350.00


b) Balances as @ 10th October 2006

Cash @ bank               9019.37     opening balance                  4826.27

Less chqs not presented   -            additional receipts                6773.60   
                                                      Less payments to date       2,580.50
                                  £ 9019.37             Balances                   9,019.37


Balances as @ 10th October 2006 £9019.37 of which £747.50 is money raised at the 50 year celebrations of Gower AONB.


c)  Audit: Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights.


The Clerk reported that notices had been posted on the six notice boards and the dates ran from 21st September to 19th October 2006.



06/233   Correspondence

Noted correspondence from the following:

  • E-Mail from licensing Department City and County of Swansea about re-licensing hours of premises in Town Centre.
  • Wales Audit Office – Thanks for correspondence regarding the Inquiry into the Welsh Ambulance Service NHST.
  • ICM Foresters Ltd - Christmas tree Sale.
  • Commons Commissioners – Inquiry into disputes of Common Land not in Penrice area.
  • One Voice Wales – The Voice.
  • Gower Society – Newsletter Autumn 2006
  • Welsh Assembly Government – Local Government Partnership Scheme – Report 2005/2006.
  • The Clerk – Journal September 2006.
  • Health Challenge Wales – Issue 3 – Summer 2006
  • City and County of Swansea – Details of Swansea Stakeholder Forum 18th October 2006.
  • National Assembly for Wales – Details of meeting of South West Wales Regional Committee Friday 20th October 2006.
  • National Assembly for Wales – Special Needs Conference, 17th November 2006.
  • 3rd Gower Scout Group, Reynoldston – about fundraising initiative for sporting activities. Councillor R. Lewis suggested that it would be a worthwhile project to support. Penrice Community Council agreed to donate £100 towards the project. The Group have been awarded a grant of £5,512 from the Sports Council for Wales there is a shortfall of £1,378.
  • St. Andrews’ Church Penrice – about donation to help with structural work. Penrice Community Council agreed to forward them the annual grant of £350.




06/234   Planning

The following new planning applications were discussed:-


Application No:   2006/2000 - Y Banc, Oxwich, Swansea.

Proposal:             Single storey rear extension.

Applicant:           Mr. K. and D.L. Laws

Penrice Community Council supports this application.



Application No:   2006/2124 - Norton Farm, Oxwich, Swansea.


Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell had Declared and Interest and left the room.

Proposal:              Addition of one 0.3 metre and one 0.6 metre diameter transmission dishes to existing mast and two additional equipment cabinets.

Applicant:            T-Mobile UK Ltd.

Penrice Community Council were not quorate during this discussion so did not make a decision.



Application No:    2006/2136 – Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton.

Proposal:               Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 80 units from 25th May to 3rd June 2007 (inclusive).

Applicant:            Caravan Club.

Penrice Community Council supports this application.











Two applications were received after the notices had been posted, the following decisions were made:


Application No:    2006/2167 – Penrice Home Farmhouse, Penrice, Swansea.

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell had Declared an Interest in this application and left the room.

Applicant:            Penrice Castle Estate.

Proposal:             Conversion of outbuildings into holiday accommodation.

Penrice Community Council were not quorate – but members present supported this application.       
                                                                                                                  Application No:   2006/2220 – The Cove, Horton, Swansea.

Proposal:           Addition of pitched roof to existing single storey side extension.

Applicant:         Mr. & Mrs S. Gronnow

Penrice Community Council supports this application.


The Clerk reported that Application No: 2006/1239 – Greenways Holiday Park, Oxwich, Swansea.

Proposal:   Carry out development without compliance with condition 2 of planning permission 2002/0578 granted on 15th March 2005 to allow holiday occupation of the caravans at any time of year had been refused by the Local Planning Authority.



06/235    Declarations of Members Interests

Declarations of Members Interests forms were distributed to Community Councillors.



06/236   Review of Policy Documents

The Policy Documents were given to Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell for review.



06/237   Affordable Housing on Gower

 Mrs. E. Wakeford had requested this agenda item.  Mrs Wakeford was not present at the meeting and so the item was deferred to November. However, Councillor R. Lewis reported that to buy a plot of land to build on Gower is very expensive.



06/238   Access for the Disabled – Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall.

Mrs. K. Laws, representative of the hall explained that Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall was not in compliance with the Disability Regulations now in force.  There is insufficient wheelchair access and no disabled toilet facilities. 

 The committee are currently awaiting quotations from three companies to provide one male and one female disabled toilet.  They are also awaiting advice from Social Services on other facilities that will be necessary.  Mrs Laws asked Penrice Community Councillors if they would be willing to help fund the cost.  Councillor R. Lewis suggested that they look at funding for the project.  Mrs. S. Trick explained that to receive funding they would need to change from a Youth Hall to a Community Hall, they had applied to the Charities Commission to have the constitution changed but the Charities Commission had refused permission.

Councillors agreed that they would help with funding but needed more specific details. Mr. A. Glass suggested that they come back to the Community Council when they have received specifications from the builders.  



06/238   Budget Spending

This item was deferred to November as Mrs Wakeford and Mr. A. Oliver were not present.



06/239   Matters Outstanding
a)   Helwick Bank


A letter was received from the Planning Inspectorate about the date of the report of the Inquiry having been wrongly issued.  No report has been published to date.


b)  Letter to Penrice Community Council from Penrice Estate

Mr. A. Glass referred to the letter that had been received in September 2006 about congestion in Oxwich at peak periods.  The matter was deferred as there were not enough members of the Community Council present to debate the subject.


c)  Land at Horton Inquiry

The Clerk reported that she had spoken to Mr. Brian Humphreys, Head of Legal Services at the City and County of Swansea.  The Inquiry date regarding the land having been registered as common land which was originally scheduled to take place on 23rd October 2006 was now deferred.  A new date has not been arranged.

Residents were concerned as to how the Community Council would support its objection to the land being registered as common land at an Inquiry.  Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell agreed to liaise at the eventual Inquiry.

Community Councillors agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr. B. Humphreys as they are concerned that the land should be protected.  The decision was made to sustain the objection to the land being registered as common land but that the land should be designated as a village green.                                                             EJ


d)   Report on Gower AONB 50 year Celebrations

Mr. A. Glass registered a vote of thanks to everyone who had helped to make the evening a great success.

Mrs S. Trick reported that 130 people had attended the celebration at the Oxwich Bay Hotel Marquee. Hannah Davies from Oxwich Green had catered, Mr. A. Glass was MC and Mr. Roy Shears provided the music.  Prizes had been donated for the raffle and competitions.

Penrice Community Council would like to thank Mrs. S. Trick, Sue Grove, Brenda Bruce, Kath Laws, and Andrew Oliver for their involvement in the planning from the outset, and in the latter stages thanks to Janette and Keith Parker and Sue and Kip Grove. 

The Environment and Conservation Section of the City and County of Swansea gave a grant of £750 without which the event would not have proceeded as costs would have been too high.

The Clerk to send individual thank you letters to those concerned.                     EJ


Profits have not yet been finalised as the grant money has not yet been received and all bills have not yet been paid.  Decisions have yet to be determined as to what would be a fitting commemoration for the 50th Anniversary.

Mrs S. Trick asked if the Community Council would match the £750 grant allocated by the City and County of Swansea, however, the Clerk explained that as the Community Council were considering helping with the expense that Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall would incur when the work was carried out to put the disabled facilities in place, to give such a large sum of money could not be justified.


e)  Website

Mr. A. Glass had attended the last website working party meeting.  He reported that the website is slowly developing.  The Committee are still trying to get outside funding.


f)  Mr.A Glass reported that he had spoken to Mr. Stuart Goulden of City and County of Swansea Highways Department.  He had promised that all salt bins within Penrice Community Council’s location would be filled in plenty of time before the winter.

Mr. Glass also reported that drains in Oxwich were working well, however there was still a problem near the pumping station outside the Oxwich Bay Hotel.  This problem was highlighted the evening of the Gower AONB Celebration when there was heavy rainfall.



The Meeting ended at 10pm.