Minutes of the Meeting of Penrice Community Council held on Tuesday 10th January 2006 at Horton Village Hall.







Mr. A. Glass - Chairman                                Dr. J. Hilliard

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell                              Mr. B. Richards

Mrs. E. Wakeford                                            Mr. G. Evans

Mrs. E. John – Clerk



06/128      Apologies for Absence

Mr. I Williams

Mr. A. Oliver

Mrs. M. Iles



06/129      Declarations of Interest

Mr. Thomas Methuen-Campbell as owner of part of the footpath in question declared an interest in the Modification Order for the alleged public footpath at the former Tennis Courts – Horton.

Dr. J. Hilliard declared and interest in the Modification Order for the alleged public footpath at the former Tennis Courts – Horton.



06/130       Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 5th December 2005

The Minutes were approved as read.


Proposed by:  Mrs. E. Wakeford                        seconded by:     Mr. B. Richards



06/131      To discuss the Modification Order for the alleged public footpath at the Former Tennis Courts – Horton.

Mr. John Mumby explained that the Public Enquiry, which was to be held in February, had been postponed, consequently this item was deferred for discussion until March.



06/132 New  Planning Applications

Standing Orders were suspended to discuss Planning Application 2005/2571 – Badgers Hole, Oxwich,

Proposal:  Conversion of outbuilding to separate unit of residential accommodation, increase in ridge height of roof by 2.6m, two storey side/rear extension and addition of three dormers on front and side elevations.

The applicant, Mrs Joanna Piercey attended the meeting to explain the Application. There had been no objections from neighbours.

Penrice Community Council supported the application.





Planning Application:  2005/2635 – The Oxwich Bay Hotel, Oxwich.

Proposal:  Compliance with conditions 3 & 5 of Planning permission 2004/1741


Mr. Brian Richards declared an interest in this application.


Community Councillors are still concerned about light pollution.  The primary concern is that the orange lights should be replaced with white down-lighters. Councillors also wanted more time to consider this application because it was received after the Notices had been posted. This Application will be discussed more fully at the February meeting.



06/133    Matters Arising

a)      The Clerk explained that following the meeting in December she had received instructions from Councillors to write to the Planning Department concerning Planning Application 2005/2406/1496 – Coastlands, Oxwich. 


The Community Council supported the application in principle but would be concerned if more than one property were to be built on the site due to sewage problems.


b)      Bin at Oxwich Crossroads -  Mr. A. Glass explained that following the

discussion in December to move the bin to a less prominent position, it had in fact disappeared.


      c)   Buses at Oxwich Crossroads – Mr. A.Glass had contacted the bus                    

            company who knew nothing of any problem with buses turning on land

            purported to belong to one of the residents.


      d)  Bridge at Underhill -  A letter had been received from Mr. Gwyn Evans of

           Traffic Management, explaining that money was not available to widen

           The Bridge.  Mr. Thomas Methuen-Campbell stated that Penrice Estates

           owned the Bridge and widening it would not be an option.  The Bridge is

           200 years old and the beauty would be destroyed.  The Clerk to write to

           Mr. Evans asking if a sign painted on the road stating ‘narrow’ could be

           added to the sign already there stating ‘slow’.                                    EJ

           The request for additional warning signs on the bend on the hill would

           not be necessary as boulders had been placed along the edge.


     e)  The Clerk explained that a telephone call had been received from the

          Swansea Evening Post asking for dates of Meetings and copies of the

          Minutes and Agenda.  Mr. Jason Evans, attended the Meeting, and was

          told that the details they required could be obtained on the Community

          Council Website.






06/134    County Councillor R. Lewis

No report.



06/135    Community Councils

Noted :

  • One Voice Wales – Minutes of the Meeting of Swansea Area Committee held on Wednesday 21st September 2005.
  • City and County of Swansea -  Notice of Community Councils Forum Meeting on Tuesday 10th January 2006.  Mr. A. Oliver attended.
  • Mrs E. Wakeford requested that the Clerk approach the Community Council Standards Committee regarding the length of time an elected Community Councillor should sit on the Sub-Committee and to enquire if a Community Councillor had been selected to sit on the Community Council Standards Sub-Committee.                                        EJ                                                                                      



06/136    Financial


a)      Accounts approved for payment @ 10th January 2006:


Payable to:                Purpose:                 cheque No:         VAT                  Total

E. John-Clerk      Pay & Expenses              263                     -                   £251.13

SLCC                 Annual Membership        264                     -                        69.00



b)      Balances as at 10th January 2006


Cash @ Bank           6755.53                 opening balance          2,152.80

less chqs not

presented: 256            475.00                 additional receipts:    11,257.57

258                         300.00                                                    13,410.37

                 261             157.52                 less payments to date    7,587.36


                                5,823.01                  balances                       5,823.01



c)      The Clerk reported that the final precept payment for 2005/2006 of £3,000 had been credited into the account on 23rd December 2005.

      d)   The Clerk reported that a telephone call had been received from Wales Audit Commission regarding cheques 201 and 202 not having been minuted.  Cheque 202 was minuted in August 2004 and a copy was sent to the Commission.  Cheque 201 for the amount of £68.00 was dated 1st July 2004 made out to Mr. I. Williams for signs. A copy of the record of the cheque in the cash book has been forwarded to the Audit Commission, with an explanation that at this time the Community Council was without a regular Clerk. 



06/137    Correspondence

Noted correspondence from the following:


*   Mrs Joanna Piercey, Badgers Hole, Oxwich –  copy of a letter sent to Mr. Carl Humphreys – Highways, City and County of Swansea, about the state of the road known as Pennyhitch leading from Horton to Penrice Village and Oxwich. Mr. A. Glass reported that he had contacted the Highways Department who were doing temporary repairs, with more extensive work to follow in the next six months.


  • The Gower Society – about Sand Dredging from Helwick Bank and the campaign to put a stop to the Dredging.  The Community Council agreed that Societies and Community Councils should liaise to attempt to put a stop to the dredging.  The matter will be brought up at the next Community Councils Website Meeting.  The Clerk to inform the Gower Society of Penrice Community Council’s support and to explain that the Community Council do not have finance to pay towards the Public Inquiry or expert knowledge. EJ


  • Gower Community Council Website – about contribution entitlement.
  • Horton Village Hall – Thank you letter for cheques received for the following: Hall Rental, Section 137 grant and Children’s Christmas Party Donation and share of  funds raised on Trafalgar Day.
  • Mr. P.R. Muxworthy – Thank you letter on behalf of RNLI for their share of funds raised on Trafalgar Day.
  • David Workman – Parochial Church Council of Oxwich – Thank you letter for Section 137 grant to St. Illtyd’s Church, Oxwich.
  • City and County of Swansea – Council Review of Working with Community / Town Councils.  Questionnaires distributed to Community Councillors present.
  • City and County of Swansea – Hospital Transport Guides for Singleton and Morriston Hospitals.
  • Peninsula – National Trust Newsletter.
  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Services – Newsletter
  • Welsh Assembly Government – Fire and Rescue Service Risk Reduction Plan – Wales a Safer Country.
  • Clerks and Councils Direct – Newsletter
  • Wales Air Ambulance – Thank you letter for their share of funds raised on Trafalgar Day.



06/138   Flooding Issues

Mr. Gordon Evans reported that he had spoken to Stuart Goulden of the Highways Authority regarding his concerns about flooding. Following the work carried out in December 2005 in Oxwich, the Authority had left a steep bank of earth uncovered which had subsided in heavy rain and blocked the drains once again.  Mr. Goulden said that he was not in charge of the project, but would ensure that the bank was netted.


Mr. Alan Glass had also spoken to Mr. Goulden about flooding in the lane outside Coastlands, Oxwich, which had overflowed into various properties including Bwythyn Crafts and The Nook.  Mr. Goulden had agreed that the Highways Authority would meet the cost of supplying a larger drain pipe across the land of ‘Coastlands’ and the property owner agreed to lay the pipe. Mr. Glass also spoke about the lack of street sweeping taking place in Autumn 2005 resulting in more drain blockages caused by falling leaves.  A new project known as ‘Street Scape’ is to be introduced which involves one Engineer becoming responsible for one street .ie: drainage, sweeping etc. Mr. Glass also requested that salt bins be filled but to date they are empty.


Mr. A. Glass reported that he had contacted Kelda Water about the programme for refurbishment of the foul sewer in Oxwich, and was surprised to be told that instead of it being replaced, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water might just install an over-flow tank to the pump-station sump. This causes concern, as it fails to address the problem of sewage egress to the marsh causing pollution and groundwater ingress to the sewer, which will result in unnecessary running of the pumps, and hydraulic overloading of the sewage treatment works.  Mr. Glass will continue to monitor the situation.




The Clerk was asked to write to the Local Authority regarding flooding on the road between Hangmans Cross and Horton as a large lake occurs approximately 10 metres in length and the road becomes impassable to small  

vehicles.  Mr. B. Richards suggested that the road could be raised and marker posts put on the North side.                                                                      EJ            



06/139    Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – 50th Anniversary Celebrations 2006

Interest was shown by the Committee of Horton Village Hall and they would like details of how they can become involved.

Further discussions were deferred until February as Mr. Andrew Oliver was not present.

Mr. Jason Evans, Reporter with South West Wales Publications Ltd. suggested that they would be pleased to advertise the event.



06/140   Matters Outstanding


Mr. A. Glass reported that Mr. Emrys Humphries will build the benches at Horton and Oxwich before the end of March 2006.  Written consent to build the bench on the hill at Oxwich is to be obtained from George Bathurst’s  Manager.  Dr. Hilliard will contact Mr. Humphries to explain the location of the bench in Horton.                                                                                  



The Meeting ended at 9.20pm.