Minutes of the Meeting of Penrice Community Council held on Monday 11th September 2006 at 7.45pm in Oxwich and Penrice Youth Hall.



Present:   Mr. A. Glass – Chairman                   Mr. B. Richards

                Mrs E. Wakeford                                Mr. I. Williams

                Mr. A. Oliver                                      Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell

                Mr. G. Evans                                       Ms. E. John - Clerk



06/213    Apologies for Absence

Dr. J. Hilliard



06/214    Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.



06/215   Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Tuesday 27th June 2006

The Minutes were agreed to be a true record.


Proposed:             Mr. G. Evans                Seconded:   Mr. A. Oliver



06/216   Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 6th July 2006

The following amendments were made:


Minute Number 06/200 Apologies for Absence – Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell.

Minute Number 06/203 (a) Questions were raised about the legality of Community Councillors voting if not in attendance at a meeting. Mr. A. Oliver and Mrs E. Wakeford did not agree to the decision.

The Minutes were then accepted as a true record.


Proposed by:    Mr. A. Oliver                 Seconded by:   Mrs. E. Wakeford



06/217   Matters Arising 

The Clerk reported that Lindsey Hill, Project Officer at the Environment Centre Swansea would speak to the Community Council about Recycling, Waste Minimisation and The Fairtrade Initiative at the meeting on November 8th 2006.



06/218   County Councillor R. Lewis

No Report.



Standing Orders were suspended to discuss New Planning Applications.





06/219   Planning

The following New Planning Applications were discussed:-


Application No:   2006/1796  -  Oxwich Leisure Park, Oxwich, Swansea.

Mr. B. Humphries Declared an Interest and withdrew.


Proposal:              Demolition of part of existing clubhouse and construction of a

                             block of 4 two storey holiday units with front balconies.

Applicant:            Mrs P Arnold.


Following a brief discussion with representatives of the applicant the Community Council supported this application.



Application No:   2006/1808  -  Field 0818, Bank Farm, Horton, Swansea.

Mr. B. Humphries Declared an Interest and withdrew.


Proposal:     Use of land for a caravan rally for a maximum of 60 units from 25th

                   May to 3rd June 2007 (inclusive).

Applicant:   Mr. R. Carter


Penrice Community Council supported this application.




Application No: 2006/1496  -  2, Glenville, Horton, Swansea.

Proposal:     New roof to existing side wing, two storey rear extension two single

                   Storey rear extensions.

Applicant:  Mr. & Mrs S. Williams


Penrice Community Council supports this application.



Application No:  2006/1597  -  Windyridge, Oxwich, Swansea.

Mrs. E. Wakeford and Mr. A. Oliver Declared an Interest and withdrew


Proposal:   Erection of white PVCu conservatory to rear of property.

Applicant: Mr. J. Berty.


Penrice Community Council supports this application.



Late planning application received after notices were posted.

Application No:   2006/1924  -  The Manor House, Horton, Swansea.

Proposal:   Two storey side extension to form granny annexe, part two storey part

                  Single storey rear extension, side conservatory detached garage.

Applicant: A. Austin


Penrice Community Council supports this application.

06/220   Community Councils


Noted from City and County of Swansea:-

a)   Notes of the meeting of the Community/Town Councils Forum held on 2nd May 2006.

Details of the Presentation given at the Community/Town Council Forum held on 1st August 2006.

b)   One Voice Wales – Agenda for Swansea Area Committee meeting held on 10th August 2006 and Minutes of the previous meeting which was not dated.

Mr. A. Oliver reported that Dunvant Community Council had disbanded.


c)   City and County of Swansea – Notice that Community Councillor Lynda James of Pennard and Community Councillor Don Richards of Pontardulais Town Council have been appointed to the Community Council Standards Sub-Committee.



06/221   Financial
a)  Accounts approved for payment @ 11th September 2006

Payable to:           Purpose:                 cheque no:      amount:     VAT:     Total:

E. John – Clerk    Pay & Expenses       281                  259.32         -        259.32


b)   Balances as @ 11th September 2006
Cash @ Bank           8524.59                         opening balance         4826.27
Less chqs not
Presented                   nil                                additional receipts      6019.50
                                                               Less payments to date       2321.18
                                 8524.59        Balances                                       8524.59


c)   Precept payment

The Clerk reported that an amount of £3,000 had been received from City and County of Swansea on 31st August 2006.



06/222   Correspondence
Noted from the following:-


Welsh Assembly Government  -  First Ministers Report. Penrice Community Council

                                                     remained non-committal.

Welsh Assembly Government  -  Providing Indemnities to Members and Officers of

                                                     Relevant Authorities – Final Guidance.       T M-C

Welsh Assembly Government  -  Beyond Boundaries – Beecham Review of Local

                                                      Service Delivery.  Mrs E. Wakeford agreed to try to

                                                      attend the discussion on the report to be held in

                                                      Llanelli on 27th September 2006.                    EW

Clerks & Councils Direct         -   Newsletter

Swansea Council for Voluntary Services – Magazine

City and County of Swansea    -   Unitary Development Plan – Pre Inquiry

                                                      Modification .                         IW AO  TM-C AG

City and County of Swansea  -  Signing Issues @ Oxwich/Oxwich Green – Mr. A.

                                                  Oliver explained that he had filled in the hole in the

                                                  Road. The clerk to send a letter to BT and City and

                                                  County of Swansea.                                              EJ

City and County of Swansea  -  Community Strategy Update 2006

City and County of Swansea  -  Invitation for the Clerk and Chairman to attend the

                                                   Lord Mayor’s Civic Service on Sunday 8th October

                                                   2006.  Mr. A. Glass – Chairman agreed to attend.

City and County of Swansea  -  Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

                                                   Management Plan 2006.                  IW AO TM-C

Mid & West Wales Fire &

Rescue Authority                    -  Draft Risk Reduction Plan 2007 – 2010            BR

Adjudication Panel Wales      -   Annual Report

The Clerks Journal                 -   July 2006

Sports Council for Wales       -   Active Lifestyles Community Programme        AG

Peninsula                                -   National Trust Newsletter for Gower                AO

Local Health Board                -   Better Health Services for Swansea

Shelter  Cymru                       -   Funding -  not budgeted for

British Red Cross                   -   Funding – not budgeted for

Marie Curie Cancer Care       -   Funding - not budgeted for.

Wales Audit Office                -   Inquiry into Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust.

                                                   Clerk to reply about funding for the Air Ambulance


One Voice Wales                   -   National Training strategy for Community and Town

                                                   Councils in Wales.  Feedback.                            EJ




06/223   Gower – Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – 50 year Celebrations

Mr. A Oliver reported that the event to be held in the marquee of the Oxwich Bay Hotel would now take place on Saturday 30th September 2006 and not on Friday 29th as previously discussed. Tickets are on sale for £17.50 this will include a buffet (not provided by the Oxwich Bay Hotel) and there will be two or three speakers.  These will include Mr. John Hague of the City and County of Swansea and Mr. Edward Harris – Solicitor.  There will be a photographic competition (serious and humorous).



06/224   To discuss Local Issues

a)   A number of questions were raised from members of the Public about the environment, e.g. holes left unattended in the roadway, signage and amenities.  There were great concerns especially about the lack of gritting on hills in Oxwich and Horton. It was felt that the Community Council should be asking members of the Public which issues need to be acted upon.


Community Councillors explained that it is extremely difficult to get members of the public to participate in debates, it took 7 years to get a gritting machine to come to Oxwich after a lapse of 40 years. It was suggested that letters from members of the community to the relevant authority might help achieve results..  Mr. A. Glass to telephone Mr. Stuart Goulden to enquire who is in control of gritting this winter. The Clerk to write to the Authority for assurance that gritting will take place at Oxwich, Horton and Penrice this winter.  It was suggested that the public could arrange a litter pick. Concern was also expressed about the lack of stop lines where the exit from Greenways Holiday Park meets the road.  There have been a number of incidents.  The Clerk to write to theTraffic Department at City and County of Swansea in conjunction with letters from members of the public.                                      AG EJ


Dr. J. Hilliard although unable to attend the meeting expressed concern about the number of very bad potholes on the hill in Horton, and the extremely large signpost at Horton Crossroads.  The Clerk to write to the City and County of Swansea regarding these matters also.                                                                                                 EJ


b)   Unauthorised Camping on Gower

Noted:    Minutes of a meeting between Pennard Golf Club, City and County of Swansea, the Police and Pennard Community Council about unauthorised camping on Gower.  The suggestion had been made that a Gower Warden should operate with the Police and Landowners who would be asked to contribute to the cost. 


Noted:   From the City and County of Swansea Environment Department

Re:  Unauthorised Camping along the South Gower Coast.  The problem being most acute in Horton and to a lesser extent at Pennard Valley/Three Cliffs Bay, Crawley Woods, Nicholaston Burrows and Oxwich Dunes. The Cost of employing a Joint Ranger/Police Team of two staff (one Police/one partner funded) would be approximately £8,000.  It was suggested that the Community Council could help to fund the seasonal joint team.

Penrice Community Council feels that the Council tax could cover this cost.  The Clerk to send correspondence to this effect.                                                                EJ



c)  Commons Registration Act 1965 Register Unit CL107 – Port Eynon Burrows


 The Clerk had received an E. Mail from concerned members of the public that the Community Council had not been informed of a forthcoming Hearing regarding the above registration, hoping that the Community Council would maintain their objection to this land - also known as WA 254060 having been registered as Common Land. 

Penrice Community Council agreed that the land should not have been registered as common land and asked the Clerk to contact Mr. J.B.Humphreys at City and County of Swansea to enquire as to why their objection had not been registered.         EJ

It was agreed that members of the public affected by this provisional registration of land as common land would liaise with Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell. 


Agenda Items Affordable Housing on Gower and Matters Outstanding deferred to October 2006.


Meeting closed at 10pm.