Minutes of the Meeting of Penrice Community Council held on

Wednesday 5th October 2005 






Mr. A. Glass – Chairman                              

Mr. A. Oliver                                                

Mrs. M. Iles

Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell

Mrs. E. Hatcher – Clerk



Dr. J. Hilliard

Mr. I. Williams

Mr. G. Evans

Mrs. E. Wakeford



05/87  Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of Interest.



05/88  Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th September 2005


The Minutes were approved as amended by removal of one word.

Approved by Mr. A. Oliver.            Seconded by Mrs. M. Iles.



05/89   Matters arising from the minutes

a)   Mr. Andrew Oliver asked if the proposals concerning the Clerk’s Salary Review could be presented prior to September to give Councillors time to think about the proposals.


b)   Message in a bottle:

This item was deferred as Dr. Hilliard was not present.


c)   Noise disturbance.

Mr. Ian Williams had reported to the Clerk that he was dealing with the letter that had been received from Mr. and Mrs. Drury.



05/90   County Councillor R. Lewis

No report.






05/91   Community Councils

a)   Members Declarations of Interest forms were distributed to Mrs. M. Iles and Mr. T. Methuen-Campbell.


b)   The Clerk reported that out of 24 Community Councils 21 were members of One Voice Wales Swansea Area Committee. Copies of One Voice Wales Newsletter were given to the Chairman Mr. A. Glass and to Mr. A. Oliver, Penrice Community Council’s representative.


c)   The Community Councils Forum Meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Swansea on Tuesday 18th October 2005 at 6.00pm.


d)   City and County of Swansea Deposit Draft Unitary Development Plan

A presentation of the plan will be given jointly to Penrice Community Council and Reynoldston Community Council at Reynoldston Village Hall on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at 7.30pm.



05/92   Financial

a)   Accounts approved for payment as at 5th October 2005


Payable to                    Purpose             Cheque          VAT           amount

E.M.Hatcher-Clerk    Pay & Expenses      247                                  £256.45


b)   Balance as at 5th October 2005


Cash @ Bank    5716.69                         opening balance                2152.80

Less cheque

Not presented      250.00                         additional receipts             6126.10


                                                                Less payments to date        2812.21

                       = 5466.69                         Balances                            5466.69            




c)   Budget  2006/2007

It was agreed to put in a sum of £150.00 for tree planting in Horton. Mrs. M. Iles suggested that maybe the trees could be planted to celebrate an occasion.



d)   The Clerk reported that the cost of using the District Valuer to value land owned by The Community Council would be between £425 and £600 plus VAT.  Community Councillors decided not to use the District Valuer for this purpose. Mr. Glass is to establish if Rees Richards can undertake the task more cheaply.         AG









05/93   Correspondence        


Noted correspondence from the following:-

.   City and County of Swansea - about the Authority removing the land in Horton, which is owned by the Community Council, from the Register of Common Land. Community Councillors agreed that it is not Common Land.

.   The National Trust Newsletter for September 2005.

.   Welsh Assembly Government – an acknowledgement to the Community Council for participating in the Consultation about Proposed Amendments to the Standards Committees (Wales) Regulations 2001(SI 2001/2283).

.   City and County of Swansea – Community Plan Update – A guide to a better Swansea.

.  City and County of Swansea – An acknowledgement to the Community Council’s letter about outstanding issues. The Leader is currently looking into the issues that were raised.

.  City and County of Swansea – Lord Mayor’s Charity Fashion Extravaganza to be held on 20th October 2005 at the New Stadium Swansea.

.  Clerks and Councils Direct Newsletter – September 2005.

.  The Clerks Journal – September 2005.

.  The Gower Society Newsletter and programme of events for Autumn 2005.

.  Wickstead Leisure – Sports Equipment for Children.

.  National Assembly for Wales – Meeting of South Wales Regional Committee on          Friday 14th October 2005.

.  South Wales Police - about the Retirement of Inspector R.C. Stone who has served Gower for 30 years. His successor is Inspector Rhodri Williams and can be contacted at the Police Station in Newton Road, Mumbles. 

.  British Red Cross – Appeal to raise Funds for Local Services.

.  Swansea Council for Voluntary Services – Information Bulletin.



05/94   Planning

a) There are no new Planning Applications.


b) Application No: 2005/1473      24th August 2005

Site address:      Y Banc, Oxwich, Swansea.

Proposal:            Single storey side extension.


Delegated Decision:     Grant permission conditional.



05/95   Review of Policy Documents.

This item was deferred to November as Mr.Thomas Methuen-Campbell was not in possession of the documents.                                                                        T.M-C








05/96   Matters Outstanding.

a)  Trafalgar Weekend Celebrations


Mr. Alan Glass reported that ticket sales for the Dinner to be held at The Oxwich Bay Hotel, on Friday 21st October were not going as well as expected.  People did not seem to be responding to the notices displayed on the Notice Boards.  60 tickets had been sold to date.


The bonfire was to be laid a couple of days prior to the display.  Community Councillors were happy that all conditions laid down by the Community Councils Insurers would be adhered to.


b)  Signposts


Mr. Chris Dale has still to be approached about a Bridleway sign at Oxwich.

The Clerk to write to The City and County of Swansea requesting that a sign is put up at Horton Cross stating that the road towards Oxwich is unsuitable for large vehicles.



Mr. T. Methuen Campbell reported that the signage at Oxwich Cross Roads has been improved following a letter of complaint sent by The Community Council.

It was noted that the Notice Board near Oxwich Cross Roads had been damaged, Mr. A. Glass had inspected it and offered to mend it.                                                 A.G.


c)  Gower Website

The Clerk reported that the Website had ‘gone live’ on Saturday 1st October 2005. The website can be accessed on www.gowercc.org.uk

An introduction together with a photograph, details of the Community Councillors and the agenda for this meeting were on our pages. Minutes of the Meeting which took place on 6th September were to be copied to the website once they were approved.  Details of other participating Community Councils can also be accessed.


d)  Benches

Mr. A. Glass has approached Mr. E. Humphries who says he will start the work of building the two benches, (one at Oxwich and one at Horton ) as soon as he can. Consent has been given in principle for the siting of the bench on the hill in Oxwich.

The two benches were in the 2005/2006 budget so The Community council hope to have them built for the spring of 2006.


e)  Eynons Ford Lane

Following a letter in September 2005 from Reynoldston Community Council regarding the lane, Penrice Community Council advised them to contact the Forestry Commission who were believed to be the owners of the lane.  However, Mr. Thomas Methuen Campbell advised the Community Council that most of the lane is owned by Penrice Estate, and there were some drainage issues that they were aware of.



The meeting ended at 8.30pm.                                                       minutes October 05